Wills and Appraisals ILl.s KOI? If they are poisonous, common sense requires the wearing of boots so heavy and so tough that no fang can penetrate them. Mrs. A. Emerson Palmer, Mrs. Thomas Louderdalo, Mrs. Howard, Mrs- - Alden L. Swan, tho Misses Neniith, Mrs. Wesley Block, Mrs. George F. Allison, Mrs. John R. Rogers, Mrs. George Star, Mrs. Dlefondorf, Mrs. Horace Hofent, the Misses Nesmlth, Miss Helen Thorn, Mrs. Charles M. Bull, Mds. reliable and give QUICK RELIEF tfoldby, alldnigri4taforDVFr4nveara Ailrfof "JH t ilAMOND STOMACH UPSET Get at the real cause. No. Memorable Obituaries From the Times Archives 2016-05-31T22:55:04-04:00 May 31, 2016 10:55 PM ET This summer, we invite you to join us as we exhume obituaries from our archives, some dating to the . lie Is survived, by hln wife, Kato Fagnon La Forse, two sons, Albion Noble and Robert Barnes La Forge; two grandchildren and two brothers, John La Forgo, of Richmond Borough, and Sidney La Forge, of Brooklyn. So, how do you look up local death notices and sift through hundreds of years worth of history? Search Times Union Archives more options Search Browse the archive by date This online archive is for access and use only by individuals for personal use. Mrs. Ilhonheimer was born in Germany, noar Baden Baden, and was the widow of Bernhardt Ilhonheimer. Whirl, will be one of the principal event of the post-Lenten and the dates havo already been selected. of 7 Frost la., occurred vesterday when her husband. Thursday Feh 18. at tl A. M Intel ment Greenwood Cemeteiy. Leo II Birling will nfftroate at a requiem maae Interment will ha in Holy Cross Csmaterj under the direction of John T. Kenny. at 9 Jo M thence to the Chinch of rhe Oond Shepherd TMh b t and Fourth ae Brooklyn Interment Greenwood , Cemeter'. She did it by dally cleansing with Reeinol Soap and regular application ot healing Retinol Ointment. and a brother William. He waa horn in Newfoundland, and bed been a sea cap tain for tha past 2ft years. How to Search Florida Times-Union Obituary Archives. Karen A. Jackson (Ford) February 22, 2023 After a short battle with cancer, Karen went home to our Lord Jesus on February 22, 2023. 9 A. M . CARROLL On Friday, Deo. On Monday, December 18, 1916, the new Williamsburgh branch of Armour and Company will open to the public. If treaties protect America, the building of battleships, pursuit planes and submarines is a criminal waste. Connect other family members mentioned in the death notice to confirm whole sections of your family tree. Use information from more recent ancestors to find older relatives. If treaties will not prevent war, then armament is necessary to protect the lives and property of the people. years ago, but recovered although at ' one time hef case was considered hope- less. When we take food and drink into our stomach, and later pass them along on down into the intestines, we have not actually taken them into our bodies. . A mit Hie, Keh Ifi Mra Grace W Wingate. Obituaries can vary in the amount of information they contain, but many of them are genealogical goldmines, including information such as: names, dates, place of birth and death, marriage information . .Dee. ' ease, after a-brief illness. Feb 15 M RI j M , mother of Neil Fuel v and wife i of the late lamer Fuei. Genealogy research can be challenging as many records are incomplete or filled with mistakes. Funeral services in St. Paul's Lutheran Church, South Fifth and Rodney sts., on Sunday, Deo. Search obits for your ancestors, relatives, friends. Uncover the branches of your family tree. . CHARLES SCHULTZ DIES Second Death in Hewlett Family Within Weak. He was told of his wife'j death yesterday and took tho sad news bravely. We exist as healthy, happy normal human beings, just so long as we are able to exclude other forms of life, plant as well as animal, from the interior of our bodies. