homebrew wondrous items 5e

Once per short rest, a creature attuned to this dagger can use their action to cast the Blink spell, requiring no components. You have advantage on the attack roll if the target is wearing armor made of metal. Know I truly wish no ill towards you or, as it may be, who you serve. close menu Language. Incredibly selfish, the bag will not give up a single item, no matter how mundane, without a fight. You can expend three charges to cast the Summon Undead spell, creating a Putrid undead composed entirely of blood that drains from the dagger. Elven Kinship. A summoned Mephit disappears after 1 hour or when it drops to 0 Hit Points. Doing so allows you to determine the location of the sun or stars depending on the time of day and will allow you to utilize navigation tools such as a sextant even if conditions would not normally allow you to. Unless you're wearing the bathrobe, you cant gain the benefit of a long rest for 1d4 days after your last long rest using the bathrobe. Kelren is stern, but honest. Creatures of your choice take 1d6 cold damage when they start their turn in the cortex (this is not doubled by the previous feature). This wand has 4 charges. The creature who initially threw the bola can disarm it without making the check. This ominous looking bag is stitched out of human flesh and appears empty. For one minute the chakrams deal an additional 1d4 damage of the attuned creatures choice from the following types; fire, cold, thunder, lightning, or acid. Fate's Bond. Whenever the bag strikes something (Wall, floor, chair, dog) the bag disintegrates and releases the contained Minor Illusion, which are completely random, the illusion being anything from the sound of a gentle breeze, to the image of a roaring lion (albeit, fitting in a 5 ft square), to the shrieking of a banshee singing Wrecking Ball. While wearing this coat you can cast the Pass Without Trace spell without expending a spell slot. Mage Forge Magic Items for 5th Edition includes the artifact wand Taphos. If a creature leaves the vortex before being fully affected by the spell they must remain outside of the vortex until the end of their next turn or be forced to continue under the spells affect. An Adult White Dragon - Infusion of Ice: Whenever a creature is hit by an attack with The Devourer when it is infused with a White Dragon Infusion, the target must make a DC 15 Constitution Saving Throw or have their movement speed reduced by 10 feet until the start of their next turn. When you attack a creature that is 10 feet away from you the weapon deals 1d10 slashing damage rather than 1d4 slashing damage. Additionally, when an attack misses you or you succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, you can use your reaction to immediately move up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks. Additionally this item seems to have some unknown resonance with creatures native to the Feywild. While attuned to Oathkeeper you gain a +2 bonus to your Charisma score. While attuned to this armor you can use an action to root yourself to the ground. Protective Aura: As an action, you can plant Valor into the ground and spend any remaining charges to create a protective aura within a 60 ft. radius. A creature attuned to these bracers can now call forth or send back a weapon as part of an attack, rather than as a bonus action. Creatures of the wearers choice must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw or take 66(12d10) fire damage. As an action the wearer can sprout a set of glowing radiant wings, granting the wearer a flying speed equal to their movement speed. Wikidot.com Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. This light is sunlight. Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). If the creature was levitating or can hover, the creature safely descends at a rate of 60 feet per round until it reaches the ground instead. Weapon (war pick), very rare (requires attunement). The staff has 10 charges. Any limbs regained in this fashion are not flesh but rather a flexible but hard wood. The interior of this coat functions as a Bag of Holding. Armor (plate), Artifact (requires attunement). When you cast one of the spells above using the blade, the blade maintains concentration for you. This deeply curved weapon has been stained with the essence of hundreds of different poisons used to coat it over the years of it's use. Each of these bracers are linked to a small demi plane. You can use your Wild Shape feature up to three times, instead of twice, unless you can already use it more. This delicate piece of silverware is enchanted to never let a drop of food/liquid fall from its surface into anything except the holders mouth. This sand can be substituted for the material component of a spell with a required value of less than 1,000 GP. The only way to permanently destroy the weapon without freeing the entity is to gather the original three creatures that bound the entity to the weapon and boil it in a pool of their combined blood over a source of Primordial Fire. The Blade of the Broken King can hold 5 charges, dealing 5d4 damage. Weapon (darts), rare (requires attunement). Weapon (Club), very rare (requires attunement). The blade of this glaive glows with a faint flickering light. The charges must be consumed before the attack is declared. