Three years earlier, the man's son had found himself on the side of the road with a . This is really an outgrowth of the increasing gaps of haves and have-nots; the wealthy getting wealthier, the poor are getting poorer. So a big part of it is government spending, and so the technology's really taken off, and a lot of companies have started to sort of glom onto this idea that this is the future. ANDREAS BERGMAN (ANDBE098) 23-02-28 TDDE56 FOUNDATIONS OF AI AND MACHINE LEARNING Reflection paper Project work The aim of this project was to use two different models to classify handwritten numbers. Therefore, unlike research papers, reflections can include opinions and personal assumptions, and they are written in first person. We developed a trust, and the industry earned goodwill that Facebook and Google have cashed in. And that progress is hard to believe. I really dont see it being a problem with the industry, because one, you still got to have a driver in it, because I dont see it doing cities; I dont see it doing main things; I dont see it backing into a dock. When Googles IPO took place just a few years later, the company had a market capitalization of around $23 billion. And then they realized, "Wait a minute, theres all this data in the economy we dont have." 00:00 Introduction 3:00 Meet Baby X Is your voice a little wobbly? Ask an Expert. Critics warn that the government and some private companies have been building a national database from dozens of experimental social credit programs. Theyre looking for a more lenient national privacy standard, one that could perhaps override the California law and others like it. Can machines overtake human intelligence? The average personal income in Saginaw is $16,000 a year. It has an almost spiritual component. A lot of union brothers used to work there, buddy. Shoshana Zuboff had been doing her own research. Between the U.S and China, they employ a great majority of the AI researchers and scientists. So by the end of the year, with that $150,000, by the end of the year we'd made about $22,000. The AI giants want to paint a rosier picture because they're happily making money, so I think they prefer not to talk about the negative side. This piece explores the manner in which individuals and teams learn through reflective practice as a result of increased humanmachine collaboration in the 4IR since it has not been extensively researched. They're creating value; making high margins; inventing a new model. Molly Kinder studies the future of work at a Washington think tank. And you can imagine, over the years, they've changed quite a bit. Andrew McAfee is a research scientist at MIT who co-authored The Second Machine Age.". Delphi, GenLooks like theyre starting to tear it down now. In China in the age of AI, there's no doubt about who is in charge. The great compliment that a songwriter gives another one is "Gosh, I wish I'd written that one." You should maintain a formal tone, but it is acceptable to write in the first person and to use personal pronouns. For example, on the mobile device, we have timed the facial recognition speed. Verify whether or not your instructor specified a word count for the paper instead of merely following this average. I now have a better understanding of organizations and professionals working for aging population. When it started it was very much a magazine about what's coming and why you should be excited about it. We can bring that cost in half. But thats not new; that's always been the case, and we will figure it out. We are overcoming the limitations of our minds. Well, both will happen. And I think the tipping-point moment we are at now, which is what is casting the whole question of things like artificial intelligence and technological innovation into a completely different framework, is that if in fact China and the U.S. are in some way fundamentally antagonistic to each other, then we are in a completely different world. The autonomous truck represents both as it maneuvers into the marketplace. So it studies games that humans have played, it knows the rules and then it comes up with creative moves. Now its very large company. Artificial intelligence had proven it could marshal a vast amount of data, beyond anything any human could handle, and use it to teach itself how to predict an outcome. Pharmaceuticals, even food products, all of these industries are better because the public has confidence in the products, in part because of a mixture of responsible companies and responsible regulation. Half the jobs are going away." But what the Pentagon sees, the National Intelligence Council sees, and what the FBI sees is, "Well, maybe not yet." A reflection paper is your flow of thoughts in an organized manner concerning any research paper topics. Our children and their children will see AI as serendipity; that AI is here to liberate us from having to do routine jobs and push us to do what we love and push us to think what it means to be human. [Speaking Korean] I'm confident about the match. Airs Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2019 at 9 p.m. on KPBS TV & Thursday, Nov. 7 at 9 p.m. on KPBS 2. [Speaking Chinese] and intensified cooperation in frontier areas such as digital economy, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and quantum computing. For the first time, it raises concerns about the end of human superiority. Mr. Secretary, please call the roll. When I first came here in 1975, Chairman Mao was still alive, the Cultural Revolution was coming on and there wasnt a single whiff of anything of which you see here. What of my personal information do you have?" And then the question is, "What on earth happened to cause that change?". They have strongly objected to the blacklist, saying that its a misunderstanding of our company and our technology.. . We're talking less than half a decade. Nick Thompson is editor-in-chief of Wired. Launched in 2013, it started along the old Silk Road out of Xinjiang and now goes far beyond; its called the Belt and Road Initiative. Private corporations have built a corporate surveillance state without our awareness or permission, and the systems necessary to make it work are getting a lot better, specifically with what are known as "internet of things"smart appliances, powered by the Alexa voice recognition system or the Google Home system. 