Interstitial nephritis, including gouty nephropathy, disorders of calcium metabolism. 11, 1969. 8409 Neuralgia, ninth cranial nerve. A total disability rating (100 percent) will be assigned without regard to other provisions of the rating schedule when it is established that a service-connected disability has required hospital treatment in a Department of Veterans Affairs or an approved hospital for a period in excess of 21 days or hospital observation at Department of Veterans Affairs expense for a service-connected disability for a period in excess of 21 days. 5237 Lumbosacral or cervical strain. (e) Incoordination, impaired ability to execute skilled movements smoothly. 7811 Tuberculosis luposa (lupus vulgaris), active or inactive: 7813 Dermatophytosis (ringworm: Of body, tinea corporis; of head, tinea capitis; of feet, tinea pedis; of beard area, tinea barbae; of nails, tinea unguium (onychomycosis); of inguinal area (jock itch), tinea cruris; tinea versicolor). (2) disabilities resulting from common etiology or a single accident. It is thus essential, both in the examination and in the evaluation of disability, that each disability be viewed in relation to its history. Well cover the different types of shoulder injuries that can qualify for disability benefits, how the VA rates shoulder injuries, and what evidence is needed to support a claim. 5243 Intervertebral disc syndrome: Assign this diagnostic code only when there is disc herniation with compression and/or irritation of the adjacent nerve root; assign diagnostic code 5242 for all other disc diagnoses. (a) Psychomotor seizures consist of episodic alterations in conscious control that may be associated with automatic states, generalized convulsions, random motor movements (chewing, lip smacking, fumbling), hallucinatory phenomena (involving taste, smell, sound, vision), perceptual illusions (deja vu, feelings of loneliness, strangeness, macropsia, micropsia, dreamy states), alterations in thinking (not open to reason), alterations in memory, abnormalities of mood or affect (fear, alarm, terror, anger, dread, well-being), and autonomic disturbances (sweating, pallor, flushing of the face, visceral phenomena such as nausea, vomiting, defecation, a rising feeling of warmth in the abdomen). WebInstability of the knee (if it dislocates regularly or has too much side to side motion) with ratings of 0%, 10%, 20%, or 30% Ankylosis (abnormal stiffening and immobility) with ratings of 30%, 40%, 50%, or 60% You can receive ratings for more than one aspect of your knee condition, if appropriate. 7530 Chronic renal disease requiring regular dialysis: Thereafter: Rate on residuals as renal dysfunction, minimum rating. 8523 Anterior tibial nerve (deep peroneal), paralysis. 8724 Neuralgia, internal popliteal nerve (tibial). Group XVIII Function: Outward rotation of thigh. Distinct disabilities may be evaluated separately under this section, pursuant to 4.14, if the symptoms do not overlap. Criterion September 8, 1994; title, criterion, note November 14, 2021. Added August 30, 1996; criterion, note August 11, 2019. The plantar surface of the foot is painful and shows demonstrable tenderness, and manipulation of the foot produces spasm of the Achilles tendon, peroneal spasm due to adhesion about the peroneal sheaths, and other evidence of pain and limited motion. Evaluate as supraventricular tachycardia (DC 7010), ventricular arrhythmias (DC 7011), or atrioventricular block (DC 7015). When after careful consideration of all procurable and assembled data, a reasonable doubt arises regarding the degree of disability such doubt will be resolved in favor of the claimant. Note (1): An Addisonian crisis consists of the rapid onset of peripheral vascular collapse (with acute hypotension and shock), with findings that may include: anorexia; nausea; vomiting; dehydration; profound weakness; pain in abdomen, legs, and back; fever; apathy, and depressed mentation with possible progression to coma, renal shutdown, and death. - Need for aid attendance or permanently bedridden qualifies for subpar. Similarly, with a disability of 40 percent, and another disability of 20 percent, the combined value is found to be 52 percent, but the 52 percent must be converted to the nearest degree divisible by 10, which is 50 percent. In the absence of limitation of motion, rate as below: With X-ray evidence of involvement of 2 or more major joints or 2 or more minor joint groups, with occasional incapacitating exacerbations, With X-ray evidence of involvement of 2 or more major joints or 2 or more minor joint groups. (f) Special monthly compensation. 