A study Bible with thousands of verse commentary notes designed by women specifically for women to receive God's truth for balance, hope, and transformation. Reset Close . Ale. Return to homepage. Graduating from high school, Raul joined the Marines and fought fiercely for his country, in Vietnam, earning him two purple hearts for bravery. They love somebody who, by faith, lives it and ventures out and does that. And then, he gave me this piece of paper, and he says, I want you to go to the captain, and give them to, uh, to your platoon leader. Join thousands of others to get the FREEDOM POST newsletter for free, sent twice a week from The Christian Post. Lance Cook is a close friend in that branch of Calvary Chapel and PJay could tell you about all he witnessed as a fellow CC pastor with that crewand it's not good. . He is the author of several books including Fury to Freedom (translated in to six languages), Seven Steps to a Successful Marriage and Raising a Godly Family in an Ungodly World. And finally, my dad came up to the, to the States where we were living in, in L.A. And uh, uh, I never forget when he got there. THis IS the word of God pure and simpleand wonderful! Dr. Kara Powell offers parents help from her book The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family: Over 100 Practical and Tested Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in Kids. When I am teaching and I have an episode, one of the pastors will finish the message. Or when you give a donation of any amount, well send you the CD of Raul Rieses testimony. Its, uh, like a bow was being pulled back and the arrows were letting go, and they were stabbing me in the heart. At the game, he was honored for his contributions as a pastor to the greater Los Angeles area and for his military service. Youre not going to commit to all the things that you have committed to through your life, and even to the new steps of faith. At the church here they are very graceful. In civilian life, Ries became successful in his Kung Fu studio, as a first generation student of Grand Master Jimmy H. Wo. I cant believe that shes still alive. So, I came home, and I saw her bags were packed on the side, and I walked into the house, and went to the closet and got my gun and loaded up my gun with 18 rounds. Ive earned my retirement or something, but youre not that way. However, many Christians today are not living the life of power and victory that God has called us to. The true story of Raul Ries. After his wife had threatened to leave him, he intended to kill her. He knew, rationally, he was in his home in the United States but the fears of war came rushing back. The Christian Ministry PT. Ill die doing ministry. On that Easter Sunday, he flew into a rage and destroyed everything in the house. Raul:Every month we met the payment. And when you give a donation of any amount, well send you the CD of this testimony from Pastor Raul Ries with extra content. You know how that is? Raul Ries' Biography. And all of a sudden, I find myself that I, I begin to put my ear more to it, and then I find myself that, as I was listening, I found myself on my knees and for the first time in my life, I began to cry like a baby. The true story of Raul Ries. In 1975, Ries was ordained by the Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and started a small Bible study soon after. Raul abused his wife and hated his father. 'Somebody Loves You' features. Don: Yes, I mean many people have a career and can hardly wait to retire. Now more than three decades later, Ries pastors a congregation of more than 14,000 people and can be heard internationally on more than 350 radio stations. Raul Ries married Sharon Faith Farrel, whom he met during his senior year of high school. Don't miss his exciting true story on UNSHACKLED! And as I was talking, making a fool of myself, I thought, the Holy Spirit was zapping people. Pastor Don has been serving in the Calvary Chapel movement since 1971 . Well, at that time, I say, You know what? W- w- Vietnam was going on. (laughs) And so, what happened is that, on my senior year, when I was down in West Covina, I got in a, in a brawl with, um, this guy that, uh, was doing something, you know, with one of my girlfriends, and I went and got all my friends, and we came to the party, and I mean, we ripped the party. So we took that moneyand gave it to the bank. Raul Ries grew up with an alcoholic father who physically abused him and his mother. Lord Jesus, in Mark 10:46-52 we are told of the story of blind Bartimaeus son of Timaeus, sitting by the side of the road, and upon hearing of Your approach, he began to call out to You without giving up and in spite of others telling him to be quiet, however, his persistence in being healed gave him the courage and faith trust in You for his healing, for You are the great physician. It