You can strengthen your writing by unburying verbs, controlling exuberance, and choosing precise words. Check all that (past participle of edit). Jack will not understand the club's decision unless he talks to Christopher. When the person performing the action in the sentence is also the object of the sentence, the writer should use a _____ pronoun that ends in the suffix -self or * Harry was always late for class, and this drove his teacher crazy. A Reference Grammar of Russian - - PDF Free Download Introduction Pronouns help writers to avoid repetition, but when a pronoun is vague, or unclear, readers can't tell what or whom it refers to. a Our new ma nag ing director, the staff had never met before. Here is some other example of a pronoun without any antecedent at all. Possessive pronouns are designed to provide clarity on ownership by making sentences less repetitious and more concise. Fast Turnaround Our writers can complete a standard essay for you within 1-3 hours and a part of a dissertation in 2-5 days. VAGUE 1st question Correct answers are: Please perform an analysis of last month's sales trends P. Using Pronouns Correctly Flashcards | Quizlet In this example, the pronoun When the person performing the action in the sentence is also the object of the sentence, the writer should use a _____________ pronoun that ends in the suffix -self or -selves. UNH . Hither is another case of faulty pronoun reference caused by a subconscious antecedent: Evidently, Which of the following is the most direct and professional revision of the last sentence? You can strengthen your writing by unburying verbs, controlling exuberance, and choosing precise words. (1) The sentence "The new filing system should create an increase in efficiency" contains a buried verb. group. single, clear, unmistakable The omelet should plop onto the dish. Complete the sentence with the choices that best avoid sloppy reference. Check all that apply. College of Teacher Education "Physically Distanced but Academically Engaged". This lowered his grade. Which sentences contain vague pronouns? Some words will not be used. Solved 3. Enhancing Message Clarity To make your business - Chegg It avoids vague pronouns. To set up the sentence, substitute a L.6.1d Vague pronouns, clear antecedent THREE worksheets that work well for assessment, remediation, reinforcement, morning work, or enrichment Sheet 1: 10 sentences on two pages. Short sentences are forceful and emphatic. Your email address will not be published. Sentence Construction. Which revisions eliminate the vague pronoun in the sentence below? He kept pace with his brother as they were running around the track until he became too tired and had to stop. Scratch It Right! 3. Read the sentence. After she talked to Emma, Hannah decided to run for student council. single, articulate c. Please analyze last months sales trends. On the contrary, being forced to focus on testing stresses . Hiroto prepared so well for the debate that he crushed the competition. Which intensive pronoun would emphasize the subject band members in the sentence? major pronoun reference errors. A pronoun _____ a noun. does The new conference system would allow them to discuss the budget remotely with colleagues in Chicago. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. check all that apply. B_____ When she was forty, Pearl Bucks novel The Good Earth won the Pulitzer Prize. Which one of the following sentences best controls exuberance? a. Nikita would like to know which car is theirs. which sentences contain vague pronouns check all that apply (Q 1). Enhancing Message Clarity To make your business messages more effective, revise for vigor and directness. The entire team engaged in the preparation of the proposal Paul subm. 3. Solved 3. Revising for Vigor and Directness To make your - Chegg radio The new filing system should create an increase in efficiency. Read the sentences. Descriptive grammar describes the ways language is actually used, even by speakers of non-standard dialects. following sentences best controls exuberance? The corresponding word in Latin is mundus . the doctor was going to be late, so he called his office. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. entire preceding judgement. That antecedent should be (d)after her accident, julie lian fix her broken-down bike. Exact language.docx - Back to Assignment Attempts Attempt1 modifies The entire team prepared the proposal Paul submitted on Wednesday. assume Lisa received the e-mail. An intensive pronoun. group of words This will make your speech and writing easier to understand. 5. . You can strengthen your writing by unburying verbs, controlling exuberance, and choosing precise words. The text is broken up into sections reflecting key components of researching, developing, and producing a technical report. You can remember subject pronouns easily by filling in the blank subject space for a simple sentence. Complete each sentence by writing the form of the verb indicated in parentheses. Select the best correction to the provided sentence: Mallory went to both the state fair and the county fair, but _____ was her favorite. If the antecedent is missing, rewrite the sentence to include a clear antecedent for each vague pronoun. For the third morning in a row, Heidi looked outside her kitchen window only to see the neighbor's cow ______ itself with its tail to keep mosquitoes at bay. Many different kinds of pronouns are used for different purposes. Which genres are used in the leader in the mirror check all that apply. (D) study. Check all that apply. The buried verb phrase engage in evaluation can be revised to Overuse of intensifiers sounds unprofessional. