augur starseed archetype

Good Dracos and good reptilians are very very smart, caring, advanced and so much more, you should look into them! Why am I different from all these? Are you ready to let go of the past and embrace your unlimited potential? Type 8: The Protector. You can identify as a human if youd like. The seven sisters of their star group are said to open all those who seek a deeper level of consciousness. Great work! Not the other way around. Horrible procrastinator often. This can either be through trying out new things or travelling to new places. The Warrior can sometimes be guilty of making rash judgment calls. Challenges:The Magician needs to overcome placing expectations on others. Maldeks are found to play specific roles on Earth, educating humans to make better choices in health, politics, and technology. And, Venusians sometimes wanted to put too much Venus on Earth through beauty and the like. When they want to, they have a strong sense of humor, and are full of joy and gratitude. Challenges:The main challenge of the creative free-spirit is to get over their internal self-judgment. Their main goal is to elevate their own spirituality so that they can be an inspiration to many. youve had visions and dreams of the Ouroboros symbol, youre a natural leader and work well leading a team, organization, or government, you dont feel right being at the bottom of the hierarchy. Gaias people: very drawn to caring for our Earth during evolution, Fantastic sense of humor and not afraid to act silly, Feel like they have a mission to save animals or nature, Drawn to lost civilizations, myths and legends, May be attracted to the ocean and water if from Sirius B, Have a difficult time expressing emotions in relationships. An indigo child was most likely born between the 1950s and 1980s (so not technically a child anymore!). They can have a hard time providing it for themselves and often lack self-worth. Their primary interest is the search for meaning in everything they encounter. The King needs little introduction. There are a lot of posts online that claim starseeds must look a certain way, but a soul seeking expansion and evolved consciousness isnt likely to be picky about what characteristics and traits they are re-born with. Orion starseeds come from the Orion constellation. These characters are often seen as visionaries. According to many reports, on a crystal clear night, 14 stars out of the 1000 that have been discovered, can be seen with the naked eye. Leaders take on this responsibility, willingly. Know that you are here on Earth to create a path for the spiritual awakening of other people. I relate to several Starseed types. David also means: The Heart. It feels like home to me. Found within the Taurus constellation, the star cluster Pleaides houses this second type of starseeds. This might look like healing a family trauma that spans generations, or breaking away from a family and learning to live independently. Lyrans and just about all star systems. Mintakans are a type of Starseed that originated from Mintaka, a planet that exists within the Orion belt. I find it uncommonly humoristic that there exists the authoritarian style mindset that anyone is here to help anyone, nor that anyone on earth who is privy to this information, and who is properly in touch with their commander, would divulge it. What Starseeed Races were Mermaids ? Everyone says I am very bright like a beacon, I am a bringer of light. Its a fascinating practice. They do this by depleting a planets resources, as well as committing crimes against humanity. all 3 are same things just different levels of awareness. May have Northern European or Norse heritage, Understands balance: yin/yang, light/dark, sun/moon, Might suffer with anxiety, depression and self-esteem issues when not in alignment with their true nature. Looks dont have much to do with a souls spiritual evolution or awakening. No one can fool an Arcturian starseed. Interests change, prioritise change, you change. When we share our stories with others, and with the world, we allow ourselves to be seen for who we really are. And all your dream is trying to tell you, is that you are surrounded by individuals not connected to the collective consciousness. As an advanced soul, you could either be young or old. Theyre what separates us, but also what brings us to together to learn from one another. I long to live in the skies, but also the earth. Dig Deeper: Lyran Starseed Am I One? I know my akashic download. As your internal compass and intuition become stronger youll learn to decipher what your mind vs your heart is trying to tell you. Felines, another ancient civilization lived with them. Not only do they set a high bar for themselves, but they also expect others to reach the same standards. Salutes to you! But as you grow and evolve, you will inevitably let go of some traits in favour of others. But if you think things should be kept quiet, then you do you, man. The same goes for abilities. To an extent, you absorb the energy around you. Challenges:The biggest challenge of the ruler is giving up control. ), Why Soul Healing May Be the Catalyst for Your Spiritual Growth, Spirit Guides: 6 Ways to Make the Connection (Beginner and Advanced). They need to learn how to stop being triggered and giving into judgment. Pluse, I dont know about you all, but Id rather try and see myself as universal. I will also note we have a similar username my email being lovely.Lisa29 There are over 75 million Pleiadians on Earth at any time. They