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Georgo H. Rowe, 122 Milton street, was the rendezvous of the Greenpolnt Dickens Circle last evening. .239 Hlmrort e 1 1 135 Powell at I ,135 Powel at Manhattan 1 .381 Grand st Bronx moor reanoerg. Nations never begin a war if they know they have no chance to win. Thomas J. and Bernard T. Supple. TOP STORIES. He was a member of St. Peter's R. C. Church, Hicks and Warren streets, where a mass of requiem will be celebrated Monday, at 10 A. M., with interment In Holy Cross Cemetery. Kingston ave. and Perk pi. In other words, we may think of the lining of the stomach and the intentine as continuous with the covering of the bodv a surface. Always interested In flower ct1-tute. Ha was born In Manhattan, 8ft years ago, and lived all hfa Ufa In Brooklyn. hand, are formalized reports of someones death in the local news. She lived for many years on Marcy avenue. Interment will follow in Greenwood Cemetery. TITLE editors often didnt fact-check spellings in the past. James, and a daughter, Nellie Aspeil. Amltyvllle, Dec. 16. Mrs. Mary Ann Graham, neo Hobday. Mrs. William - Burt Greenman, of 988 President street, recently enter tained the brides of last season at a luncheon. Let the Borough President be held accountable and let him have his own street cleaning commissioner and we will taavt cleaner streets. Kun r h st i u , h Ini A d ,t in H I . of genealogical research. 'was then th owner of a' small store, anil saw him become, a I power in tho affairs of the Eastern i District commercial-ami civic life. 011 iweirtu bto ,npcr rinancr, t. lews 1'rosneet pi Julia Levy, 24.. 877 Vandcrbllt v Cbarlo Sears, 23 hr McDonsal at Besnle Olldernleeve, S3 SSI Sarenth as John Marroue, 31 741 Park arc Brlgida Mnnnone, 33. 19te funeral serviced were held at the late homa last night, and burial took place in Cedar Grove Cemetery at 3:30 today under tha direction of A. Chester Smith, GEORGE T. HUMPHREYS, of Y)3 Leonard ave., died Friday. Is dead at 313 Twentieth street. . Miss Madelaine Lynch, Miss . William Vtergntt, ' 22 ,1003 Dots Wllbdmlm Rltallinr, 10 1003 Den t Nathan Friedman, 22,.,.. Batterrnan died four years ago. you Ilka, Advertisement. Alexander Kldln. ?31 Hayward at . With the thousands of sweat glands and hair follicles, opening on the skin surface, it ts Careful Service which omits no detail in its many duties and supervision, yet spares all needless expense. D. A. R., held a Christmas and birthday party on Wednesdays afteimoon, December 1", at tho residence of Miss Hall, 201! MOTHER. For a successful Florida Times-Union obituary search, its good to have multiple strategies at your disposal to ensure you get the correct relative. J OAF, PH A. NORSK. He is a wholesale butcher of Manhattan and has been a resident of Brooklyn for fifteen years Mrs. Sturges was born in New York City and was the daughter of Charles It. . Some of the most beneficial reasons to look into Florida Times-Union local obituaries include: Explore the comprehensive records in our online database, and you'll gain access to almost 150 years of local history. Ernest Edward, Mrs. Antonio Fticcilln, Mrs Louis De Vetto and Mrs. Philip Lembo. Obituaries in Jacksonville, FL | Florida Times-Union Obituaries Show me: Date posted online Display: Tuesday, February 21, 2023 Donna Edenfield Gill Age 74 Gill, Donna Edenfield, 74 was. Monday. KYKLYN RO8R MAHONEY, died Run day. Thus we must sdepend on other agencies for our protection, such as the germ dissolving ferments of the blood stream, called the bacterio-lyeins,' and other similar substances. Interment will bo made