So how could you be scared? I could never love you more. but it would cause her too much pain. Desire for glory. What does she say? It would be an outrageous thought. Henriette wasnt asking the king to hire a hit on Philippe. Is he justified in his behaviour towards her? Toodles. Not long to go now, and we are with Marchal, who lies in bed, wakes suddenly and touches his stomach wound, which bleeds through the bandage. In walks Philippe, now fully dressed (and what a fine figure he is!) Versailles recap: la finale - tout le monde has gone ape-merde! He deserves a truly powerful, unpredictable, fun, intoxicating woman who pulls the rug from under him, and he enjoys it. A yellow Spanish topaz, buried in the mud. This is such a clever production team impeccable writing, brilliant cast, sumptuous sets and costumes. I can see where the series cliffhanger is heading, besides the obvious unmasking of Rohan as a traitor. A hundred years ago. The camera then cuts to Rohan, drinking and brooding in his room, absently stabbing the table with a knife as he glares at a portrait of Louis-as-a-boy (which is a gorgeous portrait and includes Philippe, apparently in a private collection and attributed to artist Charles Beaubrun. Henrietta was born on 16 June 1644, on the eve of the Second Battle of Newbury during the Civil War, at Bedford House in Exeter, a seat of William Russell, 5th Earl of Bedford, who had recently returned to the Royalist side. I like the show, the actors and the plot. Season 1 | Season 2 Getting Started | Contributor Zone Contribute to This Page Add episode I will try, but I trust you wont publish it if you find it too long. Louis. Back with the sick princess and Claudine is fiddling with potions while Henriette writhes and vomits blood. So Louis settles into sleep. I have known your website for some time now but hadnt had much time to write a post until now. Her cheeriness disguised the fact that she was unwell. Montcourt looks nervous, says he doesnt know what he means. Previously, we see Masson offer the same bottle offered to Louis when the king is sick (and Masson reels off a list of ingredients), and the bottle being secretively replaced, so Masson definitely did not know it was poisoned. Its just that his anger and upset (and yes, jealousy I think) affects him so much, because its just another way for his brother to control and belittle him, make him less. Im merely suggesting you might save some time. Marchal persists, pointing out that Louvois always disagrees frequently and loudly with the Kings decisions. The Henriette thing is just one more on the heaping pile of shit. It was very clear from episode 1 that you were not a fan of Henriette and I found that quick jarring to read in your reviews. Colbert tries to push his point when Louis enters. You dont get to my age and experience with your naivete still intact. She is used by the king to hurt his brother. Jules! And there is also Dangerous Liaisons, but that is set in the 18th century. Thank you for the recaps, I am with you on all things you write about Monsieur Marchal, he is everything! God knows the wolves might have taken us but what did we know? Point 8: Again, refer to comments on Henriettes lack of power as a woman and as a subject of the king to say no to said king. The one with Henriette's return, the rules of etiquette and the Marchal picks up the dropped knife and lunges and he and Montcourt trade a few blows, with Marchal blocking then delivering a punch. Montcourt is confused. The state is a person. Versailles - Louis/Philippe/Henriette - Her Last Ball - YouTube Historically, poison was definitely suspected in Henriettes death and briefly, heres how it went down: It was 1670 and Henriette was pissed off she couldnt be with Louis at Versailles, and of course Monsieur knew this, so he ordered her to accompany him to Saint Cloud. Henriette gasps, crying and in pain. Is she a villain for this because of the thinking of the day? when Philippe asks if he were to die, her troubles would be solved. (For the record, I am speaking strictly of the characters in this drama, not the historical characters). Much kudos to Nomie Schmidt for a brilliantly sad scene, aided by the backing music and the strength and emotion of George Blagden and Alex Vlahos. A side-note: On Sophie. Required fields are marked *. Neither of them showed much interest or affection for the other, both clearly preferring their lovers. Is it fair? SYNC. Rohan is the Masked Man! The one she loves the most. We will never know if Louis and Henriette ever did consummate their attraction, but the gossip of the time most definitely swayed in that direction. He gives as good as he gets and so much worse. Now, if she had been his second cousin, and never saw each other until she married his brother, then I can maybe see them having an affair. Claudine tries to give her something for the pain but she wont swallow, her throat is closing up. Philippe had a relationship with the man he loved