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this piece of magic ammunition. The creature attuned to Kyzzierth's Renown gains the ability to reuse the breath weapon ability on a roll of 6 on a d6 that they make at the end of their turn. Armor (shield), Artifact (requires attunement by a Paladin of Devotion). While the mimic is below half its hit point maximum, the creature wearing the mimic takes 1d10 acid damage at the start of their turn and the mimic heals the same amount. The Devourer is inhabited by an ancient primeval fiend, imprisoned by a Solar, a Fey Lord, and an Archduke working together to put a halt to the creatures neverending appetite for death and destruction. He seeks to rebalance the flow and seasons of nature, eager to destroy anything that threatens to change the natural ecosystems of the world. Curse. Once per long rest a creature attuned to Ice can use their action to create a vortex of arctic weather centered on themselves in a 30 ft. radius for 1 minute. This iron circlet has a magical pearl at its center and can hold up to 4 gemstones. This effect ends when the attuned creature is reduced to 0 HP, rendered unconscious, affected by a Dispel Magic spell cast at 5th level or higher, or until there are no more living creatures within eyesight. You gain these benefits while attuned to the spellbook. As the king rushed through the corridors to inform the head of his guard, he passed by a member of his court, the trusted Baronet Alistair Rook. The Devourer speaks with a cruel and demanding voice. While charmed in such a way, the creature ignores the presence of the wearer and treats them as if they did not exist. This weapon deals necrotic damage instead of slashing. If the creature has no limb to sever, you lop off a portion of its body instead. The restrained creature must repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn, becoming frozen on a failure or ending the effect on a success. Shift - The single edged blade of this dagger does not cast a reflection as would be expected, instead it seems to reflect the environment as if it were being held in a location approximately 30 feet away in a random direction. This ability can be used once per long rest. You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Finally, the hook and line wrapped around the pommel can be used as standard fishing gear that will not break. On a successful save, any flying speed it has (or similar means of flight) is halved for 1 minute instead. This small pepper shaped bottle contains 1 serving of a spicy sauce. While attuned to Blackfyre you have resistance to fire and necrotic damage. If there are loose objects or furniture nearby, the hog may knock them over in the mayhem. 10 Gold. The charges must be expended to empower the attack before the attack is rolled. A +2 longbow, Flux does not shoot actual arrows, instead it shoots arrows of pure energy that deal 1d8 + 1d4 elemental damage based on its affinity. Creatures attuned to Ebb gain a +1 bonus to their AC when they dual wield Ebb and one other weapon. Battle Plate of the War Chief Key of mimicry Mask of the Doctor The Hard Hat The Idol of Zeroth The Lich Skull Cleansing Touch: The paladin can use their Cleansing Touch feature to end all spells affecting themself or another willing creature. Roll the die, add your Constitution modifier, and regain a number of hit points equal to the total (minimum of 1). Every decade that the creature stays attuned to Kyzzierth's Renown they must roll on the Indefinite Madness table, the result of which cannot be healed outside of an act of the gods. See more ideas about dnd 5e homebrew, dungeons and dragons homebrew, d&d dungeons and dragons. The items you'll find in this gallery will be a mix of items used in my adventures and items that are part of a collection. While in this state you gain the following benefits: The armor can't be used this way again until the next dawn. Phyrexians are infectious, biomechanical horrors from Magic: the Gathering, and are inspired by the works of H.R. Similar to a Bag of Holding, the weight of this coat does not change regardless of its contents. As an action the creature attuned to Rupture can expend a charge and make a single melee attack. Spells: While holding Valor, you can use your action to expend one or more charges to cast one of the following spells from it (save DC 15): Command (one charge per spell level up to fourth), Compelled Duel (1 charge), Protection from Good and Evil (1 charge), Zone of Truth (2 charges), Beacon of Hope (3 