possess a perfect balance between seeing the profoundness in everything while believing in hard evidences. Thank you for leaving such a thoughtful comment. I have got news for you kittens; you are all mutts. Ancient soul here to create a new earth and share unconditional love. The realm of Mintaka no longer exists, so its believed this is why many Mintakans, if they do still exist on Earth, feel even more homesick than other starseed types. In today's episode, Saoirse reviews the energy updates presented by the Augur Illumination phase that occurred from 4/4-4/15 and talks about why it is no coincidence this phase happened at the same ti. They were the rapid ascenders, here to revolutionize our society and ways of thinking. This is a gift given to starseeds as healers. I seem to have a retention deficient but crave knowledge although I do believe we know more than we think we know it has just been forgotten. The only way to create an impact as a starseed is to be of help to others. Their secondary mission involves bringing divine harmony, love, and peace to all those who walk this Earth. Avians are optimistic souls. Life is like a piece of performance art, and youre the one throwing the brush strokes. Weaknesses:You dont have it in you to put your own needs first. Because you dont want to be perceived as selfish, you willingly offer up what you have at your expense. It might be agreed before birth, or it could be engineered against a persons free-will. Orion Starseeds. We have been on many planets, incarnating in a way of: When youre in Rome, do as the Romans do! I think Nines point is that we are all humans. scientific beings youll be interested and intrigued in all things science, chemistry, astronomy, genetics, etc. Maldek was once an advanced civilization that vastly depended on robotic technology. The potential in ourselves, the potential in others, and the potential of life. The sooner you can see this the better off youre going to be. They need to put their objectivity aside and embrace their intuitive guidance. You can develop traits of the other archetypes as you mature. And as for past lives, spirit guides etc maybe its all of the above Ive been in your shoes and I know how confusing it can be, but trust your gut when it comes to these things. Weaknesses:The Magician has high expectations. big forehead, wide-set eyes, thin face, etc but incarnated starseeds arent matched with a body based on looks. While being incarnated on the planet, as a human, does not make us an Earthling forever. , Has anyone heard anything about starseeds originating from anywhere in Omega Centauri? It promised to be an amazing experience of discovery. I resonate with the Sirian, Pleiadian, and Mintaken, Theres a good chance you were more than one starseed. The point of their message was to point out that, even if you were An Orion, a Draconian, or whatever, that is not what you are now. But remember, these archetypes, arent absolute. She also discusses organization in each of the four star families and gives insight to the Augur Illumination Phase that will begin next month on 4/4! 13 Classic Signs, Traits & Symptoms, Lyran Starseed Am I One? So hard to pick where I feel I relate the most, I think Im a little bit of everything all rolled into one. However, pleiadian starseeds are also known to be very smart. Fortunately, all intergalactic beings are encoded with starseed activation encryptions that will unlock and clarify their unique talents, abilities, and knowledge at a predetermined or spontaneous time on Earth. They are mostly depicted in the artworks of ancient Egypt. Maybe you felt a few resonated, which makes perfect sense. Your soul falls into one of these four types. I tend to be very soft spoken and I observe and analyze people all the time, so much in fact that I cant seem to slow my mind enough to fall asleep easily. Any use requires express written permission. These souls possess both intellectual and emotional advancement which is why their main purpose is to be spiritual shamans. Mintaka is no longer in existence. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Saoirse Clare McGovern serves as an energetic mentor for Starseeds who are in the midst of their awakening process so they can live the life of abundance they are destined for, making her the perfect person to be talking with. .and so much more! Always chasing that knowledge, as we all have that God Soark within thats constantly craving to learn MORE! Augur is a peer-to-peer, decentralized exchange, enabling universal and transparent access to its markets. If you are an Andromedan starseed, you dont just sit around when people around you are being abused. Its rare for evolved Draconian starseeds to want to stay within Draco. Feel like they have a big mission on Earth. I resonated with ALMOST Every single point and I am still surprised how you have put it so well and in such a realistic ways! We all fall roughly in line with one of these, and each has its own specific strengths and weaknesses. Its extremely likely this is their first incarnation. Others believe life existed in this dimension on Mars many years ago because of the discovery of water on the red planet. Also I am intrigued with volcanos and am drawn to the element of fire and the moon and to dragons. Weaknesses:The creators perfectionism is their biggest weakness. Now that you know what a starseed is, you might be wondering: Am I a starseed? Races such as the Pleiadians and Arcturians are all well represented Earth. I also have blue eyes with