They leap from emotion to emotion and can be quick to anger. Always keeping everything inside can feel dark and burdensome. Related: Which Zodiac Sign is the Meanest? Capricorns are born in the wintry dark and carry a bit of that "Winter is coming" portentousness year-round. With Saturn being such a detached planetary influence, the inclination of the moon taking on this quality is a given. Each time you try to get any sense of truth out of it, it slithers away. I tend not to get alone with ladies who have moon in Capricorn if I meet a lady with a moon in Capricorn I am going run I dont want to be friends with a lady whose moon in Capricorn..They are assholes and dry ass crackers.. Im Leo Sun / Pisces Moon. Poor Capricorn can become grim and grave-faced, and suffer with depression in a big way. It doesnt matter tho, somehow he feels my love but I cant understand how he ignores my desires about arts. Without hesitation, they will take on more work shifts and responsibilities when asked of them, even if they already have obligations occupying their time and energy. Positive Warm, kind, sensual, loving, intuitive. I can write many poems about love but I cannot show off my love. These free spirits have the knack of knowing what is coming next and being one step ahead. You can get a good read on where hes at just by observing him. Our Moon sign and your emotional karma, the dazzling Moon reveals how we relate to other people, particularly in our romantic relationships. I hope you enjoy this article! Dive into the shady territory of the moon signs. This can help to balance out the detrimental Moon in Capricorn. This isnt always far from the truth in some cases, but most have the capacity to feel very deeply. Soul Mate Tarot Spread: Discover Your Lover! The late great Linda Goodman of Love Signs fame writes of Capricorn's "blind obeisance to tradition, family, law and order and all forms of authority." Hi Mayra. If/when hurt, a Moon in one of the three water zodiac signs does something to physically hurt themselves so that the injuring party will be forced to feel remorse. In short, this moon can have difficulty resisting temptation. And we share sweet, soft, falling in love kisses. Every mistake that he makes compounds in his mind, and eventually he may stop attempting to work toward his goals. If you're on a budget, though . Related: Which Zodiac Sign is the Strongest? Opposite signs can be wild cards. Ditch anything self-destructive like drinking too much []. It can be difficult for some of them to feel satisfied with where they are, what they have and also to maintain a state of happiness. Theyre not foolish enough to expect the harsh world to make them feel better, but instead, deal with their surliness, just like the Goat does every day. If the shadow is running things, they could be that boss that pushes everyone to model their own ways of putting work first, and paying a price. The Capricorn Moon kind will never start some task or business without ensuring that conditions and time are proper for taking action. Although they are a bit of a pawful, if you capture their heart, they will shower you with love. Gemini Sun, Scorpio Moon, Capricorn Rising : r/astrologyreadings - Reddit If youre interested: Aquarius Moon people need more emotional freedom than any other sign. Gemini sun means the person who is really fun to be around, the social butterfly, intellectual, the Gemini/Scorpio people I've known are always extra charming/magnetic for some reason, possibly because they have the youthful fun energy of the Gemini sun, but the dark sexy energy of Scorpio moon with them as well. Pluto In Capricorn - Collective Depression: A New Low Im sorry to hear that you feel ruled by your Pisces Moon. All About Capricorn Moon Sign: Personality Traits and Strengths - wikiHow So, stubbornness is a given, but there is also the habit of using people for Taurus entertainment. Taurus suns can be somewhat possessive and if you see any hints of that youll know hes still feeling a lot of draw to you and is probably just conflicted due to the dynamics involved on your end. Saturn is tough, remember? In general, Earth and Water element Moons are a good match for the love relationships of Lunar Capricorns. Sexually these complicated lovers can go through periods of celibacy or have a wild wanton secret affair. Drinking too much is also a Moon Pisces vice. Sometimes it may feel hard to get close to someone with Moon in Capricorn (unless they have Pisces or water in their chart to compensate) as they prefer to give than to receive. Illusions make them feel safe. I was always aware from my earliest memories that my pain would (finally) produce my caregivers attention. Im happy Im out that relationship! Their feelings and emotional attitudes are drastically different, though, and they can struggle to make a flourishing love relationship. Its almost as if they are in love with a feeling of melancholy. Capricorn is the female cardinal Earth element sign. 5 Strengths & Weaknesses of the Capricorn Moon Native - popularastrology Moon in Gemini people can find it difficult to connect emotionally. The link between Capricorn and depression is interesting. These love puppies