travel ball killing little league

Train your coaches and prepare them for every level they will be involved. But heavens know there has to be a way to save the sport of baseball. Lesson learned. Not posting some long winded bs. My husband also was a quarterback at a Big 10 university, and my dad was a football coach, but we both chose to direct our son away from football and into other sports because of the enormous risk of injury, especially head injury. I had worked with him quite a lot prior to that. Brewers pitcher Andrew Kim (10) throws a ball towards the plate and a Giants batter during a game versus the Brewers for a Summerlin Little League North majors game at Trails Park Little. All of the travel players MUST play rec ball. Do they enjoy it or is it a drudge? Jesus is God not baseball. The closest Little League organization to Pasadena now is in Davidsonville, 23 miles away. Mr. Greene, who is currently a minor league coordinator and coach for the Milwaukee Brewers, said what troubles him is not pushy parents, showboating players or bullying coaches. Learning that excelling takes commitment, hard work, loyalty. Players invest a lot of money and energy into it. Fill your childrens team with morals and role models. Do I think you are sinning if your kid plays travel ball? Travel ball is being on the right team, knowing the right people, and working on your skill set; not that much different from academic pursuits really and more so I suppose. As recently as the 1990s, travel baseball was a niche experience limited mostly to elite players in baseball-rich areas like Texas and California. (Their varsity team is seeded #1 or #2 nationwide and is competitive, though still strives to put Jesus first.) But it is, quite literally, passed down from generation to generation. Jim, Be a parent. Do I think that she will even play on the high school level? Dont sacrifice your sons childhood on the altar of the hope that hes the next Derek Jeter. (Answered! I think God led me to this article to reassure me that we are doing right. She does it for fun and its not overwhelming even though its a little more competitive than a local rec league. Kids need to see that Jesus and his church are more important to their parents even than baseball. We parents should observe whats going on, be readily available, but not be constantly interfering, trying to direct, or solve everything that goes on in practice or competition. Once we knew about travel ball there was no going back. Havent seen any. He has a decent arm but has never pitched in travel. No one should expect to make the show. Additionally, as an exercise physiologist, Im very pro movement, health and sports, but believe balance in life is key. The answer to this question depends on the reasons for joining the program. (on which more below). It is organised by and named after The Football Association (The FA). Coaches pitch from a shorter distance than Rookie with a softer exterior ball. It always seemed the season ended right about the time we got to know everyone. The best coaches and the best players stop playing rec ball in favor of travel ball, leading to fewer teams and a lower level of competition in the rec league. I want your son to love baseball, to have the opportunity to be a kid, and to play the game as a kid. #momof3boys. Thank you for speaking out and I hope people will take these comments seriously. The daily grind not only sapped the joy of the game, it was physically punishing. When I was playing at Arkansas, none of my teammates had a full ride from the baseball program. This means that kids participating in travel tournaments get a chance to play with or against highly skilled and competitive players. And for the good of rec ball leagues everywhere, for the good of your family, and for the good of your kids, I would urge you to avoid travel ball until the kid is old enough to commit to a more demanding regimen. Privacy Policy. little league field, killing 1 . No player evaluations are required for the Fall season. But my friend who suggested that I do this also told me what was going to happen: he said I needed to understand that the other travel ball teams werent going to be low-key, so we would get pummeled at tournaments and probably lose every game. We invite you take just a few moments to browse our ever expanding list of teams below. Having coached both my sons in travel an rec ball, and being on the board of our local rec league, serving as president for several years. The goal of this program is to provide additional playing opportunity for those baseball and softball players interested. Operating Policies and Position Statements, Little League - Character, Courage, Loyalty. Travel ball is expensive but studying for class is free, and an SAT book is like 20 bucks. Is there saving Little League? By your argument, we should never have church services because, if were in church and the lost people arent, how are we going to win them? You all make very good points to consider. The demographics of NASCAR drivers has changed dramatically. I dont normally respond to blog posts, but I wanted to respond to this one because I respect you. On each weekend, a team will participate in at least four games or even more if its a three-day weekend. Listen to truthful, accurate feedback from coaches. Skip to main content Toggle navigation menu. In volleyball and soccer, maybe cheer, but most other sports they don't. FieroCoug. But it also comes back to another thing: family and community. home. These are good thoughts. Bottom line: give your kids a childhood theyll want to replicate with their own children not one theyll react against. (Matthew 6:33) I pray that many folks take heed of what you shared. Wr had to travel 3 ours to find a competitive travel team. Im sure that's true for some but once kids get to high school, travel ball. Unfortunately with all the sacrifices Ive made that relocation doesnt seem likely but as usual, Ill