flecks of gold in them. I have a question. Discovering who you are can be extremely validating. Lightworker is a term that gets thrown around a lot. As a result, these beings are advanced in the arts as well as traditional healing practices such as Reiki, crystal healing, and counseling. She draws upon her Master of Arts in Communication Studies, as well as certifications in Usui Reiki, Nutrition, and Somatic Movement to ensure all clients are fully heard, supported, and affirmed. Despite the fact that I have dreamt all my life, on several occasions of myself interacting with a Pegasus, and wearing a uniquely shaped, purple medallion around my neck that allows me to become a Pegasus. Incredibly telepathic, can receive information via the mind, May seem big-headed or egotistical if out of alignment, Often will climb a corporate ladder on Earth (tendency to rise to the top), Often found in fields such as: mathematics, data, science, communication, technology, medicine, engineering, architecture, Can be compassionate, but very guarded with their emotions, May seem callous as theyre not in tune with other peoples emotions, Interested in the mathematical side of spirituality e.g. Leaders are the big-picture thinkers of life. Its believed that Earth is heading towards a Sirian culture at a rather rapid rate. What is a Starseed? Their sole aim is to watch over our evolution and guide us during times of turbulence. I know Im a starseed. No matter what you resonate with, know youre absolutely not alone in your line of thinking! And I love to write, that is how I express myself and my emotions most clearly. Typically Topical bridges the connection between this world and the unknown. Lyrans are a type of starseed from the Lyra constellation. Any tips of someone is going through something similar would be appreciated. Because you possess overflowing divine wisdom, you have the capacity to educate humans on how to achieve higher spiritual ascendancy. Or are you of Starseed origin? Where they came from? My gut still tells me something huge is going to happen but dont know what and feel I need to be completely aligned with something to reach that event. Im a blue indigo star seed but it doesnt mention much about them. And that theres another civilization inside called the Agarthans. Dark Reptilians. I do have lots of questions. The ultimate test is not how many you have helped with your wisdom, but how sincere you are in doing so. The 8 Most Common Soul Archetypes: Which One Best Describes You? But, of course, I could be wrong. In this post, we dig deep into each starseed type, its traits, unique spiritual gifts, home civilization, and interesting facts you might not know. Your body and soul already know more than your mind (or the internet) ever could about your origins. A starseed losing sight of their light and purpose is nothing but detrimental. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. Pleiadians often identify with water zodiac signs i.e. Sirian starseeds are strong-willed people. ), The Spiritual Ego: The Voice of Reason (Or Your Biggest Obstacle? Dont allow yourself to become the obstacle thats standing in the way of your growth. that I no longer live on Venus (has also become uninhabitable in terms of habitat due to star war) and that I no longer have to conceptually transform the earth into a Venus. Their biggest lesson is in allowing their process to occur naturally. As far as why they leave Pleiades? . Its actually relatively close to our solar system, being only 444 light-years away from the Sun! What is an Archetype? Likely very young in terms of soul age as their star cluster is relatively new. Everything that they built led to their own demise because of their greed. It explains why as starseeds, many of us cannot understand how some people can be so cruel and malicious. Wishes everyone else was just as loving. While each of the starseed types are endowed with divine gifts, there will still be times when the world could be overwhelming for you. What makes them so unique? I am striving to align myself with my higher self and have strongest connection with stars, universe, warm areas, and have often dreams about outside worlds, water, connection to the dead spirits mostly lost souls and these tend to scare me a lot. Orion starseeds originate from one of the most known and well-documented constellations in the universe. I like to cleanse in salt water, however I do have a fear of water and memories of drowning in a past life. feeling a tingling, heavy or pulling sensation between your shoulder bones (where a pair of wings would be). I always wondered but recently it is getting too much of a deep feeling that, I do not belong to this place, I want to go back my home, why all others in my family are so different and complicated? This is whats known as a true starseed awakening. Do you have also have memories of yourself just sitting there and chill with the vampires? A kind deed is a kind deed. Your soul archetype defines your personality. They exude clarity and joy. Theyre considered an ancient civilization similar to ancient Egyptians or Romans here on Earth. Rainbow children are spiritually gifted and know it. Theyre not power hungry and rarely seek possessions, rather they value personal freedom. It is difficult to transfer Being Love into Conceptual Love. - Listen to Actualizing With Augur Energy by The Download with Saoirse Clare instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no downloads needed. (Signs, Mission, Traits & More). Aside from