will give you all the information you need, and theres even a prayer included if youd like to ask Jesus into your heart. John: All right. You just keep going and keep doing it. I wasnt afraid to do anything. And He says, Get up on this big, new bench, and I want you to talk to them about me.So, I got up there, and started, Hey, for God so loved the world, man, that He give His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, that whosoever would give you know, I mean, its this whole thing. Don: Sometimes I see people that I think do really well in ministry, and often times theyre people that have also learned discipline in their life, whether its Kung Fu or something else. Uh, that night, my mother woke us up early in the morning, about 4:00 in the morning, and told us to get dressed. Get in touch with us today. Raul was bent on a murderous rampage when he had a dramatic, life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. 800-232-6459, or donate and request it at our website, focusonthefamily.com/broadcast. Yahwe Rophi / Lord who heals, the great physician. And um, just really, uh, a time of, uh, chaotic because what happened in our home, our home was not a normal home. See Photos. I was an, an athlete, and played baseball, and doing very well in baseball. A choice between prison or the military. Said, Well, Ill just go to Vietnam. You know? Raul warmly greets a man in a wheelchair at a CCA pastors conference. Box 4440Diamond Bar, CA 91765, 'Somebody Loves You' program is designed to equip listeners with the necessary tools to live out their faith. To his high-school friends he was a violent, dangerous combatant. Raul together with his mother, sister, and brother migrated to the United States when he was ten years old leaving his abusive father behind. Articles or photographs may not be reproduced without the written permission of CCM. Fa. All Rights Reserved. Begin enjoying communion with Christ and experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit today. And by the grace of God, the angels protected her, and it went on for about four and a half years until finally, she finally decided that she was gonna leave me. "When 70 percent of the church views pornography, we have a problem," he said. We as Christians have to stay in the word and continue to ask God to help us have victory in those areas where the devil used to rule. And uh, again, he, he began to drink, and begin again to abuse my mom. The best-selling book in history remains one of the most controversial. And uh, thats, uh, the time when me and Sharon got together, and she got pregnant. He was also drawn to the forbidden. And if we humble ourselves before God, and if we confess our sins before God, then He will send His Holy Spirit and He will begin to do things that you cant even believe, but He needs your heart first. They would shake your whole brain and shake your ears. Martin Luther's Disciple February 3, 2015 at 7:16 pm As he witnessed the deaths of his fellow Marines, Ries anger towards the world grew into fury. I imagine you never could have dreamed, the night that you went down to the church and prayed with somebody, that you would be where you are today in ministry. And when she was gonna leave me, I decided that nobody would ever have her, and I would, I would chase for my kids, and the best way to do that is to execute her and my kids and kill myself as the police would come, Id just shoot it out with the police, that would be the end of everything. As far back as I can remember, there was yelling and cursing in our home. In the heart of Los Angeles, Raul grew up in a family that suffered much turmoil due to alcoholism, which resulted in verbal and physical abuse. On the air was a well-known preacher who was talking about Jesus. And so, they gave me, uh, time to get married, and uh, I was still in the Marines, and um, my discharge hadnt come back yet. Sign Up. And I knocked on the door, I said, Sharon, open the door. On 09/22/2015 RIES filed a Family - Marriage Dissolution/Divorce lawsuit against RIES JR. With this death, we are witnessing the rise in crime, juvenile delinquency, drugs, sexual immorality, gang violence and more. Jim Daly: This is an amazing testimony, and it illustrates how much God cares about every single one of us. His life was completely transformed, his marriage restored and he was empowered by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, to others. Raul: By faith God provided, and you know, Ive never been fearful of that. l need your prayers; please pray for me! Uh, pray for him, his church, and his family, please. And so, she actually worked out his papers, and, and, and got it all set up. About Don: Yes, without faith, its impossible to please God. Ask God to reveal that to you and put your trust in Him. Don: But I think people love seeing not just simply a pastor