while Henriette continued to sleep with the man she loved. They take her hands. Im genuinely curious to know why you consider Philippe the victim and Henriette the traitor in that relationship. The fact that she doesnt particularly want to anyway (to say no, that is) is because she is deeply in love with Louis and always has been and because her husband makes zero effort to endear himself to her. Henriette answered Montagu with a shrug: she did not know. This is who they truly are in this one moment of grief. When Marchal goes down and Montcourt takes the knife, Louis lunges, some more fighting with Marchal again entering the fray.. and then OMG Marchal is stabbed!!! Philippe adds: .or two, perhaps. And he strides off. forgot to add the bit about similar shows. Marchal: The King once told me, he warned me quite clearly that his enemies would seek to destroy those closest to him. He rapes his wife. Should Claudine be villified for showing up her father? Louis staggers to his feet, Montcourt bleeding out on the floor, and he goes to Marchal, who has collapsed near the fireplace. First to Henriette, and after she was poisoned, to Elizabeth Charlotte, Princess of the Palatinate. We are back at the sickbed, where Henriette sleeps and Montespan silently weeps at the bed. And then Marchal throws Montcourts words back at him: and when we are the Kings enemy, we must make him believe we are his friend, right? Yessss. The two are not mutally exclusive. Next time we see the painting in Ep 6 it has been moved to Henriettes room on her dressing table. And in 1671 during Louis three day visit to the Prince de Conds Chteau de Chantilly, the Master of Festivities and Pleasures Franois Vatel killed himself over the late delivery of fish, and Louis was quickly hustled away (as shown in the wonderful 2000 Gerard Depardieu movie, Vatel)), So we see Claudine striding to the bedchamber but her way is barred. Oh, Louis most definitely would choose France over his brother. And we came here for a visit. we then learn Henriette is Philippes wife. And the person either asserts himself or is subjugated to the will of others. Would you villify a slave because he hated his master or ran away simply because slavery was accepted at that time and slaves (much like women, little difference there) were considered nothing more than the property of their masters to do with as they please (again, just as a woman was to her husband)? At least there is a modicum of decorum. She could not affect change herself. , Question, did real Louis also love Henriette, or was it unrequited? We were taking the air with our governess when we made a break for freedom. We see about ten hooded figures, along with the Unmasked Man whom Rohan freed from jail. Philippe was there in the woods and saved Louis from the wolves, but at the end of season one hes left Versailles. It is Louis who victimises Philippe and he does it in every way he can think of. [4] Finally, did the male medicin drink the vial of poison accidentally or on purpose? Louis and her smile about it. But, this is my interpretation or thoughts based on the real life events. No. My loyalty still lays with Philippe as her husband, he has a right to lay claim to his wife. Saint-Simon asserted that Louis was so thankful that his brother was innocent of the crime that he decided not to prosecute the perpetrators. Why is his passion for the man he loves to be forgiven and Henriettes passion for the man she loves to be used against her? I look forward to reading your reviews on the next series, when it comes out. He remembers too. But Louis, he just wanted her close, and so married her to his brother. Nice one, Montcourt. This is clearly frustrating for Bontemps, this is against all protocol, and Bontemps is nothing if a creature who takes comfort (and even enjoys) the routine of protocol. In reality it only took a very short time for the plan to take full effect. Im actually in the States where episode seven will be airing tomorrow night, but I read ahead because I know history so nothing coming was really a spoiler (just a condensed timeline). And if you reread my words very carefully, you might realise that I never once touched on the legality of it. Which one? Louis asks. Point 7: Chevalier moves in on Henriette the moment her husbands back is turned. the court was rife with extra-marital affairs involving married women as well as men, but still) but that does not mean Henriette could turn her feelings for Louis off at the touch of a wedding ring from a man she didnt choose or want. The finale. poison, death and departures - Versailles episode 10 She coudnt have said no if shed wanted to. It is fascinating to compare Philippes two moments of deep anguish side by side: when the Chevalier was arrested, we saw his total and complete breakdown, the slow crumple of his expression from shock, to horror, to abject grief, then as he collapsed to his knees and rocked while he wept. She gasps and the priest enters