empowerment, their main goal is to spread love and peace as well. I resonate most with Orion and lyran. do we travel together? Thank you for your contribution Pahal, and for sharing your story! Why cant they be just simple at heart with each other and what not! Or spirit guides? ), May have Norse or Northern European ancestry/DNA, All about the LOVE and want to spread love to the world, drawn to outer space, science fiction, astrology, stars, people-pleasers: sometimes to a fault because this allows them to be taken advantage of, sensitive individuals wear their hearts on their sleeves, feel different than everyone else when growing up, understand polarity: male/female, yin/yang, sun/moon, above/below and are balanced themselves, may struggle with food sensitivities, sensory issues and anxiety when not in alignment, dont take kindly to authority higher than themselves, when theyre not in alignment, can be money-hungry and manipulative, when in alignment and from a higher dimension, want to unite people and work towards a common goal, talented at leading, building, and coordinating efforts, attracted to reptiles, amphibians and dragons, may have lizard-like physical characteristics: thin, long faces, thin bodies, lizard-like eyes and facial features, drawn to the sun and warmth (prefer warmer climates), find jobs in politics, community leaders, military, architecture, construction, youve been misunderstood your whole life, a large head with a disproportionately smaller body, you dont have much (or any) hair on your body, an intense interest in human genetics and DNA (maybe you even have a career in this field), an interest or occupation in healing and/or medicine, an interest in or fascinaton with dragons, you have problems showing your emotions to others and being vulnerable, you find yourself being cold more often than not you crave warm weather and the sun (without having a thyroid or medical disorder). (Signs, Traits, Missions & More), Lemurian Starseed Am I One? Draco means dragon, therefore many Draconian starseeds are linked to dragons and reptiles of various kinds. You might be a feline starseed. Aside from empowerment, their main goal is to spread love and peace as well. Archangel Jophiel: 4 Beautiful Ways to Connect [Ultimate Guide! There are no metrics when it comes to kindness. Human design is intended to give you the user manual to this vessel to more efficiently reach your potential and life purpose. But its possible some of them may crossover with one another. At that time, they were giants in height. Arent we all being tested isnt that why we came? The great lesson of the leader isnt to create more followers, but to create more leaders. They need to let go. And each of us can be defined by a soul type and soul archetype. If they develop their skills, Sages can become powerful psychic healers. Weaknesses:The Warrior solves problems by looking at the from the macro-scale. Dont forget that this list isnt a complete list of ALL types of starseeds, but the ones that most often incarnate on Mother Earth, aka Terra. They arent beholden to any culture, race, or planet. The original inhabitants of brightest star in the Earth's sky, Sirius A, are said to have come from Vega (in the Lyra constellation). Thanks so much for stopping by! I mean, thats life, right? I didnt know what that was until many year later. And although you do tend to exhibit one set of characteristics more than another, psychology isnt so black and white. If so, what kind of starseed am I? Two races of ancient beings called Felines and Avians also come from Lyra and helped establish much of the ancient world on Earth including Atlantis and ancient Egypt. They see the value in challenges and recognise that everything is here to teach them in subtle ways. What would we be without our differences? Its likely theyre still incarnating at this moment in timebut its possible were on the cusp of a new star child being born. I am truly grateful for your time research and information.. do you know anyone who does divination on this after reading im feeling like a few of these resonate. Could relate with few but still dont know Im which one just know one thing believe in love n compassion very spiritual n love to help others, I actually resonated with the Hadarian traits very strongly, even though I havent heard of them before. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment. Whilst the majority of Starseeds travel and reincarnate to teach and heal, others come to places like Earth to use the planets resources for their benefit or to support a darker mission. I dont honestly feel any astrological collection so I feel that Im just a common or garden Homo Sapiens. Castle12D 367 subscribers Subscribe 93 Share 1.6K views 2 years ago I recently came across a website called. Is it possible that other planets in our solar system once supported life? They need to learn how to see themselves objectively. How do you tune in and learn more about Starseed Archetypes? You can recognise them as being extremely empathic. I did resonate with all of the Pleiadian Star Seed traits . 