have a strong sense of justice and find it difficult to deal with loudness or aggression. People with a Capricorn moon are often insecure and they are prone to depression. Moon in Sagittarius are unpredictable and love to be a free spirit. Take a sneak peek at my Celtic Cross reading! The Capricorn-moon child tends to be older than his years, and as an adult, becomes more youthful as he grows older. Dark Side of the Moon in the signs - Cosmic Cannibal Moon in Taurus are almost excessively lucky in that they never have to work too hard, but are attractive, and usually manage to get someone to look after them. December 29, 2022 Elsa. Keep researching! Dickens' Scrooge is an old man, and Capricorn is the sign of old age, the winter of life. A stoic uses logic to identify and eliminate any irrational beliefs that may lead to destructive emotions (literally Epictetuss principle of Stoicism). If that doesnt work, expect a dramatic monologue and theatrical threats. In love, they tend to intellectualize and think about love rather than get lost in the emotion but are also quite experimental. When they are upset, they turn to stone, and plaster on a plastic happy face, because they dread the thought of people seeing them act ugly or senselessly. Naturally, the opposite sign of any ruling planet has this sense of being uncomfortable about it, creating a detriment in its expression. Their passions are food, sensuality, massages and curling up with lots of affection. Constant control of feelings and emotions can be detrimental to psychological and physical well-being. Aries sun/Gemini moon and inhability to recognize my own emotions and how I feel about other people is me, also the inhability to shut up, specially when I feel offended and my aries temper doesnt help with my self control. Also I usually think I am here to make art, to create new and beautiful things. Sag Moon can often fall in love with someone from another culture or an eccentric. I have a younger guy Taurus Sun, Cappy Moon (10 years!) Capricorn is an earth sign of strong opinions, and you know where they stand. Such people may suffer from compulsive thoughts and ideas, like constantly thinking of revenge or just feeling hurt about some insignificant situation for ages. Positive Talkative, quick witted, sense of humour, bright. My moon is in his 12th house, we have sun sextile Pluto, Mars sextile Pluto, and Venus square Pluto. On the other hand, do not forget that the Capricorn sign is cardinal, which shows that if something goes very wrong, he may unexpectedly move in life and leave his partner, without trying to fix the relationship for ages. On the flip side, they are often hard on themselves, withdrawn, serious, and can get easily offended. Confronting a Pisces Moon can feel like trying to catch a slippery eel. The Cancer Moon uses self-protection tactics like lying or mood swings to deflect from others seeing them affected. This can lead to a strange mix of dependency on friends, and cauterized actions at other times. They can feel that theyre never doing enough. These emotional lions will fiercely protect their lover and desire a mate who they can be proud of. Then he pulled away a bit. His texts just got less affectionate. Hes flirty and funny and jovial on the outside, and underneath it all is a very deep, brooding, sensitive man who has a hard time believing in his worth. Im a sun libra with moon in saggitarius and he is a sun Leo with moon in cap. Is there an article that you wrote about Aquarius Moon and gemini moon? I agree with what youve said! I would calmly assess his emotional states next time youre together. You are a stoic. Why? But my husband its even able to control intimacy and now we are on a starve-sex marriage. One Comment. i fantasize about someone finally putting me in my place and chastising me until i snap back to reality, truly i want it extremely badly. They have very high expectations. I become more & more fascinated with natal charts & astrology the deeper I go into it & I feel like theres so much more relevance to it all than people give it credit for. There's a touch of the survivalist in Capricorn, who works hard to make it through tough times. I crush on libra sun , Capricorn moon , Venus Virgo guy . Entertainment SP Statistically, a lot of Capricorn people are depressed (but not necessarily stay that way forever). December 28: Jupiter . Hi there! They also have a tendency to see the best in people and getting lost in illusion. He is shy and may socialize less than the other Capricorn signs but that does not mean he lacks emotion or depth. Gemini Moon folk will make every effort to connect to what youre saying, but might be totally miffed by your emotions. There is so much past life, karmic organic destiny between us its scary. The mother could be emotionally distant or very intellectual. please" data-l8n-21="click" data-l8n-22="here""> Over 18's only with bill payers permission. Though lacking in idealistic and lyrical attitudes, this man would be the first one to come help in case of some problems. It often seems like their energy is never ending. i badly wish i did because i feel like im ruining my own life. He had no fire and no air . Moon is the symbolic ruler of the 4th house (it is also called, the Immum Coeli or IC) the house of childhood, home, parents, and family. I enjoyed this article haha! I didnt care for his lack of concern for others feelings. Grounding is important for all earth signs, and a helpful way to get them back into their nature would be to spend time in it. Aries Moons hate stagnation, and because they are initiators, they incite as much chaos, action, and destruction as possible. They actually go through so much and arent given alot of empathy . The Dark Side of Capricorn - LiveAbout The link between Capricorn and depression is interesting - Quora Its modality is cardinal, meaning it takes on leadership roles and its comfortable as a self-starter. Cold and calculating, sarcastic and stoic; Capricorn Moons dark side is impervious to the wants and needs of others. Your Ideal Relationship Tarot Spread. Pisces Moon is the most romantic of all the moons. They dont like too much attention, because they dont know how to handle it. Tune In With Michele Knight. Unmoved by the feelings of others, unless they are drenched in chocolate, the Taurus Moon acts on its own accord, and obstinately refuses to admit they are wrong. Catch me as the new Astrologer for ITVs This Morning! Any situation will be considered in terms of how it can help to achieve ones goals/inspirations/hopes. Conditions Privacy Policy. I have a friend who is a double Capricorn, sun and moon. They are too busy flitting about and tend to get turned on by ideas and intellect rather than emotions. He was abruptly emotional, selfish, non demonstrative,childish, at times quite mean and sarcastic, prejudice toward people different than him, very contrary to everyone I saw him associate with whether in person or on the phone. Positive Loyal, hard working, responsible, committed, Shadow Stubborn, pig headed, obstinate, distant. Hack Your Way Out of Eclipse Shadows with the Tarot, 21st Century Psychic Skills Digging For Gold In Cards We Hate, Looking for Love? Positive good listeners, supportive, loyal. I think we definitely are attracted to each other..but at the same time help each other open up in terms of frustration and deep emotions.. my capricorn moon man is very cold and detachedas a cancer female I have this deep sense of urge to protect him and care for him..mother him basically. Tarotscope For All Signs July 2022 What Tarot Vibe is Yours? Aging depresses Capricorn, as they never quite accept that this is a natural process and are always fighting against the odds. With Michele Knight, Be Your Own Psychic 5 Steps To Give Yourself A Psychic Reading, Psychic Readings: Unlocking Your Inner Wisdom, How to get the best psychic reading 5 Top Hacks, Good Online Psychic Readings 24/7 Psychics. Your pain gives them great pleasure. Water sign Moons are sneaky, working in ways that make others feel guilty for having upset them. Pluto is in Capricorn North Node is Rx in Taurus . I use my emotions as a weapon against all including the universe . Their childhood should have been quite stable but either way they will on some level crave stability now. a lazy capricorn is a DEPRESSED capricorn . Poor Capricorn can become grim and grave-faced, and suffer with depression in a big way. Moon location in the Natal Chart has a huge significance on personality formation. Michele Knight - all rights reserved Terms and His moon in Cap is helping us both untangle this beautiful, vulnerable mess were in by being cautious and reserved. December 4: New Moon + Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. I agree capricorns are always given such a bad rap especially the moon . The other possible good matches could be romantic and dreamy Pisces Moon, as well as practical and critical Moon in Virgo. As warm as Leo can be, when hurt a Leo Moon turns into an ice queen. Which astrological sign commits suicide the most? Still, the true dark side of the Gemini Moon is moodiness and duplicity, which can make them seem inconsistent and shallow. But they are not. . They are amazing on act of service and they also rent to be super honest loyal and thats very rare. Capricorn Moon and Inevitable Depression - moonwavvves Nevertheless, there are definitely positive sides to this Natal position in many aspects. I think many people believe Capricorn moons are heartless and cold because thats what tends to be projected onto the world. Since the Moon is responsible for emotions, Capricorn acts as the suppressing force here in some particular ways. Instead of direct confrontation, this misleading moon will use subtle manipulation and victimization. However because Im a Scorpio moon getting divorce feels like losing a limb and I found it that is Scorpio moons are even sometimes more loyal then Taurus moons. Pisces were born depressed - they have a tendency towards martyrdom and self-sacrifice. Very sensitive, fiery and go getting, because they are a fire sign when they want your attention they want it now. They often have difficulty coping with change and are therefore great at creating comfort zones for themselves. I tell my husband if he doesnt say hes sorry for hurting my feelings I will divorce him. His Sun-Mars-Jupiter-Mercury