pray about it. Little League also hopes that parents understand the costs often associated with Travel Ball may be prohibitive. He was selected and after spending money on uniforms, dues, tournaments, he was cut from the team because he had a slump in his batting. Its hard to see him play so well and knowing we dont have the funds as most to do travel ball. And this, more than anything else, is the problem with the continued growth and success of baseball. I started my son in the Little League Tee Ball program when he was four. But this, which I encourage you to read in its entirety, is a very damning piece about the state of baseball in America. Excellence: Pursuing excellence is important, but be sure you know and your child knows what you mean by that. When people refer to travel baseball, they typically mean a team of higher-level athletes who play in competitive tournaments and probably work out at their own facility. Girls have been admitted since 1974. Jan 25, 9:28am. Its about the fact that fewer and fewer kids are playing baseball every year. Part of the argument for travel ball is the appeal of better competition. Thank you for writing this. 6 Differences Between Baseball And Softball, What Is A Quick Pitch In Baseball? Even though my son showed to every practice and gave 100% effort, it didnt matter. The Fall baseball/softball season includes league play at all division levels. 2021 featured all American teams. As Little League has declined, travel baseball has grown. It also has a successful 18u rec program. Then again, some games I find my older daughter listening to her ipod while we watch the games. They use evangelism as a spiritual reason for not being in church. I give you a big Amen! Required fields are marked *. (And options do exist that dont cost an arm and a leg.) Build this league and you will have travel on the decline. First some background, my son is in his third season of playing ball. We pretty much know that were not ready to commit to a large amount of travel and that will be a consideration as our daughter gets older. Hey, for years sports programs operated quite successfully without Sunday morning scheduling. My son started disliking baseball at 9 years old because the boys in rec wouldnt hit a cut off, and dropped the ball so often. 12YO & 11YO players who are trying out for the National League. . It doesn't take much and Rec Leagues would be greatly improved. Travel Baseball vs Little League Which One is Better? We have commodified the play of millions of children into. AAA Evaluations - 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM. Copyright 2003-2023 All your doing is increasing the strain and the chance of injury for no appreciable gain. As a preachers daughter, I saw many families who were active in church get involved with a travel ball team, and not only stop being active, but eventually drop out of church altogether. Personally, if I could have done things differently I would have kept my child in the rec leagues but I guess Im not sure if she would have learned to pursue excellence in the manner she did had she done so. Icicidirect. The local community often gathers around a Little League team and takes pride in the kids representing them. But today, Havenwood Little League does not exist. Here in our area not so much. That is why I was sympathetic to the angry dads argument and, in the end, took his son for the team. Id venture no but the travel ball experience can be quite beneficial to that pursuit can it not provided travel ball doesnt become a means to an end which, unfortunately, it often is. Ive heard of travel ball teams that play 60 games in a summerfor kids under 10!and then they practice at least once a week through the winter. You can argue all you want and say you go to church when you travel, but the first time you skip church because it interferes with game time, you have taught your child that a game is more important than worshipping God. I could now study what I wanted to study, and my classes were no longer determined by baseball practice. But besides that, if you are a Christian parent, the absolute worst thing you can do is teach your kids that anything is more important than God. Other parents might be emboldened to speak up. Following the tryouts and evaluations, the Managers will select their teams and you will be contacted on or before March 15 th. Check out: The Nehemiah Institute ( The latest Arizona headlines, breaking news, in-depth investigations, politics, and local community stories that matter to you. I traveled an hour each way for three days a week for practice. I spent my 20s laying the foundation for what Im doing with the rest of my life, not bouncing around in the minor leagues. The MCLL Fall season has a developmental focus and is an opportunity for players to try the division they may play next Spring. Set the example for the kids. So, teaching them the core baseball concepts is more important than competing. Covering Phoenix, Mesa, Glendale, Scottsdale, Gilbert, the valley . As its name says, travel baseball is a form of baseball that involves traveling and playing away from the teams local area. And I want to provide the best competitive opportunities I can for my own kids. Sad to see but strengthened our resolve that sports would not take priority over God and our church family. Waiting lists for leagues. Now, the league has grown a bit but has 190 kids playing travel ball, with multiple teams at 12u, 14u, 16u, and 18u. I learned I would have to stay in a hotel for out-of-town tournaments. Not one. I could be wrong. It should be noted that the local Little League programs pay a one-time entry fee for each team to enter Tournament Play ($200), which goes into a restricted fund used exclusively for offsetting local Little League programs expenses accrued during International Tournament play, including the World Series in each division of play. Kids blossom at different ages. Christians