6000 Choroidopathy, including uveitis, iritis, cyclitis, or choroiditis. The element of the weight to be accorded the character of the veteran's service is but one factor entering into the considerations of the rating boards in arriving at determinations of the evaluation of disability. General Rating Formula for DCs 7806, 7809, 7813-7816, 7820-7822, and 7824 added August 13, 2018. The repealed section, however, still applies to the case of any veteran who on August 19, 1968, was receiving or entitled to receive compensation for tuberculosis. External popliteal nerve (common peroneal), paralysis. Six months after discontinuance of such treatment, the appropriate disability rating will be determined by mandatory VA examination. See nerve involved for diagnostic code number and rating. Hoarseness, with thickening or nodules of cords, polyps, submucous infiltration, or pre-malignant changes on biopsy, Hoarseness, with inflammation of cords or mucous membrane. We know the pain of feeling stuck, frustrated, and alone, and we want to make this process as easy and painless as possible for you. Rate under the general rating formula for major seizures. Copyright 2023 VA Claims Insider, LLC. Evaluation March 10, 1976; removed July 2, 2001. External cutaneous nerve of thigh, paralysis. 6842 Kyphoscoliosis, pectus excavatum, pectus carinatum. 1 Review for entitlement to special monthly compensation under 3.350 of this chapter. In view of the number of atypical instances it is not expected, especially with the more fully described grades of disabilities, that all cases will show all the findings specified. Prostatitis, urethritis, epididymitis, orchitis (unilateral or bilateral), chronic only. 5105 Anatomical loss of one foot and loss of use of one hand. Evaluation March 11, 1969; criterion February 7, 2021. 7344 Benign neoplasms, exclusive of skin growths: Evaluate under an appropriate diagnostic code, depending on the predominant disability or the specific residuals after treatment. Application of the general rating formula for diseases of the heart. 7110 Aortic aneurysm: Ascending, thoracic, or abdominal: Evaluate at 100 percent if the aneurysm is any one of the following: Five centimeters or larger in diameter; symptomatic (e.g., precludes exertion); or requires surgery. 9312 Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimers disease. You may also be eligible for secondary service connection if you cant prove a direct link. In those prestabilization ratings in which following examination reduction in evaluation is found to be warranted, the higher evaluation will be continued to the end of the 12th month following discharge or to the end of the period provided under 3.105(e) of this chapter, whichever is later. Conjectural analogies will be avoided, as will the use of analogous ratings for conditions of doubtful diagnosis, or for those not fully supported by clinical and laboratory findings. Multi-joint arthritis (except post-traumatic and gout), 2 or more joints, as an active process. (3) Moderately severe disability of muscles -. CausesAnterior Hip Pain. Anterior hip pain affects the inside of your hip and groin area. Lateral Hip Pain. Lateral hip pain refers to pain on the side of the hip. Posterior Hip Pain. Posterior hip pain affects the outside of the hip or buttock area, usually due to a problem with the muscles, tendons, or ligaments that surround the hip Added September 9, 1975; evaluation February 17, 1994; criterion November 14, 2021. Added February 17, 1994; title, criterion, and note November 14, 2021. (b) Table VI, Numeric Designation of Hearing Impairment Based on Puretone Threshold Average and Speech Discrimination, is used to determine a Roman numeral designation (I through XI) for hearing impairment based on a combination of the percent of speech discrimination (horizontal rows) and the puretone threshold average (vertical columns). Neuritis, musculocutaneous (superficial peroneal) nerve. The eCFR is displayed with paragraphs split and indented to follow For a minimum of one year from the date of hospital admission for cardiac transplantation, Note: One year following discharge from inpatient hospitalization, determine the appropriate disability rating by mandatory VA examination. 9900 Maxilla or mandible, chronic osteomyelitis, osteonecrosis or osteoradionecrosis of: Rate as osteomyelitis, chronic under diagnostic code 5000. Note (1): Evaluate cor pulmonale, which is a form of secondary heart disease, as part of the pulmonary condition that causes it. No other numbers than these listed or hereafter furnished are to be employed for rating purposes, with an exception as described in this section, as to unlisted conditions. With remaining field of 16 to 30 degrees: Or evaluate each affected eye as 20/100 (6/30). Evaluate post-surgical residuals under the General Rating Formula. WebSocial Security Disability or SSI For Bursitis If your bursitis is severe enough, you may meet the requirements of Social Security's disability listing for joint dysfunction. (iv) palpable or tender cervical or axillary lymph nodes. Instability of station, disturbance of locomotion, interference with sitting, standing and weight-bearing are related considerations. 