are in Pisces (he has stellium in his 12th house)and his Moon-Venus and Saturn are in Cappricorn. Moon in Taurus will surely melt the iced heart of Moon in Capricorn. However, I take into consideration that if he didnt care at all, he wont even bother asking me or texting me to begin with. Subscribe and get horoscopes, podcast episodes, exclusive promos, and a copy of my digital 2023 Astrology Guide! People born with Moon in Capricorn are usually an old soul. Passionate and full on, they respond well to people who have Moon in a water sign so that they can be a hero. Each Moon type traditionally has its comfort zone and for the Capricorn Moon, Saturn dictates it to be anything to do with the working situation. Moon conjunct Pluto transit brings such deep feelings that they can overwhelm you. Measurable and tangible resources, feasible possessions, and a realistic outlook in life are appreciated in this position. I was so struck by it, I need a new post! This isn't because they fear emotions themselves but the loss of control experienced by being swept up in their waves. Expectations from others can be very high; it can seem like Saturn is really testing these moons and their ability to succeed in all that is thrown on them. What Does Your Star Sign Say About Your Health? A Capricorn friend once couldn't get why I didn't want to write for a regional Magazine, as it was "THE best one I could be associated with." It's in this deep dark that we have that kind of life review, those "spectral visions" of what will unfold, if the path isn't altered. This placement indicates a reliable, serious person who is committed to their goals. Raise your emotional IQ Dealing with powerful emotions, Meeting Your Angel Guides Psychic Alesso, Talking to your Angel with Our Psychic Rosemary, Wide Awake & Dreaming Using Lucid Dreaming to Problem Solve, Your Dreams Interpreted Afraid Of The Depths, Your Dreams Interpreted: The universe at your feet, Spirit Guides Make The Most Of Your Own Spiritual Google, Guide To Connecting With Your Spirit Guide, Meeting your Spirit Guide and Guardian Angel, Animals and the Soul-Emotional Connection, Brad Pitt rumoured to be seeing a psychic. This is also true of the Moon in the signs. Trait 3: Ambitious. I feel like if I leave him no one will take care of me like him and that I will retreat it so much! There's a depressive mood to a Capricorn Moon, "Crap-ricorn" as astrologers sometimes joke. Two nasty habits of the Cancer Moon is alcoholism and emotional eating. Although, their stoic outward expression would never let on. A negative reaction from others hurts Lunar Capricorns and urges them to suppress emotions even stronger by distancing from the part of life where success and gains are not immediately anticipated. The most unsettling aspect of this lunar placement is the control. A fixed Aquarius Moon gives its native two options: destroy or power down. And then there's the materialism of Capricorn, the love of worldly things taken to its extreme. Show her that you care about her, by reaching out to her with these professional tools. But I found it on the pretentious side, and even the editors there admitted it was a booster magazine for advertisers. If they dont do this (or something similarly strange and destructive), Aquarian Moon will power down, and the only reactions you receive will be lifeless small talk unrelated to any subject or silence (because they retreated back into their brain). Learn how your comment data is processed. I hear you! A heaviness and eeyore vibe, it's not a bad thing, we just need to know how to manage our Capricorn placements and let them receive the recognition they deserve. Leo Moon can be emotionally demanding (like Moon in Aries) and can also be a bit arrogant or critical of their lover. Jeans and a t shirt , but with heels and red lipstick. Even though they often feign confidence, the appearance is a sore spot for every Leo moon, and they often feel insecure about not living up to some grand standard. Good looks, character, intelligence, and naughtiness combined! Youre likely to discover a newfound tranquillity and purpose that is going to make life much smoother. My moon is in Gemini and my boyfriend of 2 years is in capricorn haha. Weekly Astrology February 6th 2023 for All Signs, Your December Tarotscope Pick A Tarot Card, Your Full Moon in Capricorn Tarotscope with Michele Knight-Waite. They can't wait to get their hands on new experiences and knowledge. To her credit, others likely thought it, while she said it! The Moon, being the planet of emotion; representing the mind and the mother, is in detriment in the sign of Capricorn. Cancer rising people love to be surrounded with every comfort imaginable. Now after reading your article, I feel less anxious about everything. Our Moon sign also represents how we are emotionally and our karmic relationship with our mother. Sometimes it is good to just let go and talk it out with others, find a sensible partner/friend/family member and talk to them about worrying situations. They have a real tendency to put others needs before their own. They can direct and supervise the work of others very effectively. Things You Should Know.