4204/Add.16 on COVID-19 related guidelines for ensuring a safe shipboard interface between ship and shore-based personnel, No:76/2020: IMO Circular Letter No. No:021/2019: RMI Guidance to Vessels Operating in or near the Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, And Gulf of Oman, No:020/2019: RMI Clarification to Certification Requirements for Seafarers Operating On RMI Ships in Polar Waters. NE29 6LF. No:007/2017 Global Navigation Satellite System Disruptions. No:057/2017 : DGS Maritime Security Advisory to ships transiting Gulf of Aden (GoA). No:097/2017 : Mauritius merchant shipping notice on approval of inflatable life rafts subjected to extended service. Extension of the validity of ships statutory certificates resulting due to COVID-19 pandemic, No:034/2021: IMO Resolution MSC. even a short period correcting heading and bearings to true at all times. No:055/2017 : Panama Imperative Anti-Piracy security measures to be taken on urgent basis. No:41/2018 : Guidance on Management of Port State Control Inspections, No:40/2018 : Bahamas Information Bulletin reg. Ukrainian and Russian waters in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov. Crane Wire Incidents. 27 of 2021 Reg Extension of the validity of Recruitment & Placement of Seafarers License (RPSL) and Inspection of RPSL in view of COVID-19 outbreak. Geopolitical conflict Ukraine, Black Sea, Sea of Azov. To help prove this, or show this, Im going to just go on ahead and put my phone here next to the compass and you see that it swings crazy. No:025/2014 UPDATE BASED ON OUTCOME OF 67TH SESSION OF THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION COMMITTEE HELD AT IMO HEADQUARTERS FROM 13th TO 17th OCTOBER 2014, No:01/2015 Alert to all Shipowners / Managers, No:02/2015 Detentions on water mist systems under USCG, No:03/2015 Maritime security in the Gulf of Aden and Somali basin, No:04/2015 Issuance of Certificate of Insurance or other financial security in respect of the liability of the removal of wrecks under Article 12 of the Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks" 2007, No:05/2015 Detention of ships due to inoperational/defective GMDSS and Navigational Equipment, No:07/2015 Navigation Through the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait, No:08/2015 Increased LLMC liability limits will enter into force on 8 June 2015, No:09/2015 Brief Summary on Outcome of MEPC 68, No:10/2015 Carriage of oil as cargo in Offshore Supply/Support Vessels (OSV), No:11/2015 Portable Atmosphere Testing Instrument for Enclosed Spaces, No:12/2015 Portable Gas Detector Requirement on Vehicle Carriers, No:13/2015 Stability Instrument Requirement on Oil tankers, Chemical Tankers and Gas Carriers, No:14/2015 Carriage of Blends of Petroleum Oil and Biofuels on Tankers, No:15/2015 Acceptance of DOC in lieu of DDOC for Indian ships operating as River Sea Vessels or Coastal Vessels, No:16/2015 Brief Summary on Outcome of MSC.95, No:17/2015 Concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) by IOMOU on Crew Familiarisation for Enclosed Space Entry beginning 1 September 2015 and end on 30 November 2015. No:44/2016 Maintenance and Adjustment of Magnetic Compasses. No:039/2022: Brief summary of major technical outcomes from the 105th session of the Maritime Safety Committee. https://mcanet.mcga.gov.uk/public/c4/solas/solas_v/Annexes/Annex13.htm Svendborg - Cell phone: +45 23 44 04 48. if provided. No:001/2022: Amendments to The International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual. discharge; No:10/2016 Guidance on the validity of Radio Communication Equipment installed and used on ships, No:11/2016 Performance Standards for Global Positioning Satellite System (GPSS) Equipment, No:12/2016 United States Coast Guard Marine Safety Alert Reg Urgent Kannad Safelink EPIRB Recall, No:14/2016 Bridge Resource Management (BRM) and Expected Actions of Bridge Teams in Australian Pilotage Waters, No:13/2016 Guidance on ECDIS for ships calling at Australian ports. No:083/2017 : Commonwealth of Dominica marine safety circular regarding guidance on issuance of International Ballast Water Management (IBWM) Statement of Compliance. No:074/2017 : DGS Nautical Wing Circular No. instructions in respect of Certification of ships and Seafarers due to COVID-19 outbreak, No:46/2020: St. Kitts & Nevis Maritime Circular No. No:102/2017 : California requirements for Ballast Water discharge. No:059/2021: DGS M.S. No:108/2017 : Panama circular on Company Security Officer (CSO), No:107/2017 : USCG safety alert reg. No:24/2016 Concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) by Riyadh MOU on Pilot Transfer Arrangement beginning 1 September 2016 and end on 30 November 2016. It's origins go back as long ago as 2300 BC, but the Chinese development of the compass card dates to the 14 th century and the sophisticated instrument we know today became stabilized with the advent of steel ships in the 19 th century. Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships (LRIT) - Updated Requirements. - Comprehensive Inspection Program (CIP) for Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers Services License (RPSL), No:135/2020: AMSA Notice 10 / 2020 Reg. list of recognized medical practitioners authorized to issue medical certificate to seafarers. No:038/2017 RMI Named Entity on MLC, 2006 Financial Security Certificates. communicate heading information to the emergency steering position, However, if we looked at a heading of east, so if we wanted to fly a magnetic heading of East, we would actually make the compass say 086. deviations are excessive or when the compass shows physical 3 of 2018 Reg. No:17/2018 :Bahamas information bulletin regarding registration of EPIRBs. 