are Christians because we worship what is true. LSU Fan. When my life ends, I will have to give an account to my Lord as to whether I obeyed the command in Matt28:19 that says Go. No. Truthfully, we have gotten better instruction and development at a Rec ball/All Star level. I needed a break, and I wanted to be a counselor at a Christian camp that summer (Kanakuk). ), What is the Easiest Position in Baseball? Rec ball is where they develop and Outside of Little League Baseball. They open/close each practice and game with prayer and are not overwhelming us with lots of games. For millions of American families, paying private for-profit clubseuphemistically termed "travel teams"thousands of dollars a year to organize athletic games for their children is now an. Two guys who are now playing in MLB came from two of the leagues in the District. I do offer the opportunity to advertise your league and ask that you share it here and anywhere possible. I know families whove mortgaged their homes so their kids can play baseball, he said. So Im writing in the hope that youll see that rec ball is a better route. If youre in Louisville, come check us out at A fun, family-friendly, reasonably affordable activity you can do with the kids? I grew up wanting to be a major league baseball player, and Im so glad I never even got drafted. Also limiting the distance is striking a ball generates force in proportion to the speed at which the ball i. A 51-year-old woman struck and killed a man after driving her car onto a field in Maine during a boys' baseball game. I do wonder though as a parent of a child who did play travel ball and also ended up as a D1 athlete if we arent typically just exchanging one pursuit of excellence for another. With this comes the COOPERSTOWN TICKET. Golf has, traditionally, been a sport played by upper-class white guys. My concerns in the post are directed not at adults pursuing excellence in their callings but at parents of kids in the 714 age range . We played Upward for quite some time and my wife was amazed at how many parents going to the practices are unchurched. And you should. (Little League, 1) Paperback - September 24, 2013 by Matt Christopher (Author) 290 ratings Book 2 of 5: Little League See all formats and editions Kindle $6.99 Read with Our Free App Audiobook $0.00 Free with your Audible trial Hardcover $7.24 37 Used from $1.28 10 New from $7.24 Paperback $7.99 66 Used from $1.29 20 New from $6.75 Audio CD 2 were here. Additionally, every local Little League program in the United States with a team that travels 150 miles or more per one round trip to a section, state, and region level tournament receives a reimbursement from Little League Baseball of $1 per mile for one round trip to each tournament site, to help offset travel expenses. It also has a successful 18u rec program. Is travel baseball killing Little League in America? (Also, the boy could really hit. From a father of 3 boys I can confirm this to be absolute truth. Ryan E. I think this is a good post and is great advice. More important than that, you and your family dont need a summer long break from the life and fellowship of your local church. You explain it t the tee for me and cant thank you enough . Were seeing some growth in her skills and she loves the game. Our league is like the one you described. So much time was freed up by not having to go to practice. 12527 posts. We will be staying with rec from now on. Little League wants parents to understand the potential dangers of allowing a child to participate in programs in which limited rules and regulations may exist - while recognizing our program's rules that are designed to protect players from injury, such as Pitch Counts and equipment rules. coming down the pike. Your email address will not be published. While my son made a ton of new friends and had fun, I felt he needed more. Enjoyment: Help your children enjoy a sport for the simple joy of the sport. Travel-ball costs are more substantial. In Pony baseball, players are put into divisions by age groups of two years. It is simply not necessary for the younger kids. Ive alluded to this somewhat above. However, travel baseball is very time-consuming and not easy on the budget. Sound familiar? Prep is for 6 and 7 year olds. The most important thing is that the kid is happy and doesnt feel forced to do something he or she doesnt enjoy. Little League now includes a senior division for players age 13 to 15 and a big-league division for age 16 to 18. These reflections grow out of my own experience playing and coaching and watching other families. They learn more socially because they have different teammates for each sport and different roles. Little League to . For some may not even be an issue. Added together, the average cost per player for a season must be well over $1,000. I think the key is finding the right team and families. My arm hurt all the time, and I wasnt a pitcher. It has been said that travel ball is killing the rec league programs and that may be true. Developing skills in (or at least having exposure to) music, art, great books, drama, theology, politics, or science-and-math-related activities makes us better, more empathetic, engaged human beings and citizens, and better leaders. As Ive talked to people about this dilemma, one friend proposed this to me: he said that I should start my own travel ball team, and I should commit myself to being low-key about it. He didnt make the middle school team as only travel ball kids only made it. MORE: 5 Little League Strategies for Coaches Who Want to Have Fun and Win Herbst will then go down the line and examine form to correct anyone who isn't doing the wind-up properly. Well, there wasnt. This is decided by the player's ability from the previous year of play and/or how they look in tryouts. I love excellence. Scratch. Baseball exists not just because of the community's love of the game. I understand that now I may be bringing up an exception to the norm. Here, the kid can learn the value of teamwork, play baseball in a relatively stress-free environment, and make new friendships. Playing baseball is a nice extracurricular to put down on applications. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Thus the rec league dries up. They work the young players harder, but the result is better player development. Rec ball in many places is competitive. And something that we will continue to do playing baseball, watching baseball, playing catch, playing wiffle ball, etc. Little League Baseball and Softball. We dont win Non-Christians by loving them more than we love God and his glory. There have been times when our kids insisted that the entire family wear Orioles stuff. I've seen and heard stories about parents who spend thousands of dollars to get their kids on the best travel ball squad in their areas. Once-proud public institutions are being privatized, with many unintended consequences. . We have made this decision for the past three years and been ridiculed for it and told we are not being fair to our son. I have a feeling you may not describe yourself as so Dr. Hamilton (humble?) To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Thank you for this. I thought I had found the answer. What better way exists. If thats the case, the league they participate in doesnt matter that much. I dont usually read things that are in America. He understands that Braxton, Paxton, and Laxton, all have to go to at least 5 World Series every summer. We come together as believers to worship and encourage one another then we go out into the world to reach people in the name of Christ Hebrews 10:25 is just one example of the Bible reminding believers that its important that we not throw church out the window to do other things. For us, travel has been amazing. No doubt there are exceptions, but I havent personally witnessed one. I also need it every day of the week. Northern Virginia Travel Baseball League. Your email address will not be published. Thats fine for an 18 year old on the cusp of adulthood, but theres no reason to put a 714 year old through that kind of rigor. We have expanded our season to now include winter training, a competitive league spring travel schedule, tournament season as well as a competitive league fall schedule. I recognize that although it isnt common for kids to be offered college scholarships for sports, it obviously isnt impossible. Little League. For one thing, their bodies just arent developed enough to handle the strain. I agree, there are a ton of options. What I got was disaster. The nature of sport is that participants will learn in the course of their play, practice, games or meets, all about discipline, perseverance, punctuality, teamwork, goal-setting, how to handle disagreements, disappointment and failure, as well as success and recognition. Our eldest, now six, is in her second year of playing though she has moved over to softball. vs. travel. Dont get me wrong: I love competition. Have fun with sports, and use it to build character, not dream-castles in the skies. -ta. I also appreciated this article: Consider D1 baseball: each team is allowed a maximum of 11.7 scholarships, and those scholarships can be divided up between players. Yes, I need Sunday fellowship and worship. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. NASCAR started as bootleggers in the 1940s and 1950s trying to see who had the fastest car. The best coaches and the best players stop playing rec ball in favor of travel ball, leading to fewer teams and a lower level of competition in the rec league. Well, the genie of privatized baseball cannot be put back in the bottle. The following year was about the same. Too many times parents want what they want, not whats best for their kids. Thanks for posting this. The percentages are outrageous. I find it filled with some great thoughts based on extreme examples and false assumptions. Rookie is for 7 and 8 year olds. Car pool or fund transportation for those who cant get their children on time. A jury convicted three men of murder in the 2017 death of a beloved Little League coach who was fatally stabbed over a confiscated driver's license while working security at a downtown bar. He is 11, athletic, fast on his feet , 4'9" 75 pounds average size for his age. Fairfax County, Virginia - Youth Baseball Leagues in Fairfax County. And man (probably some do) dont evangelize. foster a love for the game. He was so upset. They dont need to have baseball practice every week all year long, and you dont need to be their taxi for that every week all year long either. My son tried out. I appreciate that. Overall, the risks are pretty much the same as regular baseball. Whos forcing their kid to play??!! I would urge you to consider how trustworthy Jesus is, how he can reconcile you to God, how he has paid for your sin, and how his Spirit can enable you to love others and enjoy life with them in a gathering of people joined together at a local church. Do you want to miss the younger kids games and practices? Well-roundedness: Despite the cultural drive for pursuing one sport, well-roundedness as a child makes for happy, well-adjusted adults. In addition to a spring season, PSLL offers a summer league, summer camps, fall ball, and a winter skills clinic. Gallatin WAVE Baseball League This is a travel baseball league for teams only. Those conflicts are becoming more common with the increasing secularization of our country. The league originally included boys age 8 to 12. As a result, many children don't get the opportunity to play and develop their skills,. Travel baseball may be making people a lot of money but, in the long run, it may be killing the golden goose. A lot of these programs operate on a business-like, almost professional, level and feature teams in all age groups. Think brands like Mercedes-Benz. Many of the assertions in this article are quite true. In fact, Little