in Cypress Hills Cemetery tomorrow. He might have swung from his hideous mount to one of the lower branches that grazed their heads as they paseed beneath. and loseph IHVoren, No provision is mnde ioi John M. Davoren. Muriel Wiggin, Miss Beatrice Beck and Miss France Field. Mr. and Mrs. David Raymond Reynolds will receive with the bride and bridegroom and Mrs. Wallace. . ii inuig r yy t itiu w iui mjw ajnc v l wit (fco Augustus Block Company, ft lit feci, iiiWOKL V. 31ay b reached by cvli Hnd Kurffc. If you must uoss a field infested with poisonous snakes, do you protect ourself b wearing boots almost heavy enough to prevent the penetration of their fangs? Wfr triilitu nIi fflaipaitOlali MMa a m Resmol rurr -enry- t, Get access to this page with a Free Trial, Millions of additional pages added every month. - .- Tlldf MERRY VVrUKL NEXT APRIL. But whats the Mr. Taylor in his early life was well-to-do. X. holiday suggestions WINES, BRANDIES, Whiskies, Cordials and other Beverages PHONE US Open fcvenings Wc. Interment was In Mount Lebanon Cemetery, i CAPTAIN J. Y. DALTON died Monday In hts home, ftdT Third at. m Mrs. Rook, early In life, was a popular fitnt tnvty and 0;f ' "l' actress and operatic singer, whose stage mJL"?.,JrA7 'III?. Information regarding access and use for institutions is available by contacting NewsBank at 800-762-8182 or email sales@newsbank.com. Among those present were Mrs. William C. Beecher, Mrs. Henry At-water. Shaw, and a niece, Mra. We make it easy for you to search, discover, and share your familys untold story. I KED C. Patrick Malonc. Currently, the following types of records are indexed: Paid death notices from the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle and Times-Union for the years between 1960 and up to 2016. AldArmnn TriV n niAmpr mctalrfna' Iris Relatives, friends and managers of J Third Street M. E. Church, and her , ht th. Read More ft Bon From the Horibs' comet sat ion Tarzan learned thev were almost at their destination Hts nerves and n os were on the alert nnd he (hafed a ii h Impatience, He was about to make a sudden bre4ik for liberty trusting the tinex-pe tednesa of his act would tauh the Horih off guard This would give him the nciess.uv few seconds to throw Jana to his shoulder and aw ing upward And then a faint breere ( hec ked his impulse and brought to his nostrils a s ent-spoor he had thought nevei io know again ' He knew hat was somewhere ahead of them and he thought and arled quickly H seemed impossible for himself nnd Jana io escape ai once, but there was another wav now Tarzan awaited his ham e and soon It tame Low before him swung the branches of the dismal forest He leaned forward his hands resting lightly on ihe C.o ohors nork When j u st beneath tire hrnmh he had selected the ape-man leaped lightly to hts feet and almost at the same moment sprang upward Into the tree 1JM IAA CHBIgTGOFFKRAON died Sun m hr home 1721 R!e kei 1 Ridx-n mul Sh a hern In Sweden 77 years ejro nd lenve her sen ri-r F She lived tn he Oieenpoim eectton for more 'han 40 years The funeral aenlcea will ba held t 8 n clonk tonight, the Re' Carl Huzel, of aha Lutheran Chttrrh of the Covenant, nfftrlatln Intetment wilt taka pla TVedneadav a Her noon In Mi 4itet Cemeierv. No. Or forty 0 Oi does it build the vault so strong and safeguard it so well that no conceivable combination of wot and power can open itJ U hat is Hu i aim l a protection that almost prot fits' If the snakes m the held aie not poisonous, it is absurd to wear am protection at all. it often effechve niter 6r,t application and uauallp drawa out muacttlar wnw and pain by lilt houf. Warsaw Obituaries Hannah L. Rose PENDING Hannah L. Rose, 17, Warsaw, died Sunday, Feb. 26, 2023, at Riley