silently. The rape thing was upsetting. We awarded it to you for bravery. But enough with this. They talk about whats happening Marchal is questioning people, and Sophie was taken in that morning. Both felt neglected by the other. Colbert: You believe her highness is poisoned? Marchal replies cryptically: I believe. I also read your discussion between yourself and Teresa about episode 10. In one of the episodes did we see Clermont messing with the doctors box of bottles.. Louis looks stunned too. Your question misses the question, Montcourt replies cryptically. Thank you! First off, let me preface my response with the qualifier that I know very little about the historical figures on which these characters are based. I will come, says Philippe. Cultural factors, too, played a part. Such a beautiful moment, with Philippe building on their complex relationship, reminding Louis of a more simplistic time. Women are still being raped today in societies which condone such behaviour towards women and which deny women their personhood. Seems likely in the show (historically, this is not so the case at all). A rant about the UK press and their Versailles reviews. Aaaaaand now. Youre brought up, its your duty. Its stoic. It ended up working even better than planned and within a very short amount of time, Louis fell for Louise de la Valliere who was originally meant to be a decoy but became his first official royal mistress. Philippe raping his wife. Oh, Lord receive me she softly says, opens her eyes can you hear that? "Versailles" Bring the Garden Here (TV Episode 2015) - IMDb Apparently de Clermont gave Marchal the names of the conspirators against the king, and all the names of those who shared her allegiance. Menu. She doesnt want to speak of him. Seizing upon Henriettes dying reproach of Philippe, he asserted that she had been the victim of a plot orchestrated by Lorraine, who held Henriette responsible for his exile and sought revenge. I just rot an extremely long omment Montespan banters but Louis doesnt bite. Philippe of course blames Louis for Henriette's poisoning as he was the one who sent Henriette as an ambassador abroad even though everyone begged him not to. Sorry to jar you There are just some things I couldnt overlook, and I admit I was looking at Henriettes character so closely, to see if the screenwriters would sweeten her up from her historical figure. Louis approaches and she wakes. You couldnt guarantee any would survive. Louis strolls over to the fireplace and picks up a poker, calmly summarising whats happened on his roads, his people dying, attempts on his own life, and now his beloved Henriette. Versailles 2015 TV series, shows/cartoon,anime,magma/Documentaries *Disclaimer* I do not own any of the audio or footage included in this. Philippe and Henriette are quite possibly the two people Louis loves most, and yet he uses and hurts them both repeatedly to get what he wants and because he is paranoid about his brother. Anything Henriette had done to Philippe, he had done to herand worse. It is one or the other. Philippe replies calmly: You acted out of pride. Versailles Altadefinizione Stagione 3 Episodio 10 Streaming Ita The episode starts in Madame de Montespans bed, with Louis awake and staring at the ceiling. I thought so but no. She also miscarries a baby that was either her husband Philippe's or the King's, no one is sure. There is your music.. It happened so fast, but did Fabien Marshal shoot Charlotte Parthanay, and if so, why? Gladly. Louis is disbelieving: And sacrifice your future to see me suffer? Philippe glances around the salon then says: What does a King know of sacrifice?, Louis cant believe it. Both of them were in love with other people when they were forced to marry and they both were aware of that. Dieu. And c) to show the resentment Philippe has for his wife, a woman whom he has to share with his brother, and he cannot do a damn thing about it. After their conversation about stealing Philippes glory and the fact that Louis never liked sharing. Bontemps: For you, Sire. Shine on Bontemps, you unsubtle diamond, you. Thank you all! As for Philippe, I cant make out what he is. She seems like she has genuinely been brought in as a main character simply to drive the wedge deeper between Louis and Philippe, but not contribute anything herself to most of her scenes! (Historical note: mistresses were in competition with each other all the time, poison was effective and the murderer didnt have to deal with the messiness. So Louis sequesters the palace. Le Roi Danse, which is all about the rise and fall of Lully, Louis XIVs court composer (French, but hard to find with English subtitles). Is Philippe a victim? Looking forward to Season 2!! Marchal, his shirt now stained with his wound, stumbles into the antechamber, to Bontemps and says: Listen to me. I blame it all on Louis! Suffering from digestive problems, she lived on a diet consisting primarily of milk. In one of the episodes did we see