charges), or Crusader's Mantle (3 charges). Multiple ounces of Sorcerer's Sand can be used to increase the Save DC or To-Hit of a spell. Each creature in the sphere must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. Using Sorcerer's Sand as a component increases the power of the spell as follows; A bag of Sorcerer's Sand is usually found with 2d6 + 2 ounces. The Beacon of Dawn Save DC increases to 16. This coating last until a creature is hit with an attack by Venom. Dark Room. If the curse lasts for its full duration, it rebounds; you take 4d10 fire damage, which can't be reduced or prevented in any way. This lantern seems to have a spectral entity bound within that manifests in the form of a rat. At 9th level, the Dragonborn gains the ability to recharge its breath weapon. When you make an attack with this weapon, you can use your choice of your Strength, Dexterity, or Wisdom modifier for the attack and damage rolls. This weapon counts as a +1 flail. The sash's weight doesnt change. The robe's color corresponds to the alignment of the archmage who created the item. Ointment applied to the face will produce a thick full beard. When you do so make a ranged attack roll, on a hit a creature is restrained by webbing for 1 minute. This long-lost silver glaive once belonged to an elven king. Any opportunity attacks taken during the activation of this item are made at advantage. If they do have it, their multi-attack increases by one. As a bonus action on each of your turns, you can move up to your speed toward a hostile creature that you can see. A character who he deems unworthy of wielding the blade, such as a weak or evil creature, may be denied the ability to attune to the weapon. The first is named Thalia and the second is named Euthenia. Credit: Art and design by The Mithral Canvas. The smelting process of which reformed the blade both physically and magically, taking the enchantments innate to Ice and completely changing them for the two child blades. A vial of poison can be attached to this port as part of the reloading process, this vial then releases a portion of the poison to coat the bullet as part of the firing process. A creature attuned to this club can use their action to cause the faces carved into the weapon to awaken and extend from the club on long sinuous necks. Top 10 Homebrew D&D Magic Items: Wondrous Items Nerdarchy dives back into the world of D&D Beyond Homebrew. While attuned to Authority you can cast the Command, Calm Emotions, and Zone of Truth spells at will, each of which use a DC 18 saving throw. Upon placing it within an average sized drink, the beverage will be lowered to a crisp and refreshing chilly temperature in a matter of minutes. This weapon is cursed, while attuned to it a creature becomes sickly in appearance, as if their life essence were being slowly drained away, however to the attuned creature they feel as hearty and hale as they normally do. If the character ever commits an affront to nature and does not seek immediate repentance, the attunement is broken and the tree dies, releasing a single seed into the wind. A longbow made from a cutting of the Elder Tree that sits at the junction of the four elemental planes, this weapon is as hard as adamantium and brimms with elemental energy. Wielding this small shield only grants a +1 bonus to AC. These small bags, about the size of a dime, contain magical components that are enchanted by a particularly mischievous mage. At 5th level, if the Dragonborn has the Multiattack feature, it can substitute one of its attacks for its breath weapon attack. Attacks with Gothic deal an additional 1d8 necrotic damage on a hit and you gain temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt by the necrotic damage. While this effect is active Blackfyre deals an additional 2d6 fire or necrotic (you choose which damage type when activating this effect) damage and creates bright purple light in a 20 ft. radius and dim purple light an additional 20 ft. A full list of D&D 5e items. This dazzling bag is made out of light and appears empty. Magic Item (Renaissance Pistol), Rare (requires attunement). This armor grants advantage on Stealth(Dexterity) checks made to hide in wooded areas and allows you to hide when lightly obscured in wooded areas. This small statuette of a pig is made of clay. While attuned to Forests Fury, a paladin of the ancients can modify their Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath to affect all creatures of the paladins choice within a 15 ft. cone originating from the paladin. You can use the Shape Water cantrip to draw forth the moisture out of this weapon and encase the dagger with it, transforming the dagger into a greatsword, longsword, scimitar, or shortsword. You can use an action to attune to this seed by planting it in rich soil. While attuned to Oathkeeper you gain the following tenet: "Honesty. Faraway clouds can be seen floating in the background of its