Children's Hospital, Indianapolis. beloved husband of Sophia Petrlng Den- ner, ln his 6Sth year. Although some people use the terms interchangeably, theyre actually two different things. kataie. Interesting Demonstrations of Armour's Specialties EDVV. Mrs. Elira Yolk. - Miss Madeleine Elizabeth' Wild was the guest of honor at the luncheon which Mrs. Crafts gate Thursday at Sherry s. Among the guests wore Mrs. Frank Griswold Wild, Mrs. Meyer, Miss Norma Werner, Miss Dorothy Johnson, Miss Anita Deraismes, Miss Dorothy Johnson, Mies Harriet Ward, Miss Mildred Belcher, Miss Margaret Pray, Miss Charlotte Schmidt and Miss Mary Rasch. ine iu fwaiM. Death notices can help extract more information about an ancestor and uncover their place of burial. The terms of purchase are liberal, but Mon slgnor McGolrlck expocts to have the land paid for ln one year. They describe the person, their life, and who they are. 28, N. I. W. V. He leavea his wife, Isabel; a son, Harry J.; a daughter, Nellie Taylor, and fwO grand-daughteis. Get this Times Union page for free from Tuesday, February 16, 1932 EBRUARY 16, 1932 WHY TAKE PREVENTIVE MEDICINE IF YOU WONT TAKE ENOUGH TO PREVENT DISEASE? Clara Shannon and Ida Dtats. mo ui-'i luomucia Herman Ooldbare, 23. Get started with GenealogyBank and start making connections today. He was for many yeara'in tho leather goods business in Manhattan. 1R. William K , MargareV J , Annul! . Charles Emll Kurz. Mrs. Taylor was y. A miniature Christmas tree and a 'artre birthday cake decorated In red, vi.lte and blue, as this was the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the chapter, formed part of the decorations. I think though, that this happens verv much oftener than we have anv for those of delicate life habits. Obituaries can be used to uncover information about other relatives or to confirm that you have the right person in Albany, New York. May her soul reat in peace THOMAS A. TOT AND BERNARD J. isA TUESDAY THE UlMnittLVN DAILY TIMES FEBRUARY 16, 1932 WHY TAKE PREVENTIVE MEDICINE IF YOU WONT TAKE ENOUGH TO PREVENT DISEASE? Inter ment will be in Holy Cross Cemetery. -v"v-r Jai.e Jbrotner' Monsignor E. W. McOolrtck, tho rec nlm! Mrs Margaret Haoren. Instances coming to our attention, with an alarming frequency, where dangerous germs finally are found in the blood stream, as the answer Is being sought to a baffling train of serious symptoms. I 2618 STAQd New Graham Ava. Her brother, Carman Frost, waa hurled Hitndnv from tba Schultz home. RVnpm 1-3T4A Vl,,lnl 1-H1I ' The Russ Funeral Home , ar-ON MYHTI.E AVENUE . for no enemv would dare attack. Oonrt Anna Flloaa. ISST V cm Kight M left, an esiaie of te than JDinon to her husband f,eorg w rh NOTABLES ATTEND SERVICE FOR LEICH Veteran Official Eulogized by Dr. H. E. Clute. The Merry. URGES BORO AUTONOMY, Church are invited to attend the flclate at the funeral services in the i girl. Family members would have published death notices in the Florida Times-Union to detail the persons name, age, residence, work history, and any information about the funeral service. Have you a had taste, coated tongue, poor appetite, a lazy, dont-care feeling, no ambition or energy, trouble with undigeated foods? TITLE editors often didnt fact-check spellings in the past. Tarzan knew hd could have escaped. Pioapecr me, Ridgewood nhere a eiul-m mm will he offeied at i 9 .18 A M Ihternient will ha in Calvary Camter under the direction of William . Wlocum, the Kev. a daughter, Minnie Dies, of 7f7 Km pi re Md. Home - Times-Union Newspaper. . He waa a retired machinist. on Thursdav.j Feb. 18, at ft 30 A. M. Interment ! The answer is easily found. Obituaries oab Tomlinson 414 hom JSM Tro r ., yaatardej. . April 11, 12 and 13. 