grad school ruined my life

They throw a bunch of crazy jargon and hypothetical shit around just to fuck with us, not to get us to learn anything meaningful. These same students can become disappointed and feel trapped when they discover how much Maths is involved in the training process. Millennials live in a different world to that experienced by older generations. Power to the people who know that life offers them more than one pathway. Can I salvage anything from this? I no longer wanted to do research anywaysthe sacrifices it takes no one tells you about. It might take you months to find a job. PTIJ Should we be afraid of Artificial Intelligence? (Again, to put things into perspective, in my field it is normal for PhD students to graduate with 01 publications, and the impact factor of what's considered the leading journal is about 2.3. I know the last sentence is useless in itself, because it only tells you what you need, but not how to do it. The revelation of Famous Professor's behavior initiated an automatic legal response from the school that required me to have a humiliating meeting with the Dept. I was so sick of wasting my time working as a bartender/server while I struggled to find meaning in my life. I feel SO guilty taking a spot from somebody who would have enjoyed actually working on this project. Why am I still so anxious and depressed? There are companies that will hire you to figure out some chemistry, and team you up with Comp Sci or Info Sys folks that will do all the coding and stuff for reports, data science, etc. A cousin of mine (who very much loved his own mother) told me that joke, which works well because so many of us do feel that our mother (or father . This shit is literally killing me in that I've been unable to cut weight due to high cortistol stress levels, I have no social life, not building any real relationships with anyone I care about, I'm broke as hell and this isn't leading me to anything. Dont email someone asking if theyll be your mentor, really you dont even have to call them a mentor, but do try to find someone who can help you walk through the journey. That's already a huge deal - lots of people don't even start a PhD, and of those who do, a proportion never finish. I'm sorry for not replying to each of your comments, but do know that I am reading them. A Medium publication focused on Work, Freelancing, Money and Life Advice. I suspect your low self confidence stems from something else and not the PhD itself. I have broken bones in both of my legs. Highly Ambitious Black Women, Get in Here!!! Because no matter who you are, it can be rough. It wasnt much of a mystery why. or situations/content involving minors. But you can always improve programming, if anything, is one of those things where practice makes perfect. That's quite significant. Please bare with me through this. Different fields are different, yes. Maybe you like working on motorcycles or scuba diving or whatever.. find a way to make a career out of it. I took a year off afterwards and thought I had firmly decided I wanted to pursue grad school in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Far be it from me or anyone else to tell you whats right for your life. I talked to my classmates and many of us just felt we were stuck in this since we didnt know what else we should have been doing with our lives. Your supervisor wants you to stay, which means you probably did something right during your PhD. I'm ruining my life with maladaptive daydreaming, I want an abortion but hes threatening to ruin my life if I follow through. Du Meilan gave him eye drops for half an hour, and then hung up the phone. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Remember you don't need to use your degree at all; you could enter a completely different field. I know what I want to create. Ultimately, I have to figure out what makes me happy, though. Im adding this final bullet like 5 years after leaving academia. Instead it was really the opposite, less job connections, zero authority, spending my time doing shit that nobody cares about and being around very close minded people. I have had to skip holidays and neglect my family and I have still often had my work trivialized. My stomach is in 20+ knots, my heart is racing, and I feel like I'm about to have my second break down of the day. I was already thinking of making plans to go somewhere at the end of the month and was on the fence. I was also wondering how feasible it would be in the future to go back to grad school. You finished a PhD. I have screwed up my career, now I would like some advice how I can recover? Plus undergrad people partied, there was lots of social interaction, lots of chill people, it wasnt so serious, actually felt like college. Chair, who made me talk about my rape and then treated me like I was a broken, damaged, self-dramatizing victim who had over reacted. Be as smart and strategic as you can. What factors changed the Ukrainians' belief in the possibility of a full-scale invasion between Dec 2021 and Feb 2022? Probably my advisor felt pity on me and gave me the position. I wasted six years of my life getting a PhD degree. Go explore. I