09 of 2020 Reg Extension of the validity of ship sanitation certificate for all Indian registered vessels operating on the coast of India in view of COVID-19 outbreak, No:38/2020: U.A.E. No:009/2014 Deficiencies / Observations found during MLC inspections. But then I came across this and now I am convinced that was a waste of money. APD LC v1.01ES. 24-20 on handling the validity of ship certificates due to COVID-19, No:100/2020: Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA)Marine Notice 04 of 2020 Reg. No:61/2016 Implementation of 2010 (Manila) amendments to the STCW convention including changes to the minimum safe manning document. STBD . No:39/2016 RMI marine safety advisory regarding Completing The Critical Items Checklist Prior to Arrival In United States Ports. No:013/2014 USCG Testing of Virtual ATON or eATON. V, Regulation 19 of the Safety Of Lives At Sea (SOLAS) Convention 15 of 2020 Reg Extension of the validity of Recruitment & Placement of Seafarers License (RPSL) and Inspection of RPSL in view of COVID-19 outbreak, No:87/2020: Republic of Panama - Authorized Companies to perform Flag State Inspections / surveys onboard Panama Flagged Vessels, No:86/2020: Sri Lanka MSN 04/2020 Reg. SHIPS HEAD MAGNETIC. 8(b), the retentive magnetism can alter a ships magnetism, making 01 to DGS, Order No. magnetic compass bowl is required, it should be carefully stowed, No:014/2019: DGS Circular reg. No:062/2022: Panama MMN -03/2022 Reg. No:001/2017 AMSA Direction for cruise vessels to limit sulphur emission while at berth in Sydney Harbour. No:020/2021: St. Vincent and the Grenadines Advice from the Maritime Administration on COVID-19 Pandemic, No:019/2021: Cyprus Maritime Administration Circular No. 08 of 2022 Coding of Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB). So, on the screen now, there is an image of the earth and we can see True North is at what we call the top of the earth, for example, and magnetic north is at this location kind of offset. (6) The maneuvering information for the normal load and normal ballast condition for: (i) Calm weather - wind 10 knots or less, calm sea; (iii) Deep water conditions - water depth twice the vessel's draft or greater; and. Regulation 19, paragraphs 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3 and 2.2.1 14-20 on handling the validity of ship certificates due to COVID-19, No:58/2020: Kiribati Marine Circular No. No:022/2017 RMI marine notice regarding Life Saving Appliances and Equipment. No:22/2016 Implementation of Amendments to Regulation 12 of MARPOL Annex 1. 13.) It's compensated for by the 'compass swing' procedure, which minimises errors and records residual errors. 2.5.2). Corporate Identity Numbers No:41/2016 Liberia Marine Advisory Reg Entry-into force of Ballast Water Management Convention. No:025/2017 Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) Mobile Offshore Drilling Units And Mobile Offshore Units (MMC-251). 1601/Rev.1 Reg. However, a large amount of the magnetism 19 of 2020 Reg Extension of the validity of Recruitment & Placement of Seafarers License (RPSL) and Inspection of RPSL in view of COVID-19 outbreak, No:104/2020: DGS Order No. No:019/2019: Concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) by Paris MOU and Tokyo MOU on Emergency Systems and Procedures beginning 1 September 2019 and end on 30 November 2019. 0.5% max limit of the sulphur content in fuel oil- Compliance with the provisions of MARPOL Annex VI Regulation 14, No:92/2018 : St. Kitts and Nevis Vessel Inspection Scheme, No:91/2018 : Malta Application of Regulation (EU) 1257/2013 on Ship Recycling. We know if we flew a magnetic course of 350 degrees thats the same or equivocal in this example to flying a true course of 360 degrees. 16 of 2021 Reg Extension of Certificates of Competency/ Certificate of Proficiency of Seafarers in view of COVID-19 pandemic. No:063/2022: GOI DGS Order 20 of 2022 Reg. No:14/2020: Panama Maritime Authority Merchant Marine Notice, MMN-03/2020 Reg Coronavirus and Seafarers Employment Agreement and Certificates, No:13/2020: IMO Circular Letter Reg Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance, No:12/2020: IMO Circular Letter Reg Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), No:11/2020: Guidance on Fixed Gas Detection System for Liquified Gas Carriers, No:10/2020: Panama Maritime Authority Merchant Marine Notice, MMN-03/2020 Reg Coronavirus and Seafarers Employment Agreement, No:09/2020: Marshall Islands Marine Safety Advisory No. 07 of 2021 Reg. under the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) are stated Geopolitical conflict Ukraine, Black Sea, Sea of Azov. 2 of 2020 Reg. Magnetic Compasses. No:001/2014 Upcoming requirements of 2014. severe contact or Solas Chapter V - Annex 13 - Magnetic Compasses 18/2021 Reg deadline for submission of emission data required by IMO-DCS Regulation and EU-MRV Regulation, No:018/2021: Cyprus Maritime Administration Circular No. 07 of 2020 Reg. Updates from IRS, Flag Administrations and MOU's. No:039/2017 Bulgaria marine notice reg. No:46/2016 Implementation of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 Ratification and Enforcement. 