. Another one I remember is one of their giant sets of whatever, long story short it was too good of a deal so Tom kept telling us at home DONT WAKE UP JERRY or BOB or whoever the boss was. check it out. Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator. He was too traumatized to continue. I cannot get a concrete answer. Slartibardfast, Tom knows about this site. If not for him Cutlery Corner would be just another boring show. Whatever you want to call it, let me tell you from experience that was BAD customer service. I lost it, I mean I f*cking lost it. Hope it is not health related. I'm sure many of the folks here do not watch Cutlery Corner Network. Cutlery Corner is a one Stop Shopping Channel for amazing values on pocket knives, hunting knives, kitchen knives, swords, and many more unbelievable collectible items. (LogOut/ Get yourself a BIGGUN!! I cant understand what any of them are saying, but it must be important because they are all shouting. You guys and gals are making it too hard on Todd Boone. Tom is still selling the Self Stabbing Katana on his web site: http://www.cutlerycorner.net/productDetail.asp?id=165&pc=8 Its only $29.95, you cant stab your self with a sword cheaper than that! I wonder how everything will shake out. ODELL IS THE KING OF BIGGENS! I could actually imagine his face from our phone conversation. P.S. My wife and I have been watching for some time. what happened to tom on cutlery corner. He had his brother try and sell them at his place of work and sure enough, only those were sold. i have worked for the BSA Supply Div for 25 years. Let me see if we can find out, https://twitter.com/therealknifeguy?lang=en, #knifeguy #therealknifeguy #TomODell #CutleryCorner. Box 22636 Chattanooga, TN 37422; Packages/Returns*: Cutlery Corner Network 6861 Mountain View Rd. He will be with and around us forever.. Every time we pickup a knife or use an outdoor tool. I could even do a domain name if I could get donations. Does anyone have any idea why they replaced TKCS with Moissanite However, Frost Cutlery remains in the good hands of the Frost family and its many longtime employees. As for the rest of yall that want autographs, I will take my digital camera in for the Wednesday night show and get a photo. Tom sold more knives than most men ever seen,Tom will tell you the Block Knif. Hadnt tuned in for a while; hope hes there next time I do. Again, Ill look around. So if anyone knows of good pictures of Tom, or even his sidekick Tod, let me know. Now Todd is also on the sister station of HSNsomething like Shop America selling knives. I think he might have had some mental issues from the looks of it. This happened in my university business law class many decades ago. Mr James Frost was a huge influence in my life and with his passing I reflect on the hundreds of knives I have from his business ventures. and Sun all are 9pm-4am EST. Heres hoping we can get something going! what happened to tom on cutlery corner. Im hoping the King of Biggins will be back Saturday morning. They were the best thing about Shop At Home(not to be confused with HSN) Their style blended entertainment and salesmanship in the best way and in the process made SAH refreshingly different from the triteness of bigger rivals like QVC and HSN. He was backed up by his co-host Shaun Leflar, who was not quite the connoisseur of cutlery as Tom ODell is, but what he lacked in knowledge and experience he made up with charisma. Clays primary role is as Digital Editor, curating and creating new content for our website and blog, as well as maintaining the Knife Magazine social media accounts (FB/IG: @theknifemag, Twitter: @knifemagazine). i have a video of tom and shawn! Holy christ. My friends and I were watching last night, which we have not done in a while, and we were dismayed to discover that Tom was nowhere to be found, and had been replaced by a lame woman. Would this faulty blade be the end to his friends life? Todd seems to bring the show down much like a pay toilet in a diarrhea ward. Man, I am amazed some enterprising sort hasnt slapped up a site for the worlds greatest media personality TOM ODELL. I have a dvd where he tells a story about his first knife. Don West, I LOVE TOM ODELL HES THE BEST, LAST NITE HE WAS EATING PUMPKIN PIE AND SHOWING THE CAMERA WHILE TODD TRIED TO BE ALL SERIOUS AND SELL A DEAL. Remember if you miss Tom he can always been seen here: http://www.cutlerycorner.net/showvideo.asp. I love these guys so tell em another woodsie guy that lives in a log cabin says keep on with it all! (more goaning)..by the way we are dieing to get a copy of this show,its the one where the excalibur sword falls off the stand. A piece of thatthe tip of that just got me ODell These are the words of a champion. Customer Service Contact Info. what happened to tom on cutlery corner. Ill look around and see if there is a way to do it for free. I think their display pieces are just that, for display only. See Tom eat cake. As Im sure youre all aware, the results of Tuesday night may well change the course of our nation forever. I live in the suburbs of Detroit and we used to have the pleasure of viewing Mr. Tom ODell. Tom Selleck's Illness and Health 2022. I wouldnt know what to do without em! Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! My buddy John claims hes seen Cutlery Corner on our local PAX affiliate (or whatever theyre calling themselves these days) he has Time Warner Cable in Southern Maine. Cmon, Shop At Home. The late great jimmy frost. Mr Tom Odell has to be one of the most respected TV personalities I know. Have they ever had one on the show? We were also plannin some designs for some shirt, if anyone would be interested email me gandalf_the_gray25801@yahoo.com , and ill explain the design, and if you would be interested we will be distributing them. Maybe they stopped airing it in our area because we pranked the show to much! what happened to tom on cutlery corner. If I could find out what time and channel you come on for Direct TV which I have, I could have a lot of people watching your show. WOWIm in SHOCK at how many people were into KnifeShow. Simmons, Steel Warrior, and Tac Xtreme. Tom ODell is the host of the Cutlery Corner Network. You cant beat live TV people you just cant, even better you definately cannot beat LIVE Tom O Dell. Does Cutlery Corner broadcast on (Time Warner) cable anymore? Post that bad boy on youtube. Along with Don West (who sold baseball cards ) and Rob Chambes who sold coins. Oh, well long live Tom ODell and his great art of selling knives! motorcraft battery cross reference chart . While we know all about this vicious disease today, it was still relatively mysterious in 1990. Im serious. Ive watched the Knife Shows for about 9 yearsfirst on Shop at Home with Tom ODell, Todd Boone & Shawn Lefler (yes, Todd used to work with both of them). NO KNIFE SHOW. 2023 Frost Media / Cutlery Corner Network. For more about Frost Cutlery and their many offerings, visit. you can now watch the knife show off cutlerycorner.net, just click on videos, forget watching it on the websitei get to watch it in person since i work in the studio. For the next 2 hours I was riveted to the screen for what was some of the best, most entertaining tv I had ever seen, watching that almost hypnotic crosscut log on the turntable spinning round and round as Tom planted countless examples of the worlds finest collector 440 surgical steel into that rotating log while declaring in the full Tom delivery, Bigguns or Bust!. I tried I have made some changes and added to is. There has been no mention of him for a couple weeks or more and numerous guests have been on the show including a member of the . One my buddy Jay Guidinger would also like to give His thoughts, Bummer Ill bet Jim is the sharpest knife in heaven. Show the people there is more to Tom than this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWLYxlqc3gQ. It is unbelievable that some network executive never had enough insight to capitalize on the realization that these guys had a following that FAR surpassed peddling knives at 2am. Rest In Peace Mr. Bastards. the website for the show is http://www.cutlerycorner.com. I can be reached at this proxy e-mail address if anyone wants to make an attempt at a next step. He remarked that oil was good stuff, at which point Tom added Yeah, just like KY. Must call back between 9-5 tomorrow for customer service to get the correct days and times to WATCH THE SHOW. Your email address will not be published. One time.he had this knife and was pretending it was a penguin (making quacking noises) HI-LARIOUS!!! I spelled the Web site Wrong! I just saw Shaun selling knifes and swords again on Shop At Home, I though they stopped doing that a few years ago? what happened to tom on cutlery cornersan juan airport restaurants hours. Daily newspaper ads cost $1500 and can be run up to seven days a week. I Loved Tom O Dell and Leflar. I have never ordered anything because I assume that for this price the knives must be novelty items with very low quality and that they are to collect only. Watch Record to TV Add to Playlist Share on: Shop Packages 30 min NR (Not Rated) Series, House/Garden, Shopping, Collectibles Paid Programming SD God or Tom? I have that clip on DVD. contact me for copies. Anyway, thank you. I was the one that made those beautiful recordings and i can be heard making comments on it. I have not been watching it the last couple weeks so did not know. But for those who occasionally tune in have you noticed that show has been devoid of long time pitchman, Tom O'Dell. Other fans of The Knife Show while I didnt watch the show they had on the shopping network, I do however, make a weekly visit to my friends house to catch it on DirectTV every Saturday at 10 till 1 and laugh hardaly at the man himself Tom Odell. Seemed like Tom was always being harassed about his favorite breakfast beverage. As he started to demonstrate the durability of the blade by beating it on the counter, the blade failed him. Or maybe its my mom, or brothers, or even a teacher that showed extra interest. Ill keep in touch. Toms co-host Todd Boone is a ass though and trashes Tom constantly and its pissing me off because much like you folks i share a deep love for Tom ODell. The man is brilliant! That included the Robin Hood and five other fine quality blades that I am very satisfied with. The one that sticks out to me is the first time I heard this: Now Tom is there anything else in this set thats gonna make people pick up that phone? Is anything they sale worth buying? I actually do run some web sites, and it can be done for about $15 a month. The TV shows draws 20,000 interested viewers per airing and costs $2,000 per episode. EMMERRSSON BIGGENS!!!!! I just purchased a small set of knives to test them out, i could buy one knife for fifty bucks or i could buy 26 knives for 45 bucks. What does everyone think about Toms new female assistant? He deserved an Emmy for the shows he did with Shawn Leflar. biggens-busting Knife Show in the world? This post was written over 2 years ago, when the world was a much darker, ODell-free place. , Pingback: Isnt the Light OK? Todd Boone cracks me up when he tells you the names of the knives. Categories . Tina Long Charlotte, NC.