who can give a great Bible study. I was so bitter at him at the age of 10. Gaffey, and they sent us to our own units, and I went to Alpha Company 1- , uh, and they put me with the 7th Marine Division, uh, 1st Marines, and uh, they put me on this, on this platoon, which was a, um, a platoon that went, uh, actually on specials missions. And when I came tothe Lord, I said, Lord, You gotta teach me how to read; You gotta teach me how to preach. Carol Kuykendall: I w- just would wanna encourage mothers and fathers who are going through this that the best is yet to come, that-. His name stood for fear, for fighting, and for fury. Raul abused his wife and hated his father. Whats gonna happen? And youve done that. His name stood for fear, for fighting, and for fury. And so, I went home totally bummed out, man, thinking, Oh, man. He was radically saved after watching Calvary Chapel founder Chuck Smith on TV in 1972. . Raul and his wife, Sharon, have three grown sons. Don: And with the Kung Fu, you have how many levels of a black belt? Pastor Raul leads Calvary Chapel Golden Springs, which has over 12,000 regular attenders meeting on a 25-acre site in Diamond Bar. In this broadcast, Pastor Raul share his fascinating story about the amazing grace of God and its power to transform even the most hardened hearts. . Jesus came to give you an abundant and eternal life.. I learned even more discipline in the Marine Corps. I never liked school. Raul himself became a very angry and violent young man. Don: Yes, and here, you and Sharon, theres no slowing down in either one of you. "If we don't follow Jesus Christ in his steps, we lose the message he gave us. Theyre gonna go to hell. I have been disturbed by so called witches since l was young including my father. And so, by the time I was a senior, I already had been in and out of jail, but never once booked, by the grace of God, because we knew the cops, and the cops used to let us go. Raul Angulo. What is the English language plot outline for Fury to Freedom (1985)? Pastor Ries testimony is living proof that Christian media can make a big difference in a persons life, their eternal life. He loves you so much that He is now willing that any should perish but all should come to repentance. And I think that God wants to do some tremendous things I believe Gods going to send a revival if we, His people, will humble ourselves and repent. Raul was in and out of trouble throughout his teen years until at eighteen, he was arrested and given a choice: prison or the military. To his high-school friends he was a violent, dangerous combatant. This case was filed in Orange County Superior Courts, Lamoreaux Justice Center located in Orange, California. After much prayer, he felt the Holy Spirit heal him, and his ministry has been enhanced by this experience. Jim: Wow. We need to turn back to God and realize that raising godly children starts with becoming godly parents. Amy Carroll shares how her perfectionism led to her being discontent in her marriage for over a decade, how she learned to find value in who Christ is, not in what she does, and practical ways everyone can accept the messiness of marriage and of life. Share Report. Copyright 2021, Oneplace.com. Here's how. I cant speak,and I cant read, so Ive had to bear with that, and God has pulled me through. Raul: So, they came to hi- the high school the next day, and the police came and picked us up and they took us in, and they booked us, and we had to go to court, and the whole thing. At first, Joseph's family were welcomed into the land of Egypt, but when Joseph died, and a new Pharaoh arose, he made them slaves. Jim: And right there, on that television set was Pastor Chuck Smith, the founder of, uh, Calvary Chapel, talking about the love of God. Comedy True Crime News & Politics Business & Tech Audiobooks Sleep & Relaxation Health & Wellness Paranormal Kids & Family ASMR Sports Meditation Religion People Station Archive. If you don't have one, this booklet can show you how to find your place in God's eternal family. I- in fact, over the last year, over 170,000 people said they made a decision for Christ because of Focus on the Family. While there are several Christian approaches to the finer details of exactly how the Atonement restores our broken relationship with God, all agree that the Atonement involves God providing us with an opportunity to restore our broken relationship with Him through Christ. And then, Gladstone High School opened up, Azusa high school opened up, uh, Charter Oak High School opened up, Glendora High School opened up, and I was doing seven high school a week, just going on the streets. Keep It Simple Talk Show 1M ago Ryan always had a desire to be creative in music. On the basis of Matthew 8:17, Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses. This is not a touch-up quote. Thats why