Because of this, after your cat receives any vaccine, it is sensible to monitor the injection site regularly and if a swelling at the site persists for several weeks and/or continues to enlarge, get it checked immediately by your vet. Young kittens in multicat households (eg, breeding households) are most likely to be affected and there may also be mild upper respiratory signs. Adverse effects from vaccines are very rare, especially in view of the millions of doses that are administered every year. After a latent period lasting months or even years, the disease often progresses to a variety of associated conditions:lymphoma, anemia, or immunosuppression resulting in secondary disease. These reactions can be life-threatening and are medical emergencies. However, these shouldneverbe used they have no scientific basis and cannot provoke the specific immune response that is needed to provide protection. Cat Personality Changes After Vaccination. Lethargic and DroolingDiseases or injuries affecting the mouth are common causes of drooling, and they can cause lethargy too. We took her to our vet. Not all vaccines must be injected. Documented reactions in these cases include behavioral aggression and separation anxiety; destruction and shredding of clothing and bedding; obsessive behavior such as barking, fearfulness, self-mutilation, tail chewing; pica (eating wood, stones, earth, and feces); seizures and epilepsy; fibrosarcomas at the injection site; and autoimmune This should go away on its own in 2-3 days as the symptoms ease. While cat vaccinations generally have no serious side effects, some people report changes in their poochs behavior after getting vaccinated. If so, your cat is showing the classic signs of lethargy. They told me she acted as if she had rabies and informed me I should have her put down. The other three core vaccines are combined into a single three-in-one vaccine called the FVRCP vaccine. The FeLV vaccine protects against feline leukemia virus, which is a fatal disease in cats. Lethargy After vaccination, it is normal for your pet to exhibit a few symptoms like fever, lameness, swelling, and 2. Since then we noticed her behavior changed. This will naturally make them more lethargic. Rare vaccine side effects In very rare circumstances, a vaccine can cause a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis). Do they seem drowsy or out of it? Are they not interested in whats going on around them? This can manifest in the form of aggression or clinginess. The side effect that has received the most attention in recent years is fibrosarcoma this is a type of malignant tumour that can develop at the site of vaccination. These protect against the following conditions: Of these vaccines, rabies is the only one that is required by law in most U.S. states. You should call the vet for advice if your cat feels ill after 48 hours of vaccination. Brown Pigment In White of Dog's Eye Can Pigmentary Keratitis Cause Blindness? Most cats want to sleep for a few hours after getting their shot. If in doubt, wait for 30-60 minutes following vaccination before taking your pet home. This virus is quite common among cats, especially cats that go outdoors and are involved in fighting (infection is mainly spread through cat bites). Lethargy After vaccination, it is normal for your pet to exhibit a few symptoms like fever, lameness, swelling, and 2. So, it was with a heavy heart I had to leave again without an answer. However, based on most recent data, the Vaccine Advisory Panel recommends that subsequent vaccines may be administered based on risk: yearly for high-risk cats, and every two years for lower-risk cats. But theycould still catch airborne germs that might come in through a window or door. The same thing can happen to people. FCV is thought to be associated with chronicgingivitis/stomatitis, a very painful inflammation of the gums and teeth. It is common for pets to experience some or all of the following mild side effects after receiving a vaccine, usually starting within hours of the vaccination. Every week we publish insightful pet articles to educate, inspire, and make your life easier. Certain medicationsLethargy can be a side effect of certain medications, including some anti-anxiety and pain-relieving medications commonly given to cats. However, a trip to the clinic is often a traumatizing experience for most cats. Less common side effects include: Twitching Itchy skin Vomiting Diarrhoea Limping. The virus also kills off white blood cells, leaving the young cats even more susceptible to secondary infections. They can also strengthen theirimmune system. Better yet, schedule routine visits to the clinic so that you can bring your cats together. And when you consider the pain of an injection, you will better understand why your cat may not interact with people and other cats like he usually does. Bordetella bronchisepticais another bacterial infection that can be a part of the upper respiratory infection complex (cat flu) in cats. Attend topical CE meetings on subjects including animal welfare, wellbeing, economics, and public policy. I'm experienced in all cat health-related matters, behavioral issues, grooming techniques, and general pet care. A cat that does not eat for more than 24 hours is a matter of concern. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. In addition, vaccines can cause allergic reactions. The American Association of Feline Practitioners also considers the FVCRP to be a core vaccine. Some owners report that their cats never remained the same after vaccination. Then they must be boostered a year later.. WebBordetella: Cats who go to the groomer or stay at a kennel may get vaccinated for this infection that spreads quickly in spaces where there are lots of animals. They should be left alone to rest and you should see improvement in their condition in a few hours. There is always risk involved in vaccinating a cat. If your cat is still unwell 48 hours after its vaccination, then you should call your vet for advice. ParasitesParasites can pass on diseases and directly harm the body, leading to lethargy in cats. While most cats behave normally after vaccination, it is common Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)Glucose (a type of sugar) is needed to fuel cells in a cats body, especially in the brain. WebLow energy (lethargy) Eating less Sleeping more Fever (high temperature) Mild swelling around the vaccine site that disappears in two - six weeks. Get the latest updates on your choice of veterinary topics delivered straight to your inbox. Cat Behavior After Vaccination A Complete Guide. Flat Feet In Dogs UPDATED 2022 A Complete Guide. The most common side effects are mild and include lethargy, inappetence or tenderness at the injection site, usually lasting no longer than a few days. Rabies is endemic worldwide, and the vaccine is recommended for all pet cats. A cat can have an allergic reaction to a vaccination. Another sign of FISS includes the lump exceeding 2cm in diameter, especially if it keeps growing. There are so many possibilities of what it could be. This was due to the flexibility of the skin in this area. The FeLV vaccine works to protect your cat againstfeline leukemia virus. What Are the Most Common Side Effects of Cat Vaccinations? However, these adverse effects should subside after 24 to 48 hours. Cats of any age can get FeLV, but its typically considered a core vaccine for cats under 1 year old. This happens because the immune response generated by a vaccine can make cats feel tired, achy, and generally unwell. Cats withBordetella bronchispeticacan be treated effectively with appropriate antibiotics, and vaccination is not required in most cats. WebYou may notice your cat has a temporary loss of appetite or is less lively a day or two after a vaccination, but this should resolve within 24-48 hours. Some data suggest that adult animals may maintain immunity for 5-7 years after their initial vaccinations as young animals, suggesting that the annual revaccination veterinarians had recommended for years is not necessary. Like any other medical treatment, vaccinations have their risks and adverse effects. We use cookies to improve our website to make sure you have a better browsing experience. Shots protect your cat from diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. An article that might be helpful to you is Dealing with Cats that Wont Eat. All vaccines have the potential to cause side effects in cats. Seefeline herpes virusandfeline calicivirus. This is because the vaccine causes a chemical reaction in a cats brain. While the rabies vaccine is not listed as a core vaccine by the AAFP guidelines, it is required by law in most regions. Always inform your veterinarian if your pet has had prior reactions to any vaccine or medication. This allows them to identify one another. A vaccine is usually given by an injection under the skin, although sometimes may be given as drops into the eyes or nose. The most commonly reported problem in cats is sleeping. Cat Behavior After Vaccination A Complete Guide. So there you have it everything you need to know about cat vaccinations to keep your pet safe from super preventable diseases. But for cats who are older than 1 year and are at low risk of exposure, the FeLV vaccine is considered a non-core vaccine. This usually takes a day. Cats dont actually have nine lives, so you need to do what you can to protect them. Do Cats Understand Human Smiles And Facial Expressions? The shots come in a series every 3 to 4 weeks. Less common side effects include: Twitching Itchy skin Vomiting Diarrhoea Limping. The FVCRP vaccine is most likely to cause limping because lameness is a symptom of feline calicivirus. Limping This reaction mainly affects young kittens, usually at their first vaccination. Technically, lethargy in cats is never normal, but it is sometimes expected. A small, firm swelling under the skin may develop at the site of a recent vaccination. When to give vaccines. Vaccines are necessary for most cats, especially those that spend most of their time outdoors. Also, other vaccinations are highly recommended to protect your cat against infectious diseases. Lethargy After vaccination, it is normal for your pet to exhibit a few symptoms like fever, lameness, swelling, and 2. Cat booster shots Is she weak? WebLow energy (lethargy) Eating less Sleeping more Fever (high temperature) Mild swelling around the vaccine site that disappears in two - six weeks. Vaccines are medication and like other medical treatments, have their own potential adverse effects. Such reactions can occur almost every time the cat gets a shot. Basic lab work will often be needed as well. In the early stages the affected cat may suffer from lethargy and pain in the affected area. It might be tempting to sit beside your pet to give him comfort. Vaccination against this virus is highly effective and has a critical role in protecting cats against infection, especially as the virus is highly contagious. For example, cats that have just been vaccinated are often lethargic. Many cats are fortunate to go into a regressive state and appear perfectly healthy throughout their lives, but some do not fare as well. After your cat gets his first shot, hell need a few more doses usually two to four weeks apart until hes 16 to 20 weeks old. If your cat seems