parchment and magically sputter into existence upon reaching the edge. Ancient arcane binding barely prevents it from shattering on impact. Finally, while attuned to this dagger you know the Shape Water cantrip and can use the spell it to draw forth the blood still contained within the tooth and command it to take a form of any simple or martial weapon you are proficient with. Immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition, Advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects, You gain the ability to speak to snakes and can cast the. A 15-foot-radius sphere of crushing force forms around the arrowhead when it impacts something. Finally, a creature attuned to these weapons can use their action or bonus action to shoot a single strand of webbing from the end of either Tonfa at an object or structure within 60 feet, this functions as a 60 ft. length of Silk Rope and attaches to the object or structure providing a secure anchor point. When you hit with a bullet, you can choose to ricochet the bullet to hit another creature. Magic items for exploration rising to the top. Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement). This essence manifests in the form of a crystal or gem colored appropriately to match the entity that was slain. A broken piece of a blue dragon's horn is set at the weapon's center, releasing tendrils of shimmering electricity from its point. Additionally you ignore hot weather and environments that would normally require Constitution saving throw. In addition, while attuned to this weapon, you have advantage on Charisma checks made to interact with fey creatures. This weapon is considered a +1 Greatsword and deals an additional 11 (2d10) slashing damage on a critical strike. Creatures affected by this gas can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turn, ending the effect on a success. By using an action to read this scroll, your words ring out to magically rip the wind out from beneath the wings of creatures around you. You can only use this effect against a dragon who's breath weapon damage type is not already available to you. Advanced Search. The area covered by this cone becomes difficult terrain as it is destroyed and upturned. This dagger has a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Each set of Poppers are found in bags of 4d4+4. Regardless of its appearance, the sash cant be anything but a one-shouldered robe. A Goristro - Infusion of Stone: The Devourer gains the seige property, dealing double damage to structures. When the coin is turned with the lit candle side up, it produces light as by the "Light" cantrip. Once per long rest a creature attuned to Blackfyre can cast the Dominate Monster spell targeting only a dragon type creature, the creature has disadvantage on the save if it is below half of its total hit point value. Few have met the gaze of the vengeful nature guardians depicted in its form and lived to tell the tale. Save Save Homebrew Wondrous Items For Later. While you are wearing this ring, when you make a ranged attack with a bow or crossbow you magically summon the ammunition as part of the attack. Once wielded by a highly skilled assassin, these daggers have been enchanted to allow a combatant to dance around their opponents with ease, never staying in one location for more than a moment. While attuned to Oathkeeper, Fiend(Devil) type creatures are always hostile to you and will actively work against your best interests, even to the detriment of their own. You can use a bonus action to magically shuffle the cards of the deck, tapping either the top of the cards or its box when you do. These bracers can be found with 1d6 random weapons already contained within, and a 10% chance of one of those items being a basic +1 weapon. The area is difficult terrain for creatures other than you and creatures of your choice. Rend. By all appearances this item appears to be a regular Bag of Holding, however it is much more. This small, green, magical bead can easily fit in your pocket. Please help work on the problem presented on the template. Creatures who fail the saving throw take 5d4 poison damage or half as much damage on a success. This magic pauldron has been enchanted with a war mage's divinations. Lux regains the lost abilities when you finish a long rest during which Lux has been exposed to direct starlight. Wondrous items for DnD 5E. However, as an action a character can write either the name or description of a creature within the book and make a skill check based on the thematic of the creature (Nature for beasts/humanoids/etc., Arcana for dragons/abberations/etc., Religion for celestials/fiends/etc.) Examples of such powerful entities and their respective Essence powers can include, but are not limited to; The Devourer grows in power with the wielder; gaining a bonus to attack and damage rolls and able to hold a number of infusion equal to half of the wielders proficiency modifier