6829 Drug-induced, pneumonitis & fibrosis. 5108 Anatomical loss of one hand and one foot. In severe cases there is gaping of bones on the inner border of the foot, and rigid valgus position with loss of the power of inversion and adduction. One eye 5/200 (1.5/60), with visual acuity of other eye: One eye 10/200 (3/60), with visual acuity of other eye: One eye 15/200 (4.5/60), with visual acuity of other eye: One eye 20/200 (6/60), with visual acuity of other eye: One eye 20/100 (6/30), with visual acuity of other eye: and other eye: One eye 20/70 (6/21), with visual acuity of other eye: One eye 20/50 (6/15), with visual acuity of other eye. Ratings in excess of 10 percent for cerebral arteriosclerosis under diagnostic code 9305 are not assignable in the absence of a diagnosis of multi-infarct dementia with cerebral arteriosclerosis. With diseases, preference is to be given to the number assigned to the disease itself; if the rating is determined on the basis of residual conditions, the number appropriate to the residual condition will be added, preceded by a hyphen. All Rights Reserved. (4) To evaluate the impairment of visual acuity where a claimant has a reported visual acuity that is between two sequentially listed visual acuities, use the visual acuity which permits the higher evaluation. Burn scar(s) or scar(s) due to other causes, not of the head, face, or neck that are not associated with underlying soft tissue damage. The VA disability rating for hip bursitis falls under 38 CFR 4.71a, 5019. 7345 Liver disease, chronic, without cirrhosis(including hepatitis B, chronic active hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis, hemochromatosis, drug-induced hepatitis, etc., but excluding bile duct disorders and hepatitis C). Listed below are some of the most common conditions that go by other names. The position of function of the hand is with the wrist dorsiflexed 20 to 30 degrees, the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints flexed to 30 degrees, and the thumb (digit I) abducted and rotated so that the thumb pad faces the finger pads. (a) Subject to the provisions of paragraphs (d), (e), and (f) of this section this increased rating will be effective the first day of continuous hospitalization and will be terminated effective the last day of the month of hospital discharge (regular discharge or release to non-bed care) or effective the last day of the month of termination of treatment or observation for the service-connected disability. If two or more skin conditions involve the same area of skin, then only the highest evaluation shall be used. Criterion March 10, 1976; criterion September 23, 2002; revised and moved to 5235-5243 September 26, 2003. In evaluating the ulcer, care should be taken that the findings adequately identify the particular location. (a) To use table I, the disabilities will first be arranged in the exact order of their severity, beginning with the greatest disability and then combined with use of table I as hereinafter indicated. 7916 Hyperpituitarism (prolactin secreting pituitary dysfunction): Note: Evaluate as malignant or benign neoplasm, as appropriate. Yes, Back Pain is a VA disability. With dietary restrictions to all mechanically altered foods, Without dietary restrictions to mechanically altered foods. Criterion March 10, 1976; removed December 17, 1987. (c) For VA rating purposes, the cardinal signs and symptoms of muscle disability are loss of power, weakness, lowered threshold of fatigue, fatigue-pain, impairment of coordination and uncertainty of movement. By Lorraine 18, 1976, as amended at 70 FR 75399, Dec. 20, 2005]. In these cases, evaluate based on corrected distance vision adjusted to one step poorer than measured. For a limited time, you can book a free, no-obligation VA Claim Discovery Call with one of our experts. At metacarpophalangeal joint or through proximal phalanx, At distal joint or through distal phalanx, With metacarpal resection (more than one-half the bone lost), Without metacarpal resection, at proximal interphalangeal joint or proximal thereto, Through middle phalanx or at distal joint. Ratings for Impairment of Muscle Function. Examinations will be conducted without the use of hearing aids. 1 Also entitled to special monthly compensation. WebThe VA uses a chart that, when properly used, results in a combined disability rating. What is the Genitourinary System for VA rating purposes? Scar at least one-quarter inch (0.6 cm.) How the VA Will Assign you a Shoulder Pain VA Rating. Doctors treat less severe shoulder injuries with