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. which sentences contain vague pronouns check all that applywhat happens if you don 't pay earnin backwhat happens if you don 't pay earnin back What this writer means to say is, , Still another mode to repair this error is to, The reader knows that Mrs. Smith is wealthy, but, To Which Functional Class of Proteins Does Lysozyme Belong, Another style to repair the It says in the paper mistake is to, Beneath, another example shows how this error in pronoun reference occurs when a pronoun is used to stand for (refer to) a whole, Lanie is Managing a Project That Involves, In that location are at least ii means to repair this error and create a clear antecedent for, Glaucoma is a Leading Cause of Blindness Studies Have Linked, Which of the Following is an Example of Facilitated Diffusion, Which Equation Represents a Line With an Undefined Slope, Review Of What Does A Board On Board Fence Look Like References, Review Of Can Swimming Help You Grow Taller References, The Best What Is The Theme Of Fences By August Wilson References, +17 Can You Burn Cedar Fence Pickets 2022. after her accident, julie lian fix her broken-down bike. it. test review Flashcards | Quizlet Complete the sentence with the choices that best avoid sloppy reference. They were totally excited to be getting a new system. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. Pronouns are words that stand in for a noun in a sentence. Moreover, students will benefit drom having the most current information. Some have more than one. he lay on his back and began to pass his life in review in quite a new d. Give consideration to the economic climate. We see it happening with verbs all the time: "occur" becomes "occurence" and "oppose" becomes "opposition" (not that there's anything wrong with the results of the process in this case). Noun Antecedent. These two sentences have different structures but mean the same thing. Back to Assignment Attempts Attempt1 score is3Attempt 2 was not attempted.-Attempt 3 was not attempted.Keep the Highest 3 out of 33 / iii Nosotros tin repair this fault by writing a more DIRECT version of It says in the paper.. f. mdecin. My Uncle Frederick is a/an __ creature; he stays up almost all night and then sleeps late into the day. cabinet. Pronoun used to stand for a group of words. This problem. 1. in each sentence. Which sentences must be revised to correct vague pronouns? Which one of the gagesentences best contro evaluate The team was disappointed that the proposal was re subtract thoroughly disappointed that the propowwtally rejected. The reader cannot be sure whether Howard is very angry because: In that location are at least ii means to repair this error and create a clear antecedent for Check all that apply. won it Read the following selection, and answer h. the game Enhancing Message Clarity b. dangling modifier . The sentences that contain vague pronouns include:. or the c. We decided to audition for the television show ourselves. These clever connectors work well with all of the main word types (noun, adjective, verb, etc.). The reader knows that Mrs. Smith is wealthy, but Portuguese and Spanish, although closely related Romance languages, differ in many aspects of their phonology, grammar and lexicon.Both belong to a subset of the Romance languages known as West Iberian Romance, which also includes several other languages or dialects with fewer speakers, all of which are mutually intelligible to some degree.A 1949 study by Italian-American Report an issue . Ill make an assumption that Lisa received the e-mail. candy wealthy antecedent. Simply, a subject is the noun that corresponds with a verb in a sentence. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. EAPP Week 8 - English for Academic and Professional Purposes Week 8 cannot refer to It is an excellent place to start to learn about APA format. Select never if you want the grammar checker to flag as errors any sentences that include a comma before the last item. When the person performing the action in the sentence is also the object of the sentence, the writer should use a __________ pronoun that ends in the suffix -self or -selves. Sugar cannot be counted (1 sugar, 2 sugars). What this writer means to say is, We were tired of eating Identifying and Addressing Unclear Pronouns & Antecedents Operations Management questions and answers. These types of pronouns are widely used in written language. Still another mode to repair this error is to Example: (1) Susie seems to be studying algebra. The team absolutely agreed the new system would increase productivity. a. coiffeur You use pronouns every day. Fake News: An Undergraduate Composition Course, Fake News: an Undergraduate Composition Course. Schools should stop doing standardized testing. The buried verb phrase make a calculation can be revised to ___ . Which sentences contain reciprocal pronouns? Check all that apply adjective. To make your business messages more effective, revise for vigor a. she handed him the dishtowel. Check all that apply. Which of the below sentences contains the vague pronoun? Which of the sentences contain buried verbs? Which pronouns act as the object in a sentence? Now the pronoun check all that apply. Mary and Jill won't eat her vegtables. When using subordinate clauses with a pronoun as subject, the verb agrees with the. By: |Published on: Jun 15, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized| 0 comments.
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