its so important, young people, and mothers and fathers, that youre totally committed to the lordship of Jesus Christ. This memorial website was created in memory of Raul C Ries, 71, born on July 11, 1923 and passed away on December 8, 1994. I just dont know how. Thats the thing we want people to see in these articles in the magazine. Church Discipline. A non-disciplined person doesnt often do well in ministry. Add to Playlist. Don: Amen. Don: Is it true that the medical people think that this probably goes back to issues all the way back in Vietnam? And all of a sudden, man, incoming missiles Cake Milk. Download the App! Let's not forget that, Why revival must be tethered to Scripture, Revelation 9: The pit, the smoke and hideous demon creatures, Chuck Smith to Undergo Tests for Lung Cancer Surgery, Calvary Chapel's Chuck Smith Faces Loss of Sister, More Cancer Treatment, Jesus Movement Concert Series Honors Chuck Smith, Chuck Smith Reports 'Major Victory' in Cancer Battle, Calvary Chapel Fellowship Gains Ground in Calif. Wine Country Battle, Greg Laurie: Congregation at Harvest OC Growing; Looks for New Location, Sadie Robertson Huff, mom Korie talk sex, sin and harmful messages taught in the church, Former youth pastor gets 60 years in prison for sex crimes involving boys, Hilarion Heagy, Eastern Catholic monk, renounces Christianity for Islam, Megachurch votes to leave UMC after trying to disaffiliate without congregational vote, Vineyard Church senior pastor resigns amid misconduct allegations against son. The Bible says that the Thief (Satan) has come to kill, steal and destroy, but I (JESUS ) have come that you have life, and that more abundantly. And his words knocked Raul to his knees, and the amazing transformation began right there on his living room floor. Your identity is not given by man but God. And the moment I got out, immediately, I started going back not only to my old friends, but I started going back to my old life, but this time, I was a little bit older. He is the author of several books including Fury to Freedom (translated in to six languages), Seven Steps to a Successful Marriage and Raising a Godly Family in an Ungodly World. His name stood for fear, for fighting, and for fury. He began physically abusing his wife pushing her, kicking her, punching her, and choking her. Its been a real hardship for me. So, a couple of weeks went by, a couple of months went by, and I stood there faithfully every day, and then all of a sudden, and the Lord began to open the doors as kids begin to come and talk to me, and I talked to them. Introduction . Raul had grown up with an abusive, alcoholic father who taught him to handle problems with violence. As a Vietnam Marine veteran, Ries has always had a heart for the military and their families. And when he would come out, he would be so drunk that he used to have, uh, one of these, uh, European scooters. Im old enough. Having an ag. Join us for another episode of Straight Talk with Pastor Raul Ries (10AM)!-----Online Services Schedule: https://youtu.be/iRClm0PQ9RkTo give online, go to th. Raul Riesco. We got dressed and we went to the international airport in Mexico, and in 1957, they had those single engine planes. Jim: And if youre already a Christian, let me remind you that Focus on the Family is here to spread the Good News of the Gospel and encourage you in your marriage and your parenting journey. By all appearances, he had everything he wanted, including a wife and children. Raul abused his wife and hated his father. For more from Raul Ries, please visit SomebodyLovesYou.com! Ryan Ries grew as a pastor kid. 2021 Calvary Chapel Magazine (CCM). I never dreamed that God would do such a thing. The Holy Spirit fell on that school so heavily that, all of a sudden, as I looked out, there were about three to five to 600 kids sitting on the grass, listening. Born in Mexico City, Mexico, Ries came to the US when he was 10 years old with his mother, brother and sister, leaving behind his abusive father. Login or Sign-up to show all important data, death records and obituaries absolutely for free! About a week later, the Lord call me, and I mean, I, I didnt hear His voice, but I had, like I was sitting there, reading my Bible and praying, and I had, like, a vision. Raul: And I got out, and I went out, and went and saw my wife, and told her that I was out of the Marine Corps. A collection of geographic papers written as a Festschrift to honour Professor Hector F. Rucinque, from Bogota, Colombia, on the occasion of his 90 birthday. And when the TV came on, theres was, this was this guy, bald-headed guy talking about, about Jesus. Learn more about Raul at his website, raulries.com. Raul: In high school [as a kid], I played baseball and learned discipline. I went to UCLA. A religious liberty newsletter that is a must-read for people of faith. May 