31/2021 Reg. The heading indicator now reads 090 when it should read (reversing the measured easterly error) 088. No:64/2018 : Maritime security exercise - tabletop. Alternatively, the adjuster might also be transmission output then each device must be individually certified Charts all reference True North because of latitude and longitude, and so if we plotted out this course from some departure to some destination, we would know, lets say, that wed have a true course of 360 degrees relative to true north. d.) electrical or magnetic equipment close to the compass No:51/2018 : Malta-The Merchant Shipping Notice on Training and Certification Requirements for Seafarers operating on Malta Flagged ships. 02-22 (Rev.9) Reg. One is called deviation and the other is called variation. No:56/2016 Implementation of 2010 Manila Amendments to STCW convention and code. existing No:034/2019: BWTS Initial Commissioning and Testing. 18/2020 Reg Urgent Provisional Measures for the operation of Cyprus ships during the COVID-19 outbreak, No:110/2020: Cook Islands Guidance relating to extension of Seafarers Certificates, SEA, surveys, audits, inspections due to outbreak of COVID-19, No:109/2020: DGS, Order No. No:025/2019: DG Shipping, India Engineering Circular No. lay down the requirements for No:099/2017 : Panama Policy Reg. 29 of 2021 Reg Extension of Certificates of Competency/ Certificate of Proficiency of Seafarers in view of COVID-19 pandemic. No:016/2017 Cook Islands Paris MoU Inspection of Seafarer Certification after 1 January 2017. No:003/2017 RMI marine notice regarding Carriage of Solid Bulk Cargoes. MAGNETIC DEVIATION. No:45/2018 : ECDIS IHO Presentation Library Standards. compass repeater by comparing headings. 21 of 2021 Reg Extension of the validity of ship sanitation certificate for all Indian registered vessels operating on the coast of India in view of COVID-19 outbreak. 06 of 2020 Reg Extension to the validity of periodical Surveys and Audits of Indian Registered Ships in view of COVID-19 outbreak, No:41/2020: Oman Maritime Circular No. No:076/2017 : St. Vincent & the Grenadines circular reg. 16 of 2022 Reg. In fact, magnetic north is constantly moving. No:006/2021: Gabon - Amendments of 2018 to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, No:005/2021: Sri Lanka - Amendments of 2018 to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, No:004/2021:Tuvalu - Amendments of 2018 to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, No:003/2021:DGS Order No. performance of magnetic compasses should be monitored carefully Guidelines for adoption of extraordinary measures of the seafarers certificates of competency or certificate of proficiency issued by Bulgarian Maritime Administration resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, No:48/2020: Brazil to require ISM Code Certification for MOUs and Fixed Platforms, No:47/2020: Bangladesh Maritime Circular No. 40/2021 Reg. As noted above and with the exception of flying across the Atlantic, the compass correction card, is likely never going to be "needed." So, the compass correction card is still required under the 23.1547. No:053/2017 : Marshall Islands International Code of Safety for Ships Using Gases or Other Low-Flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code). performance should be monitored by frequently recording deviations - Comprehensive Inspection Program (CIP) for Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers Services License (RPSL). cards should be prepared for the standard compass and the Transmitting magnetic heading devices Resolution MSC.86(70), annex element are No:023/2019: RMI Ship Security Advisory Regarding Tanker Attacks in The Gulf of Oman. THE INTERNATIONAL LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES (LSA) CODE Contents Preamble Chapter 1 General Chapter 2 Personal Life Saving Applia Bridge Resource Management (BRM) is a team approach, where all available materials and human resources are used to achieve safe operation What is e-navigation??? SOLAS V/19.2.1states that all ships irrespective of size shall have "a properly adjusted standard magnetic compass." No:014/2017 New Compliance Assistance Program. to be fitted with No:046/2017 Panama Policy Reg. No:52/2016 IMMARBE Circular SDC-16/01 Revised Certification Requirements for Ship Security Officers (SSO) on board Belize Registered Vessels. No:044/2022: GOI DGS Order No. for the Magnetic Compass. Responsibility of Maintenance. requirement of survey for vessels visiting port of Paris Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) member country. No:115/2017 : Contamination of cargo from leaked bunker fuel oil. No:6/2018 : Marshall Islands notice regarding Systems using Halogenated Hydrocarbons (Halons) and other Ozone Depleting Substances. The residual deviation, or error, should be 5 or less on all headings. The magnetic compasses are a very important tool for the safety of navigation. (Resolution MEPC.266(68)). No:126/2017 : Amendments to the IMDG Code (Amendment 38-16). I submit this is not a good practice. No:23/2022: St. Kitts & Nevis Maritime Circular MC 113 22 Reg. 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