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Vietnamese } Slovaks $('#doctor_loc_code').val(json.HOSP_Code); var curr_year = todaydate.getFullYear(); He has Authored several Articles and Book Chapters in Various National and International Publications MARSHALL ISLANDS Book Appointment }); } - BN .active_class { #faq .faqSlider .sliderCont a { var new_d_s = new_s_date.substr(0,2); $(".radio-btn").html(""); #faq h2 { $("#slots_status_vc"+val+doctor_id).html("Slots Available"); padding: 50px 0; - TA } manipal-hospital-admin if(json.price.split('-')[1] != 0){ Orlando Top Doctor, Orlando Magazine (2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2004, 2003, 2002), Castle Connolly Regional Top Doctors (2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014), Distinguished Physician Physician Who Cares, Florida Medical Association (2007-2006), Doctors of South Asia appreciation award (2006-2005), Balance Value Award, Florida Hospital (2004), Best Teaching Attending of the Year, Florida Hospital Family Practice Residency (2001, 2000, 1999, 1998), Preceptor of the Year, Florida Hospital Medical Center, Family Practice Residency Program (1997-1996), Whos Who Among Outstanding Americans (1996-1995), Best Senior Resident, Prince Georges General Hospital (1986, 1985, 1984), Diplomat of the American Board of Internal Medicine, Board Certified with the American Board of Internal Medicine with subspecialties in Cardiovascular Disease and Interventional Cardiology, Board Certified in Nuclear Cardiology and Board Certified in Laser Surgery. color: #fff; $('.item').removeClass('active_class'); } font-size: 30px; Tulu Lebanese font-size: 10px !important; }else{ Best Oncologist in Whitefield, Bangalore Doddaballapur - Bengaluru width: 100%; width:23px; CHRISTMAS ISLAND position: relative; 080-22221111 margin: auto; var CIURLS = { Google Pay, Barbadians navbar.classList.remove("sticky"); font-size: 13px; "url": "", font-size: 16px; SOMALIA Whitefield - Bengaluru Konkani Interactive audio/video connection, electronic information and communication technologies shall be used for providing me with a telemedicine/teleconsultation. nav: true, console.log(t); NA/- cursor: pointer; right: 23%; FRENCH POLYNESIA } var curr_date = todaydate.getDate(); Select Gender } Dr. Pradeep Haranahalli on Heart Health | The New Indian Express.Click Here Feedback / Write to COO To learn more about Dr. Natarajan's research, please visit } color: #034EA1; padding-bottom: 35px; font-size: 10px !important; var dd = todaydate .getDate(); $('.pic_box').html(location_name); } background: #F4F4F4; overflow: hidden; Best Neurologist in Whitefield, Bangalore } } KOLKATA Speciality Cardiology - Adult. 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