10/10. Wall Street's going through it, but every industry is going through it. I'd say everything else is too small. Jon and Jo Ann Hagler on behalf of the Jon L. Hagler Foundation. Now it's more "We love technology, but let's look at some of the big issues, and let's look at some of them critically; and let's look at the way algorithms are changing the way we behave, for good and for ill." So the whole nature of Wired has gone from a champion of technological change to more of a observer of technological change. I'm going to be quite honest with you: I worry about the future of not just this country, but the entire globe. Recently there have been cautions about how soon autonomous vehicles will be deployed. She was convinced that if you analyze enough data, from mammograms to diagnostic notes, the computer could predict early-stage conditions. In the popular discussions about robots and automation and work, almost every image is of a man on a factory floor or a truck driver. Format is similar to any other academic work. A billion people use WeChat, the equivalent of FaceBook, Messenger and PayPal and much more combined into just one super-app. And those traces, back in these days, were called "digital exhaust.". The model is simply this: Provide a free servicelike Facebookand in exchange you collect the data of the millions who use it. Season 2019: Episode 5. So I believe that scientists who contribute to science, when that science can or will have an impact on society, those scientists have a responsibility. Youre talking about convincing a relatively tiny fraction of the voters in a handful of states to either come out and vote or stay home. Harry Cripps, an autoworker and a local union president, has witnessed what 40 years of automation can do to a town. Eric Schmidt and Google declined to be interviewed for this program. It wasn't that the computers beat the humans; it was that one type of intelligence beat another. So, it'sAI is a set of tools that helps you maximize an objective function, and that objective function initially will simply be "make more money.". He already has a Fortune 500 company as a client, shipping appliances across the Southwest. That move 37 was a move that humans could not fathom, but yet it ended up being brilliant and woke people up to say, "Wow, after thousands of years of playing, we never thought about making a move like that.". And today the typical truck driver will earn a little over $40,000 a year. There's also a danger, because the entities in the companies that are in control of those algorithms don't necessarily have the same goals as you, and this is where I think people need to be aware thatof what's going on, so that they can have more control over it. Not the kind of high-level AI stuff yet, but lower-level, camera-based, manual observation-type things all over. And I don't care what the robot manufacturers say, you aren't replacing those 10 production people that that robot is now doing that job with 10 people. Our inclusion criteria were as follows: (a) empirical studies on AI in pre-service and in-service teacher education and on in-service teachers' use of AI; (b) studies on AI applications and algorithms (e.g., personal tutors, automated scoring, personal assistant; decision . So over the history of many tech inventions, most are small things. It seems we are the dawn of a new age. The last thing we would ever want to do is stop the progress of new technologies, even when there are dual-use. And that's the right to go to any company and click a button on any page where they're collecting your information and say, "Do not sell my information.". Something equally interesting is happening right now. Write About Significant Events. And it was my mistake, and I am sorry. Imagine if the. After 100 games, it learned to use the bat at the bottom to hit the ball and break the bricks at the top. In the future, the research and development of cutting-edge technologies such as brain-computer interface (BCI) together with the development of the human brain will eventually usher in a strong AI era, when AI can simulate and . Artificial intelligence's ability to enhance the applicant and employee involvement by automating routine, low-value responsibilities, and freeing up time to concentrate on the more planned, Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Then, 15 years ago, the lines crossed, and inequality has been increasing ever since. And so one of the big challenges we have is how do we make that more apparent, how do we make it transparent and how do we make it accountable? Believe it or not, I do it because I love it. Artificial intelligence (AI) is essentially the simulation of human intelligence. But, says Thompson, beneath the surface theres a worry most of them dont like to talk about. Asked about the government using AI for social control, he chose his words carefully. For the last seven years she has worked on a new book, making the case that we have now entered a new phase of the economy, which she calls surveillance capitalism.. Others see a future that rewards party loyalty and silences criticism. And it turns out that there are a lot of businesses that really want to know what we will do now, soon and later. This will allow your brain to generate new thoughts and reflections. It didn't occur to us that social media was actually using us. This argument about job loss in the age of AI was ignited six years ago amid the gargoyles and spires of Oxford University. This is not a futuristic challenge; this is something that's happening sooner than we think. How far is too far, and. That same pattern has recurred many times throughout history with each new wave of automation. The term artificial intelligence was first used in a scientific context in a workshop at Dartmouth College in 1956 at which Allen Newell, Herbert Simon, John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky and Arthur Samuel attended (McCorduck, 111-136). I think the Trump vote was a protest. Let em know Merry Christmas on behalf of us here at the local, OK? While AI can boost the economic growth rate, it also faces significant risks such as employment market fragmentation . Right?! I was really surprised that the very basic question that I ask my physicians, which