22, IJ. with Interment ln Evergreens Cemetery. KL1ZA, wife of the lato Henry Batterman, In her 67th year. Armour's Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Cheese will be attractively set forth. She was tha daughter of William and Florence Me booty. 10 A. M KKSSEL-On Feb. 14. When the ll.ard-men entered the Inner world's forest. I am positive he vra chewing gum because, the head cour officer saw him throw gum from hi: mouth in the cuspidor. and William P. Kloecker, of Brooklyn. voted. Clara Nhane. BOSCH Suddenly, on Wednesday, Dec. 13, 1016, at his residence, 97 Lllory st. JOHN BOSCH, Jr., son of tho late John Bosch, ln his 4 0th year. It , i-l.- "e givn at the Academy of Music. To leave a condolence, visit: www.TitusFuneralHome.com. V M4R1 CANAVAN died cestaidav in hei home ft24 St John a pi She waa the (laughter of tha lata Thomas and Maiv Ctinavan and loaves five aisteia Hiatei Man Giegoi of the Bisteta of Meicv of ItatRMi T . IN MEMORIAM. All you have to do to get started is enter the last name of a chosen relative and press the Search button. If you want to find death notices alongside Florida Times-Union obits, follow these tips: The Florida Times-Union records are invaluable sources of historical Obituaries describe the person, who they are, and what they did in their lives. . of Assistant District Attorney Rtch-aervues look piara at 2 Sir today in therd H. Brown BROOKLYN TIMES CROSSWORD PUZZLE 948 Amityville Woman, 58, Prominent in Flower Circles Burial in Brooklyn. Of much , interest on the Heights was the deout yesterday afternoon of Miss Sarah Tod BuTkley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Bulkley, of 600 Park avenue. Mr. Croquet leaves his wife, Mary E. Basley; three daughters, Mrs. Mabel O. Juby, Mrs. Bessie J. Keesler and Mrs. Mildred Foster, of Forest Park, and two grandchildren. I prominent In Uboi unions and for thr Judge Johnson vesterdav appoinl-past 19 years as international secieiaiy ed a AHnily commission to examine I ithogie 'Henry J Antic, on of the 14 Ocea n-sldo firemen "ho were indicted here last month for atson in the thud degiee Ande was also 1n-dlt ted for illegally possessing a re-oh er. Mrs Morrell Is survived by two daughters. 30 died Mondav m itia home, 70S Eighth ave. Uncover the branches of your family tree. nt.nl." Mrs. Sarah Eliza Battcrman, widow of Henry Batterman, the well-known Broadway drygoods merchant, died yesterday, after a long illness, in her apartments at' the Hotel Bosscrt, In her slxty-seventlf - ijrear.' h. Id last night tn th I hi. I am opposed to centralization, because by it four or- flvt men will control this great city." Thus it la. 1916 THE y PLAZA - THE PLAZA if THE l 1 PLAZA K U.. of Brooklyn RESTAURANT and Banquet Rooms Flatbush Ave., at Fulton St. Will Open Ita Doors to the Public WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27TH Three Dance Floors Three Orchestras Under Direction or Mai Craig The Last Word, In' Cabaret DAN DOTY W1U ifrsent 'The Plaza Girl" with cut of 25 ; Make Reservation NOW for Niw Year's F.VB. She' movcd to Brook-j lyn after her marriage to Mr. j Don't miss this exposition of fine, pure foods. Funeral Wednesday. Jt dlapOEtea of an estate of S&lflOo. Looking up Florida Times-Union obituaries in Florida doesn't have to be difficult. Sheriff Announces New Employees, Promotions. Interment will be made in Washington Cemetery. the vs I Tl explaining he ie(tmd his .sh,u prior to tha den I h of I h. I t n I r i Pauline Weld. thence to St. Martin of Toura R C Church. Republican Club.44 Sumner avenue, 01 "Borough Autonomy.,' said: "V, "The time is noar when BrodWyi-will have a larger voting populatlor than Manhattan, and we should have t government of our own. It pour ekin la faulty, atart the Realnol treatment today and watch your complexion Improve. I Suppose a bit more ex plicit in our use of the term interior.' STE 600 Naples, Florida 34108. Whether you're trying to understand where you come from for the first time or you're looking to add some detail to a family tree, it couldn't be easier to perform a Florida Times-Union obituary search. 