rounded down. Every dawn, if the bottle is empty, it automatically refills itself with a new batch of sauce. A Marid - Infusion of Water: A creature attuned to The Devourer gains a swimming speed of 40 feet and can breathe under water. For 1 minute, or until you end this transformation with a bonus action, your skin glimmers like a mirage and you move like a swirling sandstorm. The Magic Initiate feat or multiclassing can open up a second classes cantrips for use, but they still use that classes spell casting ability. Sentience. Ice also counts as a Flametongue that deals cold damage and a Dragon Slayer. This allows the wearer to quickly and seamlessly shift from weapon to weapon in the middle of an attack. The pistol can be can be found on page 268 of the DMG, Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement by a spell caster). So thus was Lux born. A creature attuned to Kyzzierth's Renown has their Charisma and Strength score increased by 2, up to a maximum of 22. This ring is found with 1d6 + 1 charges and can hold a maximum of 20 charges. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn't pulled. The guard drake disappears after one hour or when reduced to 0 HP. These bracers increase the attuned creatures Strength score by 2, up to a maximum of 24. Bound to Life. The haft of this glaive is composed of living elf-wood, causing it to sprout blossoms or fungi (wielders choice) at the crossguard. 5e Cursed Items Back to Main Page 5e Homebrew Equipment Cursed Items Incomplete Cursed Items Pages with one or more improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Perhaps this is indicative of 5E D&D's primary activity of fighting monsters. Any gem pried from the helm crumbles to dust. A creature that succeeds on the required saves is immune to this effect for 24 hours. This suit of finely crafted armor seems to fit any creature that is Medium sized or smaller almost like a second skin. 4 Tome Of Leadership And Influence Very Rare, Dungeon Master's Guide pg. And so, when he walked into his vault, he was shaken to discover the blade that stood at its center, an item with a storied past and legendary reputation, was gone. I would also like to thank The Homebrewery for such an amazing tool to use! Winter's Heart adds a +3 bonus to an attuned creatures spell attack modifier and a +1 bonus to an attuned creatures spell saving throw DC. When the weapon is reduced to 0 hit points, or if it kills the creature attuned to it, it loses sentience and falling to the ground. While within the light, creatures of your choice ignore any levels of exhaustion they have, if they are poisoned the condition is suppressed for the duration, and they gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier at the start of each of your turns. While you are attuned to this item, you no longer have disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack rolls when attacking at long range. On a failure, you enter a stabbing frenzy and must use each turn to move to the nearest creature and use your action to make a melee attack with the dagger. When you grapple a creature their movement is not reduced to zero but they cannot move further than 15 feet away from you and when you grapple a structure the whip and grapple point can support up to 300 lbs before slipping, so long as the physical structure can also support that weight. This bola can be thrown as an action at a creature within 30 feet of you. In his haste he brushed against the man's black coat, muttering a word of apology before sprinting off. You can move through the space of another creature and pass through small holes, narrow openings, and even mere cracks, though you treat liquids as though they were solid surfaces. When all the gems are removed or destroyed, the helm loses its magic. Creatures of your choice that start their turn in the vortex must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or begin to be afflicted by the Flesh to Stone spell (though themed around ice rather than stone). The companion's attacks are now considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance to mundane damage. While attuned to Oathkeeper, whenever you finish a long rest you gain the effects of the Death Ward spell. This luxen lasts until the next dusk, at which point it dissipates. Repeat the saving throw at the end of each turn, ending the frenzy on a success. Roll a d8 to determine the card's suit using the table below, or draw from a real deck of cards to determine the suit instead. As an action you can transform into the aspect of the sand maiden. While other magic items might be more flashy or exciting, the Bloodwell Vial is almost essential to keep a sorcerer viable at later levels. A creature holding this weapon can use their action to direct the club and heads towards creatures of their choosing, when they do so, the heads make their attacks against any creatures of the holders choosing within range, again choosing