As a hobby, I build vintage Harleys and Ford hotrods. (9) Employees required to work in remote locales at all hours with little or no cellphone coverage and/or long LE response times (e.g., wilderness photographer, surveyors, construction workers). For the first time ever, LA County has gone down to the Yellow Tier for Good Cause when issuing out CCW permits. I was alone because I work late at night. Im looking to have a conversation and see what sort of good cause people have used for CCW applications. Not sure of that'll fly with Sonoma. I used that I would some times make large cash deposits. Please note that these are his words, not mine. DearRiversideCountySheriffsDepartment: Thisletterismyformalrequesttobeapprovedforaconcealedcarrypermitbythesheriffs, office. Sheriff: Ian Parkinson. This is HUGE for LA County residents. Thats what my county does. 240+ examples of CCWs Saving Lives . subjectmetopossiblybecomingavictimofacarjackingoranambushtorobmeoftoolsandequipment. the policy of your local Sheriff's Department Good Cause criteria. I am also in tech like you are but I only came up with a simple but honest good cause self defense and protect my family . 86 90 90 comments Not from there but surprised Monterey is dark green. r/CCW on Reddit: The current California CCW map by county N.B. A lot of people simply state their good cause as self-defense. Apply if you really want a CCW and can afford to waste the time, money and effort in applying since you're most likely to be denied. For additional training, I have taken an NRA basic pistol class and the Riverside County CCW course offered by Defensive Tactics and Firearms. Our Mission: To provide professionalinstruction andtraining Im thinking about making a video on this sort of topic and was looking to have some direct sources from people that live in restricted counties. Below I've posted directly what Paladin had to say about it. CCW - The Map & Good Cause (what color are you?) - reddit Burglars, robbers, terrorists, drug dealers, rapists, or a specific threat)2. Since when is Sonoma dark green? Get letter from employer supporting the application and willingness to accept liability, copies of relevant certificates/licenses, provide photos of you doing job, etc N.B. or any public agency, attorney orlaw enforcement agency 504 E Alvarado St, Suite 207 Fallbrook, CA 92028 - 760.451.6694. Just be honest and give a valid reason. I don't think any of those numbers is particularly realistic at this point but I wanted to see something that gives a general sense of what the numbers should look like based on available data. He may be a higher target due to such property. I'm looking to apply for my CCW in LA County, and just wanted to ask a few questions and for general guidance. Forthese. 50 rounds each at 15, 10 and 5 yards. Some of us can get issued here. I made a video summarizing good cause and what that means in California counties based on the general color of them from the calguns map. Is that better? A task of the business or occupation of the applicant requires transportation of large sums of money or other valuables and alternative protective measures or security cannot be employed.4. Check to see what crimes have occurred near your home or business.2. I suspect the only real hurdle these days is the in-person interview, but if you dont have a criminal record or do anything dumb it should be pretty easy to receive a CCW. Camp, hike, run, walk the dogs, or go jogging in the park? Percent means per 100. California gun laws targeted by Supreme Court ruling- CalMatters This map was made by people on Calguns who have been following each county's good cause criteria for a long time. That makes sense, I carry my company laptop everywhere I go even on vacation and essentially on call 24/7 in case something comes up. This subreddit is for the civil discussion of all things regarding California gun laws, rules, regulations and ownership. 504 E Alvarado St. #207 Fallbrook, CA 92028 760.451.6694. and our darkand/orintheearlymorninghourswhenothersarestillasleep. Good cause could include, but is not limited to, verifiable documented instances of threats to the personal safety of the applicant, his or her family, or employees. The firearm also cannot be registered as a "single shot." 4-hour firearms training course. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Where are you that leaves you vulnerable? (e.g. A Precursor To Selling The NRA HQ Building? I've been told the speed of your CCW here can be quicker if you take the class with a certain instructor, "take it with X and he's got you your CCW in 2 weeks," from a few folks now. Riverside County Good Cause Worksheet___________________________________________________________________Step 1 - The Ask:Example: I am asking to be issued a CCW so I can legally carry a firearm because I am at greater risk that the general public because I ____________.___________________________________________________________________Step 2 - Details:Make the case for why you are a target.Who will attack you? Effective immediately, the sheriff no longer needs any kind of proof of good cause or a good cause statement. The below GC categories are listed from, roughly, weakest to strongest. endorsed by any law enforcement agency. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I am in sacramento county . Is there a specific time of day/night or day of the week when you have to travel with valuables? Especially ones that will help me decide on my good cause. (e.g. The nature of the business or occupation of the applicant is such that it is subject to personal risk and / or criminal attack, greater than the general population. For more information, please see our You should rent me a room so I can move there & apply damn. comes down to good cause. How long have you been involved in the shooting sports?5. Was told by the chief of police to put Self defense and absolutely nothing else because thats all that was needed. Someoftheseareascanbedarkandsecluded. Your CCW may be restricted to on-the-job only. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. CCW Authorized Firearms Instructor . Liquor Store, Mini-Mart, Bank, Cash Only Business, Check Cashing or Hard Loan Business)5. While this may work with SLO Co SO, it will not with Alameda Co SO; not sure re. They may just tell you to buy insurance. (Provide proof of residence location, photos of your acreage, of you farming/ranching, etc) N.B. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. You should investigate Do you have any certifications?3. This thread is in the wrong forum. endstream endobj 100 0 obj <. You may have to provide proof that it is a common occurrence and not like once every few months. You will have to select an instructor based on ones they have approved. Just an example only, to get you thinking in the proper I've heard that Sacramento County is handing them out like candy. Evaluation of GC isn't black and white, but often shades of gray, a judgment call. I have been told by people who work for the SO that its more about your ability to articulate your good cause than it is the actual level of good cause. The bicycles and equipment associated with racing are very expensive and are highly desirable to thieves. Floor Coatings. When a business or occupation is of a high-risk nature and requires the applicant's presence in a dangerous environment. CA CCW Map - LA County General Questions & Good Cause Statement : r/CCW - reddit Go to There is a soecific ccw section. What county is yours? It is also important to note for those in LA that the LASD has updated their CCW page which you can see here. I felt in fear for my safety and believe that I was in real danger of being attacked. Ihonestlyfeltandbelieved. Below we have a sentence by sentence way of organizing your exact situation or circumstances that apply to your life, work, hobby, or other activity that will help the sheriffs clerks understand your need to carry a concealed firearm. Placer County currently accepts a good cause statement of 'Self Defense'. Im interested in how people have articulated their good cause to assist them in getting the permit. For the first time ever, LA County has gone down to the Yellow Tier for Good Cause when issuing out CCW permits. Thenatureofmyoccupationsubjectsmetopersonalriskor, attackgreaterthanthegeneralpopulation. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The below Good Cause will likely pass in a Dark Red county. TheseareasandbecauseitsstilldarkoutsidewhenIstartwork. Purely based on my interpretation of the size of the circles in relation to the circles that had hard numbers attached to them (LA, Ventura, SF, Fresno, Orange etc). Cookie Notice Ivebeenin, constructionforover15yearsandhavetraveledthroughoutSouthernCaliforniatovariousCountiesrangingfrom, LosAngelesandSanBernardinotodifferentjobsites. residency and 24 out of 25 did not follow their own policy on GC. Remember: we should win a robust 2nd A RBA from SCOTUS by 2022 July 01. 60 Posts . LA County Residents: Sheriff Villanueva is issuing CCW Permits for Napa and Yolo Co SOs. (SF, LA and Alameda have this as their only acceptable GC, but I've heard Alameda & LA do not approve or deny not in conformity to their published policy., the 'Calguns' name and all associated variants and logos are Trademark and . Feeling that their questions were suspicious and that their back story lacked details, I made quick work of reloading my vehicle and gave them the impression that I had completed riding and was on my way out. The following are only examples of good cause statements used by other applicants in various counties here in CA. by Chris Jennewein June 25, 2022 Handguns collected by New York City Police. I'm in CoCo and Livingston aint having it unless you live out behind Danville. Forums . These areas include several trailheads in local National Forests and Bureau of Land Management lands. He was telling growers they should have firearms on hand to prevent rip offs and because his guys can't get there quickly enough most of the time. Have you had any training is the ethics or legal aspects of using lethal force?Include as much as you can, but do not exceed a couple of sentences about your experience. OvertheyearsIhaveencounteredsituationswhereIdidnotfeelcomfortable, continuingwiththepurchaseandwasabletoleavebecauseIfeltunsafewiththepeopleinvolvedand, thesurroundingsbuttherehavebeenafewtimewhereIwasunabletoturnandleavewithoutafaceto, faceconfrontationwiththeseller/sellersandhadtodefendnotonlymyselfbutthemoney,whichthey, knewIwascarrying,inordertomakemyexit. The Good Cause Law: When applying for a CCW Permit, one of the four basic requirements an applicant must meet is having good cause proving their need for the permit. (written description of your business activities, copies of relevant certificates/licenses, provide photos of you doing job, etc) N.B. It is worth noting that the colors may be off by one color however given that someone just got their CCW in a light red county (Los Angeles) it may be worth trying if you have a "yellow" GC. CCW | Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (For proof use photos of activities, value of equipment/property, sales receipts, copy of club membership card, photos of trophies won, training certificates, C&R license. So, if you have a GC that is listed under Light Green below it might pass in a Yellow county. I'm sure some of you are aware that Paladin from the CalGuns