have a few people that I am going to talk with over the next few days to get some input and direction on where to go. Like you, I had some solo projects, so instead of travelling, I worked on the solo projects for 6 months, and then I felt a lot better. Its for anyone who dreams of turning back the clock. I worry that you may be mistaking your distaste for grad school as a failure on the programs side. I wake up at 4:30 a.m. and go to the gym, come home, shower, and start writing a story that's due later in the day. If youre only staying because of that judgement, or fear of what people will think, youre staying for the wrong reasons anyways. This is not an all-inclusive list. I truly never wanted to go to grad school in the first place. @AbhikTandon: Bear in mind that your advisor has something to lose from keeping you if you're truly not delivering (there's an opportunity cost - they could look for someone better). I fear that if I continue down this path, I will crack. Considering that you have also successfully turned that research into publications, it rather sounds like you do have what it takes to succeed. Do read the question and the answers in that link and see if you identify. Getty Images. I think its wonderful to have students who have joined my classroom because I teach something that they have a hunger to learn. I say probably. They have value. Its also sapping your emotional energy dry. When I got them, I didn't get a "good job!" or anything. His parents pushed him to do engineering, b/c he was in the closet and just kept his nose down and did what they said. Some are in their 20s, but many are in their 30s, 40s, or beyond. Now at 63, I still fear young people, distrust strangers, and flinch when touched, even by my husband. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Finally, I was wondering if anyone knows someone who was in a similar situation and could provide some perspective. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Often, by the time you are faced with the reality of your degree, its too late to change your mind. @SimonRichter Actually, the field is engineering (chemical engineering) where a BSc is enough for entry level jobs industry. No networking system. He would push it in ways by either telling me exactly things he thought I should do, or package it as "I was chatting with kids at the gym and giving them advice, and this one kids doing XYZ" (again, to insinuate this "one kid" was doing something better then I was). One guy dropped his STEM and went into art which is what he really wanted to do (and he was an AMAZING artist). I didnt walk away. I agree w Namaste Says about the world expecting folks to take a linear path. As Ive said before, going to grad school isnt joining a monastery, and there are absolutely no moral requirements on you to stay. This might represent the plan you had for yourself when you were younger, or it might parallel the life your parents lived. For more information, please see our How to delete all UUID from fstab but not the UUID of boot filesystem. One is a lecturer who teaches Masters students training themselves for a new career. SPOILER ALERT: At the conclusion of this post, I will reveal the lie. I feel that I won't be able to do anything after my postdoc year, and I will just be a burden and disappointment to my parents. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, How to effectively deal with Imposter Syndrome and feelings of inadequacy: "I've somehow convinced everyone that I'm actually good at this". I think I was ashamed, to be honest. But, when you have someone constantly telling you that you're not doing good enough, you need to do better, you're not doing as well as so-n-so over there, you should be heading in a certain direction, you need to do it all before a certain BS time limit you know what, you eventually turn into a hot mess that thinks very little of yourself b/c you constantly have a devil on your shoulder that never thinks what you're doing is good enough. I have no motivation to work on it. Upon entering a classroom, they realised it was more like a nightmare. How the hell do you have weed out classes in grad school lol? Its really a completely different world than the rest of a college. Speak to friends, speak to a psychologist, speak to anyone willing to listen, speak to yourself and try to figure out where does this need for accomplishments comes from, so you can move on. My dad did that to me my whole life. @MartinBonnersupportsMonica DSc is not universally higher than PhD. Unfortunately, things go wrong in life. At the same time, M state. I was expecting grad school to be similar to what I did in undergrad in that its just a take what you want out of it experience. I was hanging out with a dude I knew from the grad school that I met outside of campus and he seemed like he had a kinda sheltered life as an undergrad. After all, the administration holds the funding lines, visas and standards for performance reviews. Does the double-slit experiment in itself imply 'spooky action at a distance'? If OP goes into industry, the last six years could be well worth it! Again, thank you everyone for being SO incredibly supportive <3. Its the stuff I learned by launching this blog. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Why is it that I feel so burnt out? This website cannot provide adequate counselling in that regard (although some of the answers of course hit very relevant points). Extreme disappointment and frustration, a huge guilt trip, I currently feel like scum, and I now feel as though I made a decision that will permanently cripple my life. Why do I feel like I have nothing in common with the friends I made in graduate school. I wrote a related post on quitting academia. You don't think you did well during your PhD, but you stuck with it anyways. I had a few sessions of therapy and while it helped in the moment, I don't think it made any impact for the long term. A Rant about (Potentially) OCD Ruining My Life. Every class I took it always felt like a case of the teacher nit picking every little thing I do and there was never too often "hey good job, keep doing what your doing" but just always "you fucked up, go redo this, next time you should be putting in more effort, blah blah blah". Maybe your PhD didn't actually go as badly as you think. This is an automatic comment that appears on all posts. Kwame, according to reports, was subjected to severe beatings by a spiritualist and some men in military uniform. You can check it out and read the first chapter for free, here. John* was 31 when he took his life. I dont want you to be terrified to leave, but it is important to be strategic about it. I got accepted into a PhD program in that field, but I soon realized how little interest I had in that field of research, especially compared to my colleagues. (I am not saying you've got it easier than they do. Talk to my friend with only an undergrad who teaches at a policy school because of real-life experience, or the many business profs who are from the private sector). Listen to your heart. I realized that my degree wasnt preparing me for anything, that I was unlikely to get an academic job, and I wanted out. You just need to be brave and take it. I owe $300,000 in federal loans and I will be on welfare: This makes me seriously suicidal. I have only two first-author journal publications in ~2.5 impact factor journals. Everything was always super serious and everyone was stuck in this hivemind mentality. Shit, half of my program was not even from the US lol. im 23f. Press J to jump to the feed. But instead I said, 'You ruined my life!'". Achieving a PhD puts you in the 5% highest educated part of the population. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Now, that doesn't mean that it will be easy to quit grad school. I think the program sucks and here is why: Weed out classes that arent substantial. For instance, gone are the days of cramming. Video game addiction ruined my life. As a graduate student, you probably have the opportunity to determine the research schedule that is right for you, both for your research productivity and your life outside the lab. Feb 13, 2017. But, I may be making assumptions, but your story sounds almost identical to a ton of other folks I rubbed elbows with in college all of them Indian. My decision to study the chosen subject, Mathematics and Economics, was heavily influenced by my brother who studied the same and me being good at Maths at high school. To be blunt, it was probably one of the crappiest experiences I've had in a long time. The higher the graduation rate, the better, because this indicates that the university is educating students who are extremely capable and committed to their education. People like to help students. But this is not uncommon: these things happen to many people who pursue a PhD, in various ways, and it is not too late to do something about them now. I work in a few roles at my university. When youre leaving high school, it can be hard to say no to a parent who insists you follow on in the family trade. Others feel forced to choose a career like Law or Medicine because they received high marks in school and their family insists they shouldnt waste them. The thing is that I'm leaving grad school for good. There are many dimensions to this project and this project covers a lot of ground (covering an entire geographical area). I just posted on that thread a while back. These make you very valuable if you use them well. I eventually had a blow-up with him, because I was tired of him trying to back-seat drive my life while I was watching his life implode around him with issues he wasn't staying on top of during a situation that basically forced me to take control of his responsibilities when he ended up in the hospital. If you see that the training is going nowhere, or to a place you dont like, its totally your right to walk away. The most important thing in life is not success or respect or glory. I don't know what to do anymore. What do you think of a 34 and 33 age gap? You may feel judgment from your supervisor or peers. Being considerate of others will take your children further in life than any college degree. Ashley Morgan Smithline blasts Evan Rachel Wood as 'full of BEEP' - after star denied she 'manipulated' her to lie about abuse by Manson, Top 25 Greatest Real Housewives Feuds So Far. Life's going to be alright. Graduation is an exciting time. I was hoping to make connections for jobs, to have some authority on campus, hanging out with like minded people, and just be doing something meaningful. My dad did that to me my whole life. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. I haven't felt this low in so many years and for the first time in over 5 years, I'm beginning to feel suicidal again. Two publications and 3.7 GPA are not so bad. Somehow, both jobs involve me consoling students who are so worried about their future and their choices that they dont know how to carry on. p.s. Grad school is supposed to be training after all. Lets start with this. Name the Moment You Lost Respect for a Family Member. I have only two publications to me, who has a grand total of zero from both the PhD project that fell short of its desired outcome and my first two years of postdoc in which the basically already finished, just this project turned out almost impossible, this is quite a violet slap in the face. I was wrong, unfortunately. Maybe I might follow through after all. I'm so heartbroken. I have 2 years of teaching experience and I have references here (I feel like I left on good terms, especially with my advisor). Youve got great things to do, big problems to solve, and stuff to build. Amber Rose Barnes who boasted about killing and skinning husky pup pleads no-contest to animal cruelty and is given six-month deferred sentence, NYC Mayor Eric Adams When we took prayers out of schools, guns came into schools., VW wouldnt help locate car with abducted child because GPS subscription expired, US sues chemical company over cancer risk to minority area, Mississippi governor signs bill banning transgender health care for minors, Danish royals share photo in front of the Taj Mahal that reminds people of Diana's 'iconic' photo, Come see Zendaya Lose her Screen Actors Guild Award. its 40 mins away from work and i just feel like im up and down. I am a second year masters student and this has been the worst year of my life. Transman Elliot Page is the new face of Gucci Guilty; looks out of place in promo shot with ASAP Rocky and Julia Garner. Yep, I was never serious about this and am just wasting their time, which is why I went out and did a bunch of shit since thats how big of a troll I am. @AbhikTandon Do consider that a PostDoc position often involves mentoring or teaching junior students, grading work, running tutorials, et cetera. I have met other students who messed up their choices when it came to picking a major. I'm finishing my 5th year of grad school now. So i'm in my last semester of grad school for my masters and I plan to drop out after this semester since I don't really care for the field that I was majoring in and wont be getting a job in it. Remember what I said above? The Day I Got Into Nursing School Was the Worst Day of My Life. Maybe there were one or two glimmers of exciting knowledge amidst a dreary degree? It might mean leaving university and returning when you have more time to dedicate to your own dreams. But, god-willing.. I spent some time working in public policy, for a think tank and for the government. Life is too short for me to potentially die over something that won't lead me to the future that I want. Tenure track jobs in humanities are impossible to find these days. My soul is already dead. Grad school feels like the anti undergrad, lots of unsupporting people, lots of negativity and lots of really immature shit that I havent experienced since literally middle school. Grad school felt like I went back to middle school with alot of this childish drama I was dealing with. Jennifer Wright, a former Marine Corps officer who teaches grade schoolers in the California desert, had a dream. I am working towards a Masters of Science in Library and Information Science. By Kathryn R. Wedemeyer-Strombel. You might be suffering from impostor syndrome. If you can, try to find a confidant or mentor whos not in academia. These college friends' memories quotes will help you reminisce about the good old times. I rented a room from a gay couple, and one of the guys had a degree in aeronautic engineering. Often, your family will push you down a career path that seems stable and profitable. For what it's worth, the fact that you've got a list of things you wish you'd been doing, and are unhappy that you haven't been doing them, is a good sign - there's an easy fix for that, which is go do some of them. Ace your non-academic requirements. Ultimately, you have to figure out what makes you happy, and stop listening to folks constantly running you down and telling you you're not good enough. You may feel judgment from your supervisor or peers. How do I explain my failed career decision to a potential postdoctoral/academic manager/employer, when I'm almost seven years past my PhD? He made one major career shift up the ladder to get more money, and in retrospect it was an awful decision that uprooted the family and set in motion events that pretty much tore the family apart. 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grad school ruined my life