47 B Baltic at. Age 74. Or twenty? Li, DIN. Try searching for their husbands name. 1907. when h was appointed by Mayor McClellan. Uncovering your family history can be difficult. Miss Brennan leaves her father who was formerly active in Democratic a:Talrs in Greennoint and who Is a liquor dealer, and a sister, Nora. crlmar, came to New York in 1S73. Laura and Billy Dreyer will be seen ln novelty tnd eccentric dancing, and there will be other headlinera. on. Mary. 1916. at 8 o'clock; !tor of 8t' Cecilla'' fir8t discovered the at 388 Stuyvesant ave.. Brooklyn bot need of an athletic field for the U-uiton st. or Putnam ave. youngsters In the parish school. Onlv too frequently I believe, are blood born germs to be found et the bottom of a story of alarming discomforts and signs. Mr. ! The doctors lake an occasional Mood culture tblood placed in a fluid food medium favorable for growth), and Just because they do not find germs growing, consider that the blood stream is free. Looking up Times Union obituaries in New York doesn't have to be difficult. He was a veteran member of tha Twenty-third Regiment, having served for nearly, twenty years aa a member of Company A and a drummer In tho Field Music staff. He . Trace your family history with the GenealogyBank database to begin growing your family tree. Lo Roy Williams . Frank and two Tha funeral will h Thutadav, from ihr lata home thenra to Our Ladv of Miraculous Medal. JEREMIAH JOSEPH KENNEDY died yesteiday in his home. It notes she was survived "by a multitude of loving and devastated family and friends, who will remember her with joy and pain until they follow. America would have no wars to win. Mott Speedy Remedies Known. TARZAN AT THE EARTHS CORE -By Edgar Rice Burroughs Captain Zuppner swung tha noae of the giant dirigible to port and aha aalled out over the plain of PellOcldar. Legal Display; Public Notices And armament is necessary so long as one mad, arrogant nation bent on conquest disregards treaties. MARY A. MrHRIDE CURLEY died yesterday. Mrs. Ktiilly Eliza St urges. Family members would have published death notices in the Times Union to detail the persons name, age, residence, work history, and any information about the funeral service. : ; By ROBERT QUILLEN . Mrs. Mary A. Hayes. There will be L tli. I'lioiif Ubiiu .11111 - - tAiain H- Sallnmnn. James. Fiank, George and Edward, and eta gi andrhlldren The funeral will lake place Thuiadav. Visit our Support Center 148 Lafayette are Le Koy Thornton, 27 ..Oiieena Clara Hoooer. He Is survived by his Mrs. Caroline Colberg. H. K. Miller, will or-1 ' : ' taxed her streneth In her efforts to TAYLOR On Dec. 15, 1916, at the M. ! All druggist, 15c, 800 and 60c. Sayvllle. Rutinl will be in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn Besides her husband, Mrs. Wingate Is survived bv her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth A. William Travers Jerome. WIRDLR In loving memory of our devoted son, FREDERICK, who mot with a sudden death, Fep. Most older obituaries will include some pieces of family information. THOMAS, at his residence, 624 McDonough st . Readers can find. Uncovering your family history can be difficult. Looking up Florida Times-Union obituaries in Florida doesn't have to be difficult. In our coolers we will show you the finest cuts of fresh meats; each carcass bears the label of a U. S. Government Inspector. IMS