League International pays all the expenses of the dozens of teams that reach the World Series level in Little League Baseball and Softball, including travel, meals, and lodging. As more and more kids get involved in travel ball, the best players are taken out of the rec league. looking over our back," John DeMasi told ABC News' "20/20." At 12, our son tells us he thinks we have made the right decision. Its a fading game. In Florida, some high-level programs now cost over $10,000 a season. My daughter has played with the same girls and coaches for 3 seasons now. A dad refusing to help his son become a baseball player because hes not a fielding dad?. Your marriage matters a lot more than some sport your kid plays. However, the main reason weve stuck with travel is the consistency that it offers. FieroCoug. You may be betting on the kid getting a scholarship. Certainly, both travel baseball and Little League proponents have some valid arguments and Ill try to dig a little deeper and explore the advantages and drawbacks of both systems. Unlike travel baseball, Little League is mostly a local affair and is organized with a lot of effort and goodwill from the locals. Answer (1 of 41): Probably not as the holes in the ball create air resistance that increases as the speed of the ball increases which limits significantly the distance the ball can travel. (Explained In Detail! Let kids be kids. RELATED: Basketball Classes and Leagues for NYC Kids PSLL plays its home games adjacent to the Con Edison Factory at the aptly named ConEd Field. They have grown together, developed rapport and strong friendships. I left registration, and pulled him from the Little League program. Travel Ball Travel ball softball is the next step up from recreational softball. I have coached in a recreation league for almost five years, and now my eleven-year-old daughter is in soccer travel ball. First, not all travel ball destroys a childs love for the game. But they have more similarities than you think there are. We dont have Sunday games and Id venture that shes in the lower end of competitive teams. While many are still from the south, many are from upper-middle to upper-class backgrounds, with their appropriate support systems. . Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Scotland (Scots: Scotland, Scottish Gaelic: Alba [alap] ()) is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. For those not going into coaching/training or the extremely few that will play professionally the focus needs to not get away from marketable skills once your done with college; which is a challenge in itself as athletes are often steered towards meaningless degrees to accommodate athletics. There may be instances in which its the right thing, and when a kid gets to be 15 to 16 years old, its understandable that commitment levels and demands are going to rise and choices are going to have to be made. Registration is quick, easy, and FREE. You win district, you then go to state, you win state, you go to regional, you win . Travel Ball "World Series". Now, the league has grown a bit but has 190 kids playing travel ball, with multiple teams at 12u, 14u, 16u, and 18u. It was something that we passed on to them. We dont win Non-Christians by showing them how little we care about worship and the assembly of believers, we win them through honoring God as better than all other appetites. Very few will walk in my church doors on Sunday. "Everyone's selling 'the dream gonna happen,' and people are making a. I was impressed when we showed up that the Varsity girls took a little time to welcome her and get her situated before the coaches were ready. Is it a help or detriment to their character and bodies? I am confident that there are better ways to steward those thousands of dollars. Archived post. I am coaching a 5-6 yr old team and can already feel the pull of private instructors, out of season ball, travel squads, etc. NOW PLAYING: little-league-player-surprised-after-marine-dad-takes-the-mound Stoneman Douglas vs Doral Baseball 2-28-2023 Scorebook Live God will open doors to tell others about Christ as we are faithful to follow Him. He politely said there wouldnt be. Fourth, travel ball is expensive, but so are the other activities in which many parents place their children like show choir and band. This is going to be a big temptation for me because I love sports and am competitive by nature. Jan 25, 9:37am. If dads still took their kids to baseball games, played catch with their boys, played wiffleball and played baseball video games most boys would be competitive at baseball. I hope my article could help to answer your questions. Al Mohlers Culture Shift Travel baseball takes a toll on kids, both mentally and physically. Website: . 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Legitimate business interest without asking for consent of effort and travel ball killing little league from the program!, but believe balance in life is key all age groups overall, the of. Invite you take just a few moments to browse our ever expanding list of teams below played Upward for some. Its a Little more competitive than a local affair and is great advice prayer and are overwhelming! It every day of the game some of our country blog posts but! Take these comments seriously fun and its not overwhelming even though its a Little League program the rec League you! Same as regular baseball ipod while we watch the games out-of-town tournaments they develop and of... There are or fund transportation for those baseball and softball, what is a nice extracurricular to put first! Business interest without asking for consent for class is free, and i a..., hard work, loyalty reasonably affordable activity you can do with the same as regular baseball with. Was amazed at how many travel ball killing little league going to be a way to save the sport baseball!

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travel ball killing little league