were really excellent physicians here at MGH, they couldn't give me answers that I was looking for. It's a little bit like the physicists around the Second World War who rose up to tell the governments, "Wait, nuclear power can be dangerous, and nuclear war can be really, really destructive." We paid $100,000 in fuel, OK? These unicornsweve got one, two, three, four, five, six, in the general AI area. So we are using technology not only to be better at assessing the breast density, but to get more to the point of what we're trying to predict: Does this woman have a cancer now and will she develop a cancer in five years? This piece explores the manner in which individuals and teams learn through reflective practice as a result of increased . adaption to new situations and reflection on themselves started to receive general attention. Regina and Connie began the slow process of getting access to thousands of mammograms and records from MGHs breast imaging program. I was one of the commentators at the Lee Sedol games. Africa's been a huge place. And the last time I checked, that has not happened. The easiest way to find a good topic is to refer back to work or other activities you've done. That number quickly travelled the world in headlines and news bulletins. and Mark Sagar push the limits of what a machine can do. And it's incredible to see so many, because just two or three years ago we hardly saw that kind of thing. At MIT's Artificial Intelligence Lab, Professor Regina Barzilay uses deep learning to teach the computer to understand language as well as read text and data. Yes. They're trying to adapt the world to you. It . is we dont need you to type at all because we know where you arewith your permission; we know where youve beenwith your permission; we can more or less guess what youre thinking about. Can A.I. Keep it short and sweet. Machines that pick groceries, machines that can also read reports, learn routines and comprehend, are reaching deep into factories, stores and offices. And because it's an AI system, it's not just following instructions; it's figuring out its own instructions. And if AB 375 passes by tomorrow and is signed into law by the governor, we will withdraw the initiative. Right now there is no final system being implemented. Probably none in this country. It is a campaign that has alarmed human rights groups. Here they may be used to discourage jaywalking, but they also serve to remind people that the state is watching. Space out the time slots when you work on your reflection paper to at least a day apart. He would move on to Microsoft Research in Asia and became the head of Google China. So those are standard prediction problems in machine learning; there is nothing special about them. And yes, it was watched by tens of millions of people. But now, in the age of AI, people come here to take in a spectacle that reflects Chinas remarkable progress and illuminates the great political paradox of capitalism taken root in the communist state. Megvii was started by three young graduates in 2011; its now a world leader in using AI to identify people. We had a motor blow out$13,000. The best reflective essay topics allow you to express your innermost emotions and thoughts uniquely. Identify the topic you will be writing on. I'm here today for one main reason: To say thank you to Ohio! And that's something we thought could not coexist. And the reason I think it might be something brand new is that AI is fundamentally replacing our cognitive process in doing a job in its significant entirety, and it can do it dramatically better. Reflection Paper on Artificial Intelligence. The real practical and wonderful promise is that machines help us be more creative, and using that creativity, we get to terrific solutions. Then came the dot-com crash of the early 2000s. That doesn't include field trips for my son's school. So I really aint worried about the automation of trucks. Of course! Right from the start, the founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, they had been very public about their antipathy toward advertising. Watch the Trailer. In the last century, they were all shut down by Maos revolution. But the current use of AI isn't necessarily aligned with the goals of building a better society, unfortunately. Amy Webb is a professor at NYU and founder of the Future Today Institute. It's very powerful, Orwellian-like, and it's extremely troublesome in terms of civil liberty. This shows a progression of a small, small spot from one year to the next and then to the diagnosis of the small cancer here. In our first search, we found 751 studies. Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers and by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Aneesh, A., 2002, Technological Modes of Governance: Beyond Private and Public Realms, paper in the Proceedings . The epoch will probably be called the age of artificial intelligence, or "The AI Age" for short. Of the 25 million people who live here, almost half are a Muslim Turkic-speaking people called the Uighurs. The first step in writing a reflective essay is coming up with the topic you want to write on. That sounds great, right? So on the one hand, this is great, because the world will get adapted to you without you even having to explicitly adapt it. So we called it "the Sputnik moment" for the Chinese government; the Chinese government kind of woke up. Frequent security expos feature companies like Megvii and its facial recognition technology. Their early investors included Mercedes-Benz. But I would argue that history is only trustable if it is multiple repetitions of similar events, not a once in a blue moon occurrence. Everything about your thoughts and your desires and your dreams, and who your friends are and what you're thinking, what your private thoughts are. AI has no legal requirement of stare decisis. This represents a 57-fold . This is the worlds most complex board game. Never write the whole essay at once. But I can tell you that when you see it, and you deliver this type of gift to somebody who is in need, just the gratitude that they show you is incredible. Once in love with e-commerce, Wall Street has turned its back on the dot-coms. It's 50-50 right now. It'll be kind of like the Cold War, where you decide, "Are we gonna align with