20, 2022 Raul Ries grew up with an alcoholic father who physically abused him and his mother. Why are our families dying? Heaven will be diverse. Let me mention that Pastor Ries has asked us for prayer. If you are looking for a place that will tell it like it is than go here. Home Episodes Focus on the Family Broadcast From Prodigal to Pastor. And, uh, they sent us, first of all, to a psychiatrist to make sure that they would check us out to see what was wrong with us, and how, when I came to the psychiatrist, he looked at me and said, Well, you know, uh, what seems to be your problem? I said, My Well, I think, first of all my problems you. You know? And they had little ones, and middle me- medium sized ones, and then they had these big sharks, you know? So please, support us if you can. They just kicked me out. If you guys can pray for me that God can continue to move through my life and work through my life because its very frustrating to get up in the pulpit and try to preach and all of a sudden you have this situation happening in your life, he stated. John: Today on Focus on the Family, weve been hearing from Raul Ries, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Golden Springs and president of Somebody Loves You Ministries. Raul: And so, when I got home, uh, she already had gone to church. Don McClure: Raul, first of all, tell me a little about you coming to Christ. See Photos. A previous student of Al Rubin, your workout partner. After all, there is no power in the Christians life apart from purity and purity is not possible apart from surrender. The true story of Raul Ries. I began to d- you know, take my frustrations and the anger that I had in me, when we would go to parties, when wed go out in the streets, and I would start, you know, beating up people, and hurting people. He acknowledges that all the ministry hes been able to accomplish since he surrendered his life to the Lord as a young man is all by grace.. Raul: Iwould pass onto them that Sharon and I spend time in prayer and the Lord keeps His vision and passion for the world in our hearts. I mean, I grew up different, you know. For I know the thoughts I have for you, declares the Lord, thoughts and plans for wellbeing and peace and not for evil, to give you a future and Hope [in His desired victorious outcome for healing and freedom in your life.] And now were gonna be so joyous being here in America. Raul: And, uh, I mean, he physically used to taking me, and hitting me, and just beating me, you know? Ryan Ries. I dont like you, and uh, I, I said, All I wanna do is I wanna get out of this place.And he says, Well, I dont think thats possible. I said, I said, If you dont make it possible, I said, Im gonna kill you right now. And so, he got a piece of paper, started writing all kinds of stuff down, you know? It was not too cool to cry when youre hardened. Now, I didnt know anything about Bibles, so I was looking at Bibles. Raul Riestra. Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson thinks he redeemed himself. may your house be blessed with peace, #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Georgia, Times, "Times New Roman", serif; } After his miraculous conversion in 1971, Raul began to read and study the Bible extensively even though he had a limited education. And the Lord told me, I want you to go back to your old high school.And I said, Okay. So, I waited, and I prayed, and then I went to Baldwin Park High School. Movies And finally, it came back in September 15, 1967. Failure To Solve Disputes Pt.2. Photo by Mike Harris. After his experience with flashbacks, his compassion grew and he has been compelled to minister more to the men and women serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world, along with their families. Because I was so rebellious against everything that was going on. Already filled with anger, the war fed the fire in his heart, filling him with an all consuming rage, which he brought home with him. In High School, after a brutal fight, Ries was given the option to go to jail or join the U.S. Marine Corps, so at the age of 19, Ries headed towards Vietnam in the 1st Marine Division for a special combat role in a highly trained and aggressive Marine battalion. February 23. 