conservative measures such as physical therapy, rest, and ice. 7527 Prostate gland injuries, infections, hypertrophy, postoperative residuals, bladder outlet obstruction: 7528 Malignant neoplasms of the genitourinary system. Ready to Get the VA Rating and Compensation YOU Deserve? Note (2): Asymptomatic bradycardia (bradyarrhythmia) is a medical finding only. (b) Where unemployable, the veteran has other disabilities innocently acquired which meet the percentage requirements of 4.16 and 4.17 and would render, in the judgment of the rating agency, the average person unable to secure or follow a substantially gainful occupation. In a given individual, symptoms may fluctuate in severity from day to day. 8625 Neuritis, posterior tibial nerve. Tic douloureux, or trifacial neuralgia, may be rated up to complete paralysis of the affected nerve. 6331 Coxiella burnetii infection (Q Fever). One eye, only light perception and other eye: Neoplasm, malignant, primary or secondary, Bradycardia (Bradyarrhythmia), symptomatic, requiring permanent pacemaker implantation, Complete or incomplete pelvic organ prolapse due to injury or disease or surgical complications of pregnancy, including uterine or vaginal vault prolapse, cystocele, urethrocele, rectocele, enterocele, or combination, Cutaneous manifestations of collagen-vascular diseases not listed elsewhere, Essential thrombocythemia and primary myelofibrosis, Hemorrhagic fevers, including dengue, yellow fever, and others, Hyperinfection syndrome or disseminated strongyloidiasis, Group I Function: Upward rotation of scapula, Group III Function: Elevation and abduction of arm, Group IV Function: Stabilization of shoulder, Group VII Function: Flexion of wrist and fingers, Group VIII Function: Extension of wrist, fingers, thumb, Group X Function: Movement of forefoot and toes, Group XIII Function: Extension of hip and flexion of knee, Group XVIII Function: Outward rotation of thigh, Group XIX Function: Abdominal wall and lower thorax, Group XX Function: Postural support of body, Group XXII Function: Rotary and forward movements, head, Interstitial nephritis, including gouty nephropathy, disorders of calcium metabolism, Kyphoscoliosis, pectus excavatum / carinatum, Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) (chronic myeloid leukemia or chronic granulocytic leukemia), Including ramus, unilaterally or bilaterally, Lymphatic filariasis, to include elephantiasis, Maxilla or mandible, chronic osteomyelitis, osteonecrosis, or osteoradionecrosis of, Dissociative amnesia; dissociative identity disorder, Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer's disease, Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to another medical condition or substance/medication-induced major or mild neurocognitive disorder, Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to HIV or other infections, Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to traumatic brain injury, Major or mild vascular neurocognitive disorder, Other specified and unspecified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders, Other specified somatic symptom and related disorder, Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia), Specific phobia; social anxiety disorder (social phobia), Unspecified somatic symptom and related disorder, Nephrolithiasis/Ureterolithiasis/Nephrocalcinosis, Eleventh (spinal accessory, external branch), Mandible, confirmed by diagnostic imaging studies, Prostate gland injuries, infections, hypertrophy, postoperative residuals, bladder outlet obstruction, Prostatitis, urethritis, epididymitis, orchitis (unilateral or bilateral), chronic only, Raynaud's syndrome (secondary Raynaud's phenomenon, secondary Raynaud's), Disease caused by viral infection such as HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C, Involvement in diabetes mellitus type I or II, Retinal dystrophy (including retinitis pigmentosa, wet or dry macular degeneration, early-onset macular degeneration, rod and/or cone dystrophy), Retinopathy or maculopathy not otherwise specified, Rickettsial, ehrlichia, and anaplasma Infections, Burn scar(s) of the head, face, or neck; scar(s) of the head, face, or neck due to other causes; or other disfigurement of the head, face, or neck, Burn scar(s) or scar(s) due to other causes, not of the head, face, or neck that are associated with underlying soft tissue damage, Burn scar(s) or scar(s) due to other causes, not of the head, face, or neck that are not associated with underlying soft tissue damage, Scars, other; and other effects of scars evaluated under diagnostic codes 7800, 7801, 7802, or 7804, Degenerative arthritis, degenerative disc disease other than intervertebral disc syndrome, Spondylolisthesis or segmental instability, spine, Tenosynovitis, tendinitis, tendinosis or tendinopathy.