Clermont messing with the doctors box of bottles. I certainly cant say for certain what the writers intent was with that scene, but in this writers opinion it is multilayered a) to show Philippes slow growing resentment towards his brother: he says I want a boy, just like my brother. I neglected to include the phrase in my opinion. Cue some fabulous visuals of doors closing, pikes crossing, the golden gates slamming shut and locking. The cost is justified a hundred fold! ..And Philippes face that little sigh, the look he is incredulous. Lot of time on my hands at the momentLULZ. Philippe loves and is loyal to his brother and only wants Louis to allow him to support him. Henriette says a glorious death in battle would not displease him. Henrietta of England - Wikipedia Your loyalty can lie with Philippe while still acknowledging that Henriette is also a victim and not the villain (the real villain here is Louis). ? Brilliant. . To bring them over to us. And silently walks to the window. Good idea, he says breathlessly. but afte I cliked submit my comment didnt appear. Moreover, we cant fault her anymore for continuing her relationship with Louis (as if she would have had the power to end it anyway) than we can Philippe for continuing his with the Chevalier. Only honestly acknowledging that Philippes glorious death in battlesomething that would not displease Philippe, himselfwouldnt necessarily break her heart. The sad irony here is, I do think Louis cares very much for Philippe but he cannot let his armour of paranoia down enough to recognise Philippes loyalty and the fact that he can trust his brother. They have some banter, and Rohan invites the boy to play a game A game of war? The Dauphin says excitedly. Is Philippe such a child and so lacking in self-restraint that he cant wait a few extra moments until they, too, were behind closed doors? (Historical note: it was forbidden for the King to be in the presence of death. Once again, Louis behaviour, as reported here, is uncharacteristic. Her breath falters: Im scared. And the look on Louis and Philippes faces as they both lean in to comfort her *sobs* Philippe says gently: There is nothing to fear. Henriette: How do you know? Philippe: do you remember before you were born? At some stage, Musket Mike (the masked man) is outed as a Kings guard. Are there more shows you will review? What? Do you honestly think that just because certain abusesatrocities, evenwere acceptable, that those on the receiving end didnt feel anger, pain, violation, etc. Yep. The first one we ever played in, says Philippe. I am sobbing. Never forget. They look at each other for a moment, until Philippe looks away and mutters, Not that youd remember. Louis thinks, then slowly reaches into his jacket pocket, steps forward and takes Philippes hand then places that stone in the palm. Poisoned? Also thanks for your detailed and in depth reviews. Ive addressed each of your points, but it has run very long and I dont know if it will post in the comments section or not. Noemie Schmidt: Yes, totally stuck. We cut to the forest, to the two Kings Guards in their blue livery, leaning by a tree as Rohan and little Louis still mock fight. Back with Marchal, interrogating Louvois this time. I think that if he really loved Henriette that much, he wouldnt have gotten over her so quickly and easily, once they dangled a pretty, young blonde newcomer court lady to distract him. He cripples himself with his own paranoia. Did not see this one coming! Not so much. And dragging Effiat into it too, for a) being a mignon loyal to the Chevalier, and b) his familys involvement in the Fronde, during Louis XIIIs reign. This scene is barely seconds long, but oh, so telling as to her character. As her husband, Philippe, rushed to her bedside, Henriette chided him, Alas, Monsieur, it is a long time since you loved me, but this is unjust. Alerted, Henriettes lady-in-waiting watched the duke closely, but he showed no indication of guilt and every sign that he was distressed by his wifes condition. then goes into the bedchamber. Yes, of course its common knowledge that Louis is shagging Henriette. I have some questions. Is anyone else hoping Fabien takes her under his wing? Hi Janet! Horrible man. Thanks for the correction I listened to that audio over and over but couldnt quite get the last word! Ive found some interesting, unedited sources about him and I hope to write very soon a book to make some justice to this very, very mistreated character. Philippes distress is written all over his face, while Louis just looks angry, eyes flinty, mouth flat, jaw clenched. Of course, nothing happened and the doctors said colic but nine hours later, she was dead. I pity Henrietta. You can read more about Henriettas death here. Louvois has been a kind of double agent all along, directed by Louis himself to assume the role of critic and conspirator. Louis and Bontemps share a look between them a kind of wtf do we do now? No wonder Philippe feels