to have undergone a complete personality transformation, seek further guidance from a vet. Feline herpesvirus, also known asfeline rhinotracheitis virus, causes severe signs of upper respiratory infection. The vaccine wont prevent the disease, but it will keep your kitty from getting very sick from it. While most cats behave normally after vaccination, it is common Although todays veterinarians are working hard to make a pets experience at a clinic less stressful, a visit to the clinic can still be scary for your cat, with all the unfamiliar faces, objects, and scents that he will encounter inside. WebMany pet owners and some animal scientists believe that we are over vaccinating our pets. WebYou may notice your cat has a temporary loss of appetite or is less lively a day or two after a vaccination, but this should resolve within 24-48 hours. The core vaccines are considered essential for all cats (including indoor-only cats) because of the widespread and/or severe nature of the diseases being protected against. Its advisable to get your cat inoculated if your cat roams outside. I just dont think putting her down without knowing exactly what she has is a reasonable option, but it seems to be the in thing to do these days. Your veterinarian can assess your cats risk of FeLV infection and decide on an appropriate vaccination schedule. The non-core costs range from $15 to $20 for the year. Some cats may also have trouble walking and experience stomach upsets. Many illnesses will also make a cat lethargic, so its quite likely that a sick or recently vaccinated cat will be lethargic. Dehydration and electrolyte abnormalitiesWater and appropriate electrolyte levels are essential for a cats body to produce energy and function normally. Then the next day I called him back because A loss of appetite is a common side effect of vaccinations. And preventive care recommendations for our cats are no exception. Can you give me any feedback on your impressions and how I need to proceed with continued love and care for my little one? However, these adverse effects should subside after 24 to 48 hours. It is now well recognised that this is a very rare occurrence (probably less than 1 in 20,000 vaccines administered) and it seems that both vaccines and other injectable products can carry a small risk of inducing this in cats. Booster shots are additional shots that will maintain your cats safety against those deadly diseases as the initial protection from his earlier vaccines gets weaker. These are perfectly normal although it can be disconcerting to see your happy cat lack his usual vigor. The Cat Gallery has partnered with International Cat Care to host the charitys online shop and manage the distribution of shop bought goods to customers. These effects should subside in a few hours or days. Less common side effects include: Twitching Itchy skin Vomiting Diarrhoea Limping. Recommendations for treatment or additional diagnostic testing will be based on the specifics of your cats case and the results of their initial workup. She stayed there and then was released. Cats that have this vaccination often experience stiffened joints. Find whether it does not have an appetite or it is not willing to walk to its bowl. Vaccines are medication and like other medical treatments, have their own potential adverse effects. Some of the more virulent strains cause hair loss and crusting on other parts of the body, as well as hepatitis and even death. It is common for cats to experience mild reactions like lethargy, slight fever, localized swelling and reduced appetite in a few hours after getting the shot. Stay current on important veterinary news, AVMA activities, and member services. As the cat receives its shot, its body starts adapting to the vaccine, causing some changes in the body and function. Provide for his needs and keep some distance. **Click here to see the full list of Ask Dr. Debra Questions and Answers! Cats that struggle with this side effect bounce back as quickly as they experienced the issue. In comparison, healthy kittens are never lethargic. On the other, theyll be more affected by any of the side effects. The lungs and other internal organs will soon be affected. Generally, cats that go outside and may come across other cats of unknown status may be at risk of being exposed to FeLV, and vaccinating such cats may be very valuable (although the risks will vary between different regions). The effectiveness of these vaccines should be evaluated carefully, and none of these should be regarded as core (or essential) vaccines. He told me to bring her in and he would get to her when he could. FVCRP, FIP, and Bordetella can be inhaled nasally but may not be as effective as injections. Assess whether your cat isnt eating or is just reluctant to walk to its bowl. As the cat receives its shot, its body starts adapting to the vaccine, causing some changes in the body and function. However, these adverse effects should subside after 24 to 48 hours. Traumatic injuriesSignificant trauma leads to pain, and healing requires extra energy. In the early stages the affected cat may suffer from lethargy and pain in the affected area. When a cat is bitten by another cat, an infection is likely to develop. I had then decided to take her to our local emergency vet clinic. The bacterium can also be an occasional cause of pneumonia in young kittens. Is your cat lying around more than normal? Hi thanks for your email. Even if you reside in a state that doesnt mandate rabies shots by law, it remains advisable. It is now common also to recommend a third vaccination (especially for FPV) at 16-20 weeks of age to ensure the kitten is properly protected.