4. Feline starseeds value rich experiences that can help them grow. It is totally okay to experience worldly feelings. Hathor is an ancient Egyptian goddess born of love, motherhood, and fertility. Why is this information important for awakening/awakened Starseeds. Required fields are marked *. Its a compulsion to make the unknown known. Theyre very in tune with reasoning and practicalities as opposed to their emotions. Dig Deeper: Orion Starseed Am I One? But with this courage comes arrogance. I certainly enjoyed every little bit of it. Thank Again Donna Kay. I once had a hardcore daydream of me standing in a circle of a bunch of different species. Thats incredibly accurate. dolphins, whales. They are are the epitome of inner peace who can spread positivity in a room without even trying. Feline starseeds are those who can never stop developing themselves. Do trust your dreams as they are your souls memories. P.S Dont forget to join our Starseed community, and receive my weekly, 5* reviewed emails specifically crafted for Starseeds and Lightworkers to flourish on Earth. Ever heard the Hollow Earth theory? You are VERY pompous. They lead a very simple life. Although Arcturus is an angelic realm, it can also be a place for the rebirthing of souls, auras, and other etheric forms. Truth isnt an absolute. To be honest, it just felt like I tried all of these lives. (Signs, Traits, Missions & More), Mintakan Starseed Am I One? Super, that about your downloads! Especially with my Pleiadian Sister. light workers are usually more then just 1 thing and come from many different places! In addition, most starseed souls continue with the same body but some wander and jump into othersthese are called wandering souls. It serves no one if your light is kept inside of you. Yet, our True Source of Origin took on these experiences, and integrating them. Your high levels of empathy can even cause you to become people-pleasers, especially when you fail to set boundaries. Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) expands on the work of Dolores Cannon, the original pioneer of Quantum Healing Hypnosis with QHHT. Saoirse Clare currently lives in Arizona with her husband, Philip, and their two adorable tailless tabby cats, Pokey and Babou. Ive also incarnated as an angel in the past before (learned from Alllorah Raynes site). And then I happened to read about the word Starseed and that eventually led me here. Type 6: The Loyal Skeptic. I am a Taurus with blue eyes, and have many of the traits listed. We chose to be in our body, we were there before birth. Your body is actually inside your soul. Twin flame. The I AM is for each of us the Womb, the Home of the original Home. I naturally and accidentally astral project, I know a lot about healing, I have a lot of good luck, I am a Gemini, I walk in circles when Im bored, and my feet are always cold, no matter what I do. Starseeds house a plethora of wisdom and psychic abilities deep within the core of their being. Were all searching meaning and identity. We all want to unravel the mystery of what makes us who we are. The human expression is too dynamic to ever be truly defined by such a list of personalities. The reason its civilization died out? Note: Dark Reptilians are different to Light Reptilian starseeds. A label doesnt neccesarily define my experiences. If you havent, theres a theory that the earth is actually hollow. Maldeks are one of the last two starseed types who originated from a dark past. Wow, you explanation sounds so much like myself. This was INCREDIBLY enlightening, but do you have any information on Leonid starseeds? Theyre known as the quiet warriors, playing important roles whilst attracting little to no attention to themselves. Blue Ray Beings are fairly mystical in the sense that we dont know a lot about them other than gathered information from those who believe they are Blue Ray incarnations. Theyre extremely logical beings and are highly mentally polarised. The star beings are able to be contacted through channeling and divination. You can broadly think of a Starseed as a soul whos come in another star system to incarnate on Earth. Thats why its sometimes so hard to give a definitive list of traits. TAKE THE STARCHETYPE QUIZ Need help with a purchase or just have a question? Keep an open mind there might be more to you than just a single star! In other words: Because of the resistance of others, as an example you end up in conceptual love. My God! Can you tell me what you know and we can compare notes? oceanography, marine biology, natural resources and ecology, Are most in-tune with their Earth mission and purpose, Feel alienated, regardless of what planet or star system they are one, Often are highly rebellious and dont follow norms, Very sensitive and in tune with their emotions, Lead a natural lifestyle; avoid chemicals as much as possible, Gifted in lucid dreaming, astral travel and channeling, Often a magnet for problems or problematic people, Strong manifestors, ability to manifest quickly and effortlessly, Keepers of ancient knowledge; love anything to do with history, Drawn to magick, advanced technology and metaphysics, Love food, drink and pleasure (good time people), May have a feeling of being stuck here as they cant go home, no matter how many times they reincarnate due to the downfall of the Lyran planets, May have a connection with cats or ancient Egypt, May feel drawn to travel to Egypt, the closest connection they have to home, Often incarnate as fire signs: Sagittarius, Leo or Aries, Can be power and money hungry if out of alignment, Commanding and confident personality type, Chameleon like effect; can blend into most environments, Strong sense of duty to their career or mission, May entertain a dangerous or very physical job e.g shark diver, mountain climber, adventurer, Expert in body language and communication, Limited psychic ability and spiritual healing powers. 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