Developmental toxicity was observed in the rat (increased incidence of asymmetrical sternebrae) and rabbit (decreased number of live fetuses/litter and increased post-implantation loss) at the highest dose tested, with no evidence of maternal toxicity observed in either species. Chemical Name: Trinexapac-ethyl: Section 18 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) authorizes EPA to allow an unregistered use of a pesticide for a limited time if EPA determines that an emergency condition exists.
As such, the Agency has determined that this action will not have a substantial direct effect on States or tribal governments, on the relationship between the national government and the States or tribal governments, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government or between the Federal Government and Indian tribes. Mix in manganese. Also, the Agency calculated dietary burden differently by using the highest residue measured in trials instead of the proposed tolerance level residues. In this Issue, Documents This table of contents is a navigational tool, processed from the 1501 et seq.). The President of the United States manages the operations of the Executive branch of Government through Executive orders. headings within the legal text of Federal Register documents. Full disclosure: Syngenta donated the product for this trial, but the only funding for the research was provided by the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station and the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service. Hazardous to the aquatic environment, long-term (Chronic) - Category Chronic 1, H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. There are clear NOAELs/LOAELs for this effect; in which the NOAEL dose is 10-fold lower than the LOAEL dose at which neuropathology is observed, and is therefore sufficiently protective. that agencies use to create their documents. Register (ACFR) issues a regulation granting it official legal status. The Docket Facility is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. documents in the last year, by the Fish and Wildlife Service Comments were received on the notice of filing. Receipt of a Pesticide Petition Filed for Residues of B. The mean recoveries of trinexapac-ethyl and trinexapac in four matrices at three spiking levels ranged from 72.0% to 108.2%, and the relative standard deviation (RSD) ranged from 2.1% to 11.0%. documents in the last year, 20 This early-season fungicide application will not, however, substitute for a fungicide application at flag leaf. documents in the last year, 11 Global key manufacturers of Trinexapac-ethyl include Syngenta, Nuturf, ADAMA, Nanjing Gaozheng Agricultural Chemical, and Shanghai Agrogreat Industrial, etc. For hazards that have a threshold below which there is no appreciable risk, the toxicological POD is used as the basis for derivation of reference values for risk assessment. Certain other material, such as copyrighted material, is not placed on the Internet and will be publicly available only in hard copy form. In the Federal Register of March 3, 2020 (85 FR 12454) (FRL-10005-58), EPA issued a document pursuant to FFDCA section 408(d)(3), 21 U.S.C. C. How can I file an objection or hearing request? Until the ACFR grants it official status, the XML documents in the last year. documents in the last year, 861 Established in October, 2003, Jiafu International Trade Co., Ltd. is a specialized international trade company based on ISO9001 quality system strictly. Register, and does not replace the official print version or the official Global Trinexapac-ethyl Market is expected to grow at a CAGR x.x% over the next ten years, and will reach at US$ XX.X Mn in 2028, from US$ XX.X Mn in 2018 [email protected] +1 718 618 4351 (International) +91 78878 22626 (Asia) Search. ), EPA will submit a report containing this rule and other required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the United States prior to publication of the rule in the Federal Register. First rinse with plenty of water for several minutes (remove contact lenses if easily possible), then refer for medical attention. ), 2777 S. Crystal Dr., Arlington, VA. The finer the spray particle size, the more uptake and suppression you're likely to get. Bispyribac-sodium selectively controls annual bluegrass in cool-season turf but efficacy may be influenced by management practices, such as plant growth regulator use. Lodging occurs due to a variety of factors, and as shown in the figure below, the timing of lodging will determine the final impact on grain yield. Also, the tolerance for sugarcane, molasses is established at a different level than requested to conform with EPA's rounding class practice by removing the trailing zero. EPA has sufficient data to assess the hazards of and to make a determination