1972, I remember. After years of abusing his wife, Ries came home one night to find her bags packed. So fast. We landed, and there was a paddy wagon waiting for me, and they put me with my shackles inside, and they put a straitjacket on me, and they took me to, uh, Oakland Naval Hospital, which I spend six months of my life under psychological care. If youre willing to do that, He will lead you to that. Want to help your child build lasting, meaningful friendships? God has had His hand upon her; shes telling me no matter how much cancer she has, no matter whats going on, shesgonna go out and shes gonna do it for the Lord, and thats what shes done. Because He loves you. Known, now, as a compassionate pastor with a tender mission, Raul Ries was once known as a violent, dangerous combatant. Revered by Christians as God's holy Word, the Bible spans centuries of history, contains a variety of literary styles and culminates in the person of Jesus Christ. BornAugust 30, 1947 BornAugust 30, 1947 IMDbProStarmeter See rank Add or change photo on IMDbPro Add to list View contact info at IMDbPro More at IMDbPro Contact info Agent info Known for One Generation Away 3.6 Self 2015 Norm Geisler: Not Qualified Self 2021 And I remember us when we were little kids screaming and yelling, because we were so frightened by this whole thing. Raul Ries He was raised in Mexico City by an abusive, alcoholic father and a mother originally from New York. Rauls amazing transformation began right there on his living room floor. In 1974 he began a home Bible study with seven other committed individuals. And I didnt want my dad to come and live with us. She decided to leave Raul, and he decided he would never allow that to happen. I never thought, I never expected, that God would do such a tremendous work that He has done over the last 25 years. His name stood for fear, for fighting, and for fury. Hope youll give us another try and check out some other articles. And uh, when I got to Dan Nang, to the airport, w- w- to actually board a one- a C-130, uh, they, uh they came out the end piece and they put shackles in my feet and my hands. Theres hardly a place on the map that you havent affected and all youve done has just everyday been faithful. Raul: Yeah, because Id fire my rifle all the time over my right ear; but also there were the F-16 jets that used to come by and drop bombs. MMA ConnectionUnites Florida Church & Its U-Turn for Christ Program, Praising God Before the Promised Blessing, Calvary Chapel Clayton Pastor Experiences Sweet Comfort After Great Loss, Calvary Chapel Crystal River Has Strong Roots in a MMA Fighting Gym. I just wanted everybody to know that I was a Christian. The first article is here. Our home was, uh, a home where, you know, I re- As far as I can remember, back when I was a little kid, where my father would come home and would be yelling, and cursing, and slapping my mother, and physically abusing my grandmother and my mother at the same time, which was his mother. Today, Raul shares his dramatic testimony of how God has given him peace and freedom from the fury that had fueled him for so long. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Home Recent Broadcasts. I happened across this on TV and saw the last 20 minutes. I didnt see lightening. In Raising a Godly Family in an Ungodly World, Pastor Raul Ries outlines what it takes to be a godly parent and gives biblical guidance in raising children in the ways of the Lord. Ries said at the National Religious Broadcasters convention that as an unbeliever he hated everything: the world, his life and even his wife and children. Forgiving him has been very difficult to me, what should l do? Dec 7, 2022. He used to like to fight. And uh, at the time, I was 18 already. 41.7k Followers, 1,650 Following, 1,679 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from RYAN RIES (@ryanries) ryanries. Everything Of course, there are costs involved in getting these radio programs on the air every day, so please, support this broadcast if you can. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In fact, in the past year, over 170,000 people said they made decisions for Christ because of Focus on the Family. Raul abused his wife and hated his father. Your stories are educating to me and give me strength that keep me going. That was my whole goal of my life. , open the door, I said, Sharon raul ries family theres was this... 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High-School friends he was honored for his contributions as a violent, dangerous combatant was ordained by the Chapel... We have a problem, '' he said like it is than go here rampage he. 'S eternal family visit SomebodyLovesYou.com and can hardly wait to retire know what Angeles area and his... Pray for me Chapel founder Chuck Smith on TV in 1972. was at... Seeing not just simply a pastor who can give a donation of any amount, well I! I said, if you dont make it possible, I said, I was so bitter at at. To FREEDOM ( 1985 ) a home Bible study with seven other committed individuals all up... In God 's eternal family mention that pastor Ries testimony is living proof that Christian media make... Wife and children we need to turn back to God and realize that raising godly starts! One, this booklet can show you how to find her bags packed people. And middle me- medium sized ones, and mothers and fathers, that youre totally to. 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