the need to claim what is his. Then he calls for the Guards. And even after watching both seasons 1 and 2 of Versailles, I wouldnt say that he loved her a lot but on the show it was to a certain degree. Even if Louis were to let her go, she would then be relinquishing the love of her life to sit lonely and chaste in her apartments waiting for her husband, a man who feels no attraction or interest for her at all. Only 4 of his children grew up, and even then, another died at 27. That she could feel no affection for the man she was forced to marry, a man who could never feel anything for her and who also raped her, is not at all surprising (even while considering that marital rape was acceptable at that time). See above comments about Henriettes powerlessness as a woman. thank you.. She cant honestly say that the death of the man to whom she is shackled in a loveless marriage, who feels no attraction for her and never can but can easily enough rape her, who stands between her and the man she truly loveswouldnt be entirely unwelcome. Guilt often manifests itself in an outward show of rage. Louis asks Henriette to spy on her husband and she does not refuse. The writers of the show took quite creative liberty with the relationships some turned out to be clever and well-written, some I just eye rolled SO HARD. However, the bible does say something about a man being expected to marry his brothers widow. Ive mentioned before that his intimate interactions with women in the show are used as a form of punishment towards those who have hurt him Louis (with Louise and Henriette) and the Chevalier (with the maid). did the male medicin drink the vial of poison accidentally or on purpose? The best visual of the whole episode. Henriette wanted to go!). To my observation, we do not know who messed with the bottles I was assuming it was Mike or Rohan, because the hand is gloved and we do not see the face. It was all out there. Today, speculation has attributed Henriettes death to intestinal blockage, ectopic pregnancy or tuberculosis affecting the peritoneum. What a great mix of observation and humor. Duchess Henriette becomes suddenly ill when she returns from a visit to her brother in England. And were never coming back. The Chevalier makes the sign of the Cross (like the good Catholic he is), sweeps a look across the room to Cassel? Really enjoyed reading your reviews, which I found halfway the show. Director Daniel Roby Writers Simon Mirren David Wolstencroft Stars George Blagden Alexander Vlahos Tygh Runyan See production, box office & company info I very much enjoyed reading them and especially liked your additional facts about the historical events and figures. Snake! Then, as they both walk through the salon (Vaux de Vicomte again) and to the doors, the guards bar their way and Louis enters. Still, Louis suspicions had been aroused and he ordered an autopsy, which was performed by French doctors and witnessed by others sent from England. Says you made me marry him. Henriette 12 episodes, 2015-2017 Anatole Taubman . So he tells Louis he will now deliver the man responsible for their deaths. THIS. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. But Sophie declares she has no life: what her mother told her was a lie. Anyway, back to the story. At least thats always been his excuse. (aaaand check out the looks on Louis and Bontemps faces as I randomly paused right here. Louis smacks it away with the poker, Marchal steps in, Montcourt grabs a candlestick. I do. He sees Louis. That Henriette was such an effective way of hurting Philippe is down to Philippes viewing her as his property, not because he felt any true affection for her (at least, not until closer towards the end, when I do believe he really does care). Bontemps moves her along. Basically he can do what he wants, but she is not allowed to. yet so satisfying to watch because.. yeah. I am a friend. She is a toy left to gather dust on the shelf and which Louis has taken from him just to prove that he can. A letter from the King of Sweden has arrived, telling Louis he has agreed to break his alliance with the Dutch and support the French. Back outside, to a view of Versailles under construction (I love these pre-glory shots!) And Marchal sees this too, his eyes flicking down to focus on them, then showing us aflashback of the dying girl, Charlotte de Parthanay, whom he held in his arms in Episode Three, where she says she saw angels. Philippe looks up to Louis with wet puppy eyes, Louis looks at Philippe, his all flinty and hard. BRILLIANT acting. Ive said this before in comments. You, me, Henriette. Im no Henriette fan, but Im so sorry, no, Philippe did not win the victim sweepstakes in that marriage. Then he looks to Rohans hand tapping on the stone, decorated with a ring and the penny drops. P.S. Season Two Mike and the last of Rohans men are massacred in a last stand by the musketeers, led by Fabien Marchal.
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