on aggregate exposure for trinexapac-ethyl including exposure resulting from the tolerances established by this action. Evidence of increased susceptibility to offspring exists at or above the limit dose of the developmental and reproduction studies. of the issuing agency. ChemSpider ID 83439. menu. Therefore, an additional 10x database UF was not retained for lack of inhalation toxicity data and these data are not being required. In making its tolerance decisions, EPA seeks to harmonize U.S. tolerances with international standards whenever possible, consistent with U.S. food safety standards and agricultural practices. Aggregating chronic (or background) dietary exposure with short- and intermediate-term exposures, EPA has concluded that the combined food, water, and short- and intermediate-term residential exposures result in aggregate margins of exposures above the level of concern for all scenarios assessed and are not of concern. and services, go to . For information regarding EPA's efforts to determine which chemicals have a common mechanism of toxicity and to evaluate the cumulative effects of such chemicals, see EPA's Web site at provide legal notice to the public or judicial notice to the courts. Do not contaminate water, foodstuffs, feed or seed by storage or disposal. Prenatal and postnatal sensitivity. However, the existing legal framework provided by section 408 of FFDCA contemplates that tolerances greater than zero may be set when persons seeking such tolerances or exemptions have demonstrated that the pesticide meets the safety standard imposed by that statute. . SEARCH. Additionally, T-NEX is the perfect pre-stress conditioning choice for the coming season. Trinexapac-ethyl is a plant hormone , a plant growth regulator. We are conducting the same trial in 2014 along with a separate trial evaluating Palisade in drought stress environments that is partially funded by Syngenta. This repetition of headings to form internal navigation links ).However, the seed yield responses of annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) That is, a plant growth regulator will not make a lodging prone variety stand like one with excellent straw strength, rather they will make it less prone to lodging relative to the same variety non treated. The plant growth regulator trinexapac-ethyl (TE) is widely used to increase seed yield by reducing lodging in many grass species, including perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb. documents in the last year, 83 Fresh air, rest. Remove all sources of ignition. Trinexapac-ethyl is a synthetic plant growth regulator that is derived from cyclohexanecarboxylate. A harmful contamination of the air will not or will only very slowly be reached on evaporation of this substance at 20C; on spraying or dispersing, however, much faster. In the mouse, there was no evidence of carcinogenicity. Trinexapac-ethyl is a plant growth regulator that inhibits the formation of gibberellic acid and is used as an anti-lodging agent. on 346a(d)(3), announcing the filing of two pesticide petitions (PP 0F7719 and 0F7720) by Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc., P.O. to TE has not been widely investigated.In four field experiments, different rates . Most requests are made by state . Products in this class include flurprimidol, paclobutrazol, ethephon and trinexapac-ethyl. The toxicology database for trinexapac-ethyl is largely complete, with the exception of a subchronic neurotoxicity study, which is a new data requirement under 40 CFR part 158 for registration of a pesticide (food and non-food uses OPPTS 870.6200b). document.write(" Prin<\/span>t<\/a> <\/a>\u00A0|")
Buy high purity Trinexapac-ethyl analytical standards from Chem Service Inc. Shop N-13706-250MG today for special offers and discounted shipping. Trinexapac-ethyl CAS 95266-40-3 WIKI information includes physical and chemical properties, USES, security data, NMR spectroscopy, computational chemical data and more. Handling in a well ventilated place. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-base Balance, View all products of Market Price & Insight, Trade Alert - Delivering the latest product trends and industry news straight to your inbox. EPA has evaluated the available toxicity data and considered its validity, completeness, and reliability as well as the relationship of the results of the studies to human risk. Application of Palisade or Palisade plus Tilt increased grain yield at Chickasha and had no effect on grain yield at Stillwater or Perkins. Trinexapac-ethyl. About the Federal Register Trinexapac-ethyl is a synthetic plant growth regulator that is derived from cyclohexanecarboxylate. Uncertainty/safety factors (U/SF) are used in conjunction with the POD to calculate a safe exposure levelgenerally referred to as a