Fulton at., and Intarmant waa In Rvarfrwnt Camatary under tha dtractioa of Kaaroa Sena. Try searching by initials. A novelty ln the form of a clever and entertaining revue with the title, "Hello Rltz," will be presented at the Rltz Restaurant, Kevins and Fulton streets, for tho Christmas and New Year holidays. under tha direction of Wetqand Prot hers THOVI AH srPPl.K died Sunday In hts home V24 M Doiinuph at He lea'ea his wife, Maigarei two daughteia, Mts Ar-thru 'OBtlen and Adele, and two aona, Thomas J and Rernaid 1 The funeral will taka place Wednesday from tha lata home thence to Our Ladv of Good Counsel R C Church, where a requiem mass will he offered at 9 A M Interment will ha tn Holy Ctoaa Cemetery RNTP FJCKHTKIN RETH1NG (bed and denlv eaterdav 8ha leaves her husband Frederick A AAething The funeial eer vices will he from the late home. NEAR HANCOCK ST. f TEL, 2090 BUSH. 433 101st at Sha leaves her husband, Patitck, two sons, John and William, and thiea dauqhteia. Connect other family members mentioned in the death notice to confirm whole sections of your family tree. If treaties will prevent war, then no armament is necessary or justified and all military organizations should be demobilized to prevent further waste of the taxpayer's money. The commission was appointed EMMY OPHTIA FIM H9R died after long (lines Sunday She Pave her hits at the request of Fred Strohsall defense lounsel. Perform searches by using common misspellings. 1M Bnahwfc-k. 10HN W. R0EJWME1.E. MISS EQGERT ENGAGED. The funeral will be held from her late home Monday at 2 P. M., with Interment in Calvary Cemetery, under the direction of Thomas IL Ireland, 177 North Sixth street Funeral Director 1228-30 B'JSHWICK AVI , TEL. Of course, in the healthy Individual, nature in already and waiting for Just such an episode and the singla germ is very liahje to be gobbled up before he has a chance to reproduce himself. Henrietta 'Wtdmati; two aoni, Juiiua H. and Charlag J. Ho also leaves to grandchildren and 'three great-grand children. Finding death notices in the Times Union can be another vital source P. O. pald ln by B0Vera' of Prominent ELKS Brothers: You are re- Parishioners, among them William quested to attend the funeral Harman and Albert Board man. died Friday. 82M Day Kldra. u ii ' h il it il I ' i i I i on n pleas tl t c (tip s. v n wti L s n ft r his re-liteinent rnliouifiK (u m 1 ha m unit ip i s'j i, , u t r . WIFE AND BON, RGECELFS FlillERAL CHURCH JOHN W. ROEMMELE, Eanml Director 1M-M MJ8HW1CK PARR WAf PhwM. She held the post of piesident for five vents She was h regisieted Federated Maiden Club nf AtnetiiH Judge, and a member of the executive committee of the Amerhan Dahlia Soclelv. We make it easy for you to search, discover, and share your familys untold story. Miss Elizabeth A. Croelman, sister of 18, at 8 o'clock, ln tho Church of I the late James Creelman, Journalist, St. Thomas Aquinas, corner of j died yesterday at her home, 203 West Ninth st and Fourth ave. 117th street, Manhattan, after a long c," as ! ports from Michael Fogarty, the treaa-CIIARLES EMIL KURZ, beloved 1 urer, show the success of the plan, brother of Caroline Colberg (nee ' Kurz), aged 38 years. Herj ,acred purpose to which it la lo'ravar do- nusQana uiea a year unu a nan aeo. Tha daughter of William and Florence Me booty the head cour officer saw him throw from! And uncover their place of burial grandchildren and 'three great-grand children her husband Shepherd TMh b t and Fourth Brooklyn... Blood born germs to be difficult last name of a story of alarming discomforts and signs obits... La., occurred vesterday when her times union archives obituaries, Patitck, two sons, and... 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