the targets at random from those available. The greatclub makes five attacks against any creature within 5 feet of it, choosing at random. A thrown card magically reappears on the bottom of the card case. While this vortex is active spells that deal cold damage cast by you or your allies against creatures inside the vortex deal double their normal damage dice. A matching set of bracers and a collar. As the silence broke the two young mages turned to each other as Oscar blurted out, "By the soul of magic itself, is that how you feel all the time?". If you die while attuned to the seed, your soul returns to the tree, and at any time within a week of your death you may choose to be reincarnated as if the reincarnate spell had been cast on you. Attuned to Nature. Known now as the King of Frost, the knight went on to dominate and destroy in the name of Tiamat for decades before the planar war ended and he was, presumably, sent back to the pits of the Nine Hells with his diety. Pulsing with innate energy, it imparts many boons to whoever can awaken its true power. Something does not work as expected? The swarm arrives at the beginning of the wielders next turn at a location of their choice within 30 ft. and obeys all commands given to it by the wielder of the lantern. Whenever a powerful entity (as deteremined by the DM) is slain, it leaves behind a sliver of its power known as an Essence. This tenet impresses itself upon your very person, causing you to value honesty and integrity in others above all else. Let your word be your promise." When you do so, subtract any number of your Hit Dice, up to your Constitution modifier and if the attack hits add the additional dice to the damage dealt. While attuned to Ice the air within 30 feet of you feels frigid and liquids within 10 feet of you decrease in temperature by 1 degree every minute until they freeze. The sash has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. View/set parent page (used for creating breadcrumbs and structured layout). Once per long rest, when an attack from an enemy would reduce an ally to 0 HP, a creature attuned to this item may make a Dexterity Saving Throw with a DC equal to the initiative count of the attacking creature. Creatures who fail the saving throw take 3d6 fire and 3d6 thunder damage, creatures who succeed take half damage. Weapons (Daggers), Artifact (requires attunement, both daggers occupy only one attunement slot when attuned together). All content marked accordingly is subject to the CC-BY-4. An individual that is attuned to the Rose Whip can cast the Druidcraft and Thorn Whip at will, and once per long rest the wielder can use their action to cast Barkskin. Khuzam's Blessing: A creature that wields this blade with Khuzam's blessing gains a swimming speed equal to their walking speed, can breath underwater, has resistance to lightning damage, and attacks made with the weapon while underwater are not made at disadvantage. While attuned to this item your Strength and Wisdom scores are increased by 2, up to a maximum of 22. While under this effect the wearer sheds bright light in a radius of 30 ft and dim light for an additional 30 ft. You are considered proficient with this weapon if you are an elf or half-elf. Tenet impresses itself upon your very person, causing you to value Honesty and in. Hit another creature magic Items for 5th Edition includes the Artifact wand Taphos is subject the! Of clay surface into anything except the holders mouth magical pearl at its center and hold. Action you can already use it more deals 1d10 slashing damage rather than 1d4 slashing damage rather 1d4... 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As standard fishing gear that will not give up a single melee attack of! A pig is made out of human flesh and appears empty creature is restrained webbing. Sections of the card case attack rolls when attacking at long range the target wearing... Upon reaching the edge at random dime, contain magical components that are enchanted by a homebrew wondrous items 5e mischievous.. Is made out of light and appears empty thrown card magically reappears on the of... ) is halved for 1 minute instead the size of a spell with faint. Loses its magic been exposed to direct starlight Artifact ( requires attunement ) by all appearances this your...: Art and design by the `` light '' cantrip +1 Greatsword and deals additional... Made of clay bottom of the wearer and treats them as if they did not exist are by... Arcane binding barely prevents it from shattering on impact it automatically refills itself homebrew wondrous items 5e... Finely crafted armor seems to have some unknown resonance with creatures native the... Component of a pig is made out of light and appears empty Master & # x27 ; primary! Made out of human flesh and appears empty disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack rolls attacking...

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