population-adjusted dose (PAD) or a reference dose (RfD)and a safe margin of exposure (MOE). Chronic risk. Action: Plant growth . Our results are consistent with other wheat plant growth regulator research, which has reported similar variation in response among sites and years. Since the short- and intermediate-term toxicological endpoints for trinexapac-ethyl are the same for each route of exposure, only short-term exposures were assessed. trinexapac-ethyl Chemical family: Cyclohexanecarboxylate Formulation: EC (Emulsifiable Concentrate) Product Overview Registration Application Advice Emergency Links and downloads Product overview MODDUS contains trinexapac-ethyl for use as a growth regulator in wheat, barley, oats, rye, triticale, durum wheat and ryegrass seed crops. documents in the last year, by the Fish and Wildlife Service Recommendations may change as further research is conducted and new information is obtained. regulatory information on with the objective of The Docket Facility telephone number is (703) 305-5805. documents in the last year, 121 Chromatog Common Name Trade Name(s) Amicarbazone -Xonerate 70WDG Aminoclopyrachlor -Imprelis 80DF, 2SL Aminoclopyrachlor + chlorosulfuron -Perspective . We conducteda separate trial evaluating Palisade in drought stress environments that was partially funded by Syngenta. .. There were no differences in grain yield at Stillwater or Chickasha in 2014. from 47 agencies. Use spark-proof tools and explosion-proof equipment. In our study we evaluated 12 oz/ac of Palisade with and without 4 oz/ac of Tilt (propiconazole) applied at Feekes GS 7 (two nodes visible above the soil surface). EPA may establish a tolerance that is different from a Codex MRL; however, FFDCA section 408(b)(4) requires that EPA explain the reasons for departing from the Codex level. headings within the legal text of Federal Register documents. My best hypothesis is that the treated plots lodged later than the non treated plots, as all plots were standing at anthesis (see picture below). Be sure to consider the method of trinexapac-ethyl application when trying to maximize effectiveness. Palisade is a giberellic acid inhibitor and works primarily by reducing plant height. Do NOT wash away into sewer. Any trinexapac-ethyl that hits the soil is lost. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews,, MODS: Government Publishing Office metadata,,,,,, Acute dietary (Females 13-49 years of age), Acute RfD = 0.6 mg/kg/day aPAD = 0.6 mg/kg/day. The finer the spray particle size, the more uptake and suppression youre likely to get. // -->, A data sheet from the Compendium of Pesticide Common Names, InChI=1S/C13H16O5/c1-2-18-13(17)8-5-9(14)11(10(15)6-8)12(16)7-3-4-7/h7-8,16H,2-6H2,1H3, ethyl 4-(cyclopropylhydroxymethylene)-3,5-dioxocyclohexanecarboxylate. Molecular Formula CHO. This prototype edition of the The President of the United States communicates information on holidays, commemorations, special observances, trade, and policy through Proclamations. Provision to contain effluent from fire extinguishing. on EPA has established a docket for this action under docket identification (ID) number EPA-HQ-OPP-2010-0524. Product Name: Trinexapac-ethyl: CAS No. For linear cancer risks, EPA calculates the lifetime probability of acquiring cancer given the estimated aggregate exposure. 346a, any person may file an objection to any aspect of this regulation and may also request a hearing on those objections. [Reserved], [FR Doc. Wheat grain yield as affected by plant growth regulator in 2013, Wheat grain yield as affected by plant growth regulator in 2014. Potentially affected entities may include: You may access a frequently updated electronic version of EPA's tolerance regulations at 40 CFR part 180 through the Government Publishing Office's e-CFR site at tradeKorea is a online B2B trade website offers you matching services to connect buyers and suppliers. The goal to is to apply trinexapac-ethyl only to the leaf as this is the only route of uptake into the plant. S-4400, One Potomac Yard (South Bldg. Two comments were received in response to the Notice of Filing. Trinexapac-ethyl is approved for use on cereal crops such as barley, durum wheat, oats, rye, triticale and wheat as well as grassland, amenity turf and managed turf. This final rule establishes tolerances under section 408(d) of FFDCA in response to petitions submitted to the Agency. 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal.... Tilt increased grain yield as affected by plant growth regulator in 2014 above the limit dose of the tolerance! Agency calculated dietary burden differently by using the highest residue measured in trials instead of developmental... No differences in grain yield at Stillwater or Perkins but efficacy may influenced... 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