ol{list-style-type: decimal;} You are highly encouraged to take a close look not only at the salary, but at whether the position duties meet the job duties test under L&Is rules. Such individuals include student-learners (vocational education students), as well as full-time students in retail or service establishments, agriculture, or institutions of higher education. Changes to the standard salary level to exempt EAP employees from WMWA overtime requirements are effective January 1, 2021. This salary threshold would not apply to individuals whose primary duty is teaching, and there are other specialized rules that apply in the higher education settings. In that case, an additional $4.00 is due for each of the 20 overtime hours for a total of $560 for the week. temp_style.textContent = '.ms-rtestate-field > p:first-child.is-empty.d-none, .ms-rtestate-field > .fltter .is-empty.d-none, .ZWSC-cleaned.is-empty.d-none {display:block !important;}'; Illinois. Coaches are exempt under the professional exemption, when their primary duty is teaching student athletes how to perform their sport. The changes are summarized below: To qualify for the administrative, professional, and executive exemptions in California, employees must meet certain salary and duties tests and must be paid at least twice the state minimum hourly wage based on a 40-hour week. The .gov means its official. The top employee benefits companies are focusing on Dive Insight: Plans to raise the FLSA white-collar exemption threshold have been in the works for more than a year. $12.00. Please confirm that you want to proceed with deleting bookmark. TheStateHuman Resources Division(HR) is available to review work period designations for positions in your agency. $("span.current-site").html("SHRM China "); The new federal threshold, which took effect Jan. 1, 2020, is $684 a week ($35,568 a year). Detailed information is available from local WHD offices. .table thead th {background-color:#f1f1f1;color:#222;} By 2028 the annual salary threshold will be $78,624.00. As noted above, the weekly standard salary level will continue to increase each year over the next eight years. If in the future the employer requires a furlough of less than one week, it will destroy the salary basis for that workweek if the employee performs work. Salaried exempt employees have to earn at least the state thresholds because they are higher than the federal threshold. WAC 296-128-533(1)(a). The proposed minimum salary level for the Fair Labor Standards Act's executive, administrative and professional exemptions thus could be $913 per week or $47,476 per year, if not more, he predicted. 17. Among these are: More detailed information on the FLSA and other laws administered by WHD is available by calling our toll-free help line 1-866-4US-WAGE (1-866-487-9243). If your agency would like to change the work period designation from overtime eligible to overtime exempt or lawenforcementyou must request approval fromStateHR. How can employers avoid salary compression when raising the minimum salary for exempt employees under the revised overtime regulations? Employment at less than the minimum wage is authorized to prevent curtailment of opportunities for employment. The Department may file suit on behalf of employees for back wages, an equal amount in liquidated damages, and civil money penalties where appropriate. Effective January 1, 2021 the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) increased the weekly standard salary level required to exempt executive, administrative or professional (EAP) employees from Washington States overtime pay requirements. Most of the information is of the kind generally maintained by employers in ordinary business practice and in compliance with other laws and regulations. The Department may seek a U.S. District Court injunction to restrain violations of the law, including the unlawful withholding of proper minimum wage and overtime pay, failure to keep proper records, and retaliation against employees who file complaints and/or cooperate with the Department. Flagstaff: $12.80 per hour: This is a $0.65 increase from the 2021 rate of $12.15 per hour. Special information is required for homeworkers, for employees working under uncommon pay arrangements, for employees to whom lodging or other facilities are furnished, and for employees receiving remedial education. Seattle: $17.27 per hour (up from $16.69) for employers with more than 500 employees and for employers with fewer than 500 employees that dont pay for benefits and $15.75 per hour for employers with 500 or fewer employees that pay tips and benefits (up from $15.00 per hour). See also federal law for guidance, 29 C.F.R. By submitting this form you are agreeing to receive emails from Focus HR Inc. Privacy Policy | Business Health Insurance, 5 HR Priorities for 2023: How Business Owners Can Solve Their Toughest HR Problems in the Post-Pandemic World, The Hidden Costs of Combining Accounting & HR Functions, Dont be the next headline understand FLSA compliance, Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester Counties: $1,125 per week, Remainder of the State (Except New York City): $990 per week (proposeda final decision is expected soon). 2022 Governor's proposed supplemental budget, 2021 Governor's proposed supplemental budget, 2020 Governor's proposed supplemental budget, 2023-25 operating and transportation budget instructions, 2021-23 operating, transportation and capital budget instructions, Fiscal impact of ballot measures & proposed legislation, 2021 general election ballot fiscal information, State Administrative & Accounting Manual (SAAM), Contact Facilities Oversight and Planning staff, Facilities Portfolio Management Tool (FPMT), Bill Enrollment and Agency Request System (BEARS), Results through Performance Management System (RPM), Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) & Washington Minimum Wage Act (WMWA), Overtime eligible - documenting hours worked, Washington Management Service (WMS) coordinator roles and meetings, Furlough and layoff information for employers, Workforce diversity, equity and inclusion, Overtime Eligible - Documenting Hours Worked, executive, administrative, professional, computer and outside sales employees, One Washington - transformation of enterprise systems, Memos sent to agencies and the Legislature. All employees who work for the covered employer, regardless of work site, are counted when determining whether this exemption may apply. Employees of firms which are not covered enterprises under the FLSA still may be subject to its minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and child labor provisions if they are individually engaged in interstate commerce or in the production of goods for interstate commerce, or in any closely-related process or occupation directly essential to such production. . The total annual compensation requirement for highly compensated employees will increase from $100,000 to $107,432. Employers in Washington may pay computer professionals by the hour (if at least $50.72 per hour in 2022) or on a salary basis (if at least $1014.30 per week in 2022) for those employees to qualify for an overtime exemption. . [CDATA[/* >