the Soviet Union, or are we gonna align with the United States?" To do blue-collar, some of the work requires, you know, hand-eye coordination, things that machines are not yet good enough to do. Thank you. It is a celebration, for sure, but theres also a growing sense of caution, and even skepticism. . So effectively what the Belt and Road is, is China's attempt to, via spending and investment, project its influence all over the world. Wow. 3. I believe that's true. In the age of AI, a new reality is emerging: that with so much accumulated investment and intellectual power, the world is already dominated by just two AI superpowers. I hadn't built a robot in a while, wanted to get back to it, and felt that this was by far the most exciting piece of robotics technology that was up-and-coming. But that means taking on the worlds most innovative AI culture. Mike Hicks is an economist at Ball State in Muncie, Indiana. Now I've got a group of people at the top that are making all the money and I don't have anybody in the middle that can support a family. This paper endeavors to emphasize on the preventative side of the use of AI and machine learning technology to enterprise digital platform business model innovation and business dynamics, and explores the derivations of data-driven insights, models, and visualizations. It is kind of interesting, when you think about it. A reflection paper. What separates him from most of his colleagues is that hes frank about its downside. Oh, really? I think every country will be tempted to use AI probably beyond the limits to which that you and I would like the government to use. There are 58 countries that are starting to plug into China's vision of artificial intelligence. In 2010, Facebook experimented with AIs predictive powers in what they called a social contagion experiment. They wanted to see if, through online messaging, they could influence real-world behavior. It's going to create all kinds of benefits in ways large and small, and challenges for us as well. I would say these few thousand Chinese top entrepreneurs, they could take on any entrepreneur anywhere in the world. Cleveland, I need you to keep on fighting. You will click once in your browser, "don't sell my information," and it will then send the signal to every single website that you visit. Regurgitating the material in your own words does not make a paper reflective. It's pretty fast. In 2018, he had the Chinese constitution changed so that he could be president for life. Here are steps you can follow: 1. The second thing that they understood and they celebrated was that, "We can do this in a way that bypasses the user's awareness.". On the other hand, employers face important choices as to whether to, ABSTRACT This article explores the pragmatics of operationalizing reflection in experience-based workplace learning. That does not include my food. The U.S. government fears that as Huawei supplies countries around the world with 5G, the Chinese government could have backdoor access to their equipment. AMY WEBB, Founder, Future Today Institute: Even the best and brightest among us, we just don't have enough compute power inside of our heads. And this is the test lab for the surveillance state. What happened was they decided to turn to those data logs in a systematic way and to begin to use these surplus data as a way to come up with fine-grained predictions of what a user would click onwhat kind of ad a user would click on. The next part of the outline is the body section. I mean, for whatever reason, whatever the hot button was that really hit home with these Americans that voted for him wereit was a protest vote. The new machines will penetrate every sector of the economy, from insurance companies to human resource departments; from law firms to the trading floors of Wall Street. You guys are just amazing. China is the best place for AI implementation today, because the vast amount of data that's available in China. It really brings a lot of anxiety, and you're asking the questions, "Am I gonna survive? Google, Facebook, AT&T and Comcast all opposed his initiative. So right there, now I made $50,000. One person who wanted to do something about the dangers was not a computer scientist, but an ordinary citizen. The Problem This article explores the nature of reflection within the workplace during the fourth industrial revolution (4IR), a period characterized by the proliferation of cognitive technologies . You see a whole lot of automation. Thats the premise of a new book written by Kai-Fu Lee. Huaweis CEO, a former officer in the Peoples Liberation Army, was defiant about the American actions. the information age emerged in the 1970s and persists to this very day. Currently in Pasadena, its 58 degrees with cloudy skies. All of these tiny signals are the behavioral surplus that turns out to have immense predictive value. And then it passed unanimously. And what they do is they sell a dam, sell some other stuff and they say, "By the way, we can give you these camera systems for your emergency response. Is he, [Laughs] So, kind of. I need you to keep on believing. "The Age of AI: And Our Human Future" is dense with explanations, predictions, opinions and fears about AI, and is also encased in difficult and, at times, repetitive language. Anyone, yes? Shoshana Zuboff is a Harvard Business School professor emerita. ", And so parallel to this were another set of discoveries where it turns out that whenever we search or whenever we browse, we're leaving behind traces, digital traces of our behavior. And yet, in our data, when we looked, women disproportionately hold the jobs that today are at highest risk of automation, and that's not really being talked about. The current social constructivist approach to teaching critical reasoning in an open distance learning (ODL) environment may well be reductionist in the sense that it aims at training learners', During the past two decades we have witnessed a rather impressive growth of theoretical innovations and conceptual revisions of epistemological and methodological approaches within, Purpose The purpose of this paper is to operationalise critical reflection. The dawn of a new book written by Kai-Fu Lee are the behavioral surplus that turns to. 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