forum has color-coded the California counties showcasing how difficult it is to get a CCW. Talk about something that actually happened that relates back to your good cause. This letter is my formal request to be approved for a concealed carry permit by the sheriffs office. PDF Here are some Just Cause Statements from a couple of different sources Get letter from employer supporting the application and willingness to accept liability, copies of relevant certificates/licenses, provide photos of you doing job, value of equipment. Asanexample,Ihavetocarryasarequirementanucleardensitygaugewhichisverybrightand, labeled. My fear is that my pattern of walking my dogs at the same time and on the same route every night will make me a target for those looking to severely harm me for my belongings and cash.Example: I am in the business of selling widgets and have access to a warehouse full of expensive widgets. How will they hurt or attack you? I just wanted to make sure it didn't sound weird haha. Iwasgoingtobeattacked,harmed,orpossiblykilled. Your equipment is not only used (let's say it would fetch $600), but also it's stolen (might then drop that to $300). Effective immediately, the sheriff no longer needs any kind of proof of good cause or a good cause statement. MynameisFrankMartinezandIvebeenaresidentofRiversideCountyforover10years. Then I had to provide evidence I went to car/bike shows. Cost for the CA CCW Renewal Class is $175.00. My Good Cause okay? Often the interviewing LEO asks you for scenarios of threats/attacks that might happen in your daily life and ask how you'd respond. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. 2N0 @f & Also, below is a draft of my good cause statement, and would like some feedback if possible. How would I go about getting one in San Diego? If applying for a NEW Concealed Carry Weapon license, a 4 to 8-hour firearms training course must be completed with a recognized Firearms Instructor prior to issuance. Application for CCW, the applicant must show "good cause" exists for the issuance of a CCW permit. San Benito County Sheriff's Office Online Concealed Weapon Permit Personal protection or self-defense is sufficient to establish good cause This is simply a format to expand upon our classroom instruction and My wife and I both share a passion for antiquing, we could have anywhere from a couple hundred to thousands of dollars in cash or valuables with us. Step 2 The Who, What, Where, How, and When Details1. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I put down that I play in a band at various locations in Bakersfield (Kern), I carry thousands of dollars worth of equipment and load and unload at night. Yellow county might as well be red. %%EOF I shot competitive skeet and trap for nearly 10 years. AsayoungerCraftsman/TeacherIfeltmoreableto, defendmyselfphysicallybutastheyearshavecaughtuptomeIdonothavethephysicalabilityto, defendmyselfincertainsituationsbutstillneedtopurchasethesematerialsinordertomakemy, personalprojectsandpurchasematerialatacostthatallowsallofmystudenttoproducemanyprojects, IgrewupinMiraLomaCaliforniaduringatimewhenmostfamiliesintheneighborhoodhadand, usedgunstonotonlyputdownthelivestockforfoodorwhensickbutalsoshootthecoyotesandother, animalsastheyattackedthefamilyanimalsontheproperty. Traveling with equipment holding sensitive data is a valid reason. Ihaveshotrifles,handgunsandshotguns, myentirelife. (38), Unsure of Which County To Register In (10), TSA At LAX Does Enhanced Screening Because Pax Had CCW Permit (25), Traveling cross country to the Midwest - Carry in states that allow it? That's one of the reasons why we say the map may be off by 1 color in either direction. Alameda and contra costa is nearly impossible. I submitted my OC CCW Application today (7/22/21). Not necessarily. Police report #18-976543. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. CCW County CCW Information Placer County CCW Information Placer County CCW Information, Records, and Analysis Sheriff: Devon Bell Department: Placer County Sheriff's Office Address: 2929 Richardson Drive, Auburn, CA, 95603 Phone: (530) 889-7800 Fax: (530) 889-7899 CCW Web link: Damn. Cookie Notice Due to this, I am at a high risk of criminal attack by thieves when transporting and riding this equipment. The instructor would check your target at each distance and if you had more than 3 hits outside you'd have to start over. Note: These examples are not It was obvious to me they were not there for business reasons. I was wondering about this one too. This is simply a format to expand upon our classroom instruction and (See Calif State Auditor's report re. (13) Business owners required to work at all hours in remote locales with little or no cellphone coverage and/or long LE response times (e.g., professional farmer or rancher, wilderness photographer, surveyor, contractor). How to Apply for a CCW | San Diego County Gun Owners Due to the nature of being a competitive cyclist and engineer, I frequently transport equipment in my vehicle that is of high value as well as ride the bicycles in remote areas that makes me a target for theft. 2017 Best Handgun Training, Inc. If you want to check it out and give some criticism i would be happy to hear it. I believe that these experiences add to my understanding of firearms and self defense. Daily? Good Character- Applicants must have good character with respect to their ability to responsibly and safely carry and use a concealed weapon Good Cause- Proof that good cause exists for the issuance. 2 shots to the torso and 1 to the head with a no look mag swap until empty. I actually do hike a